Done 2012

    Almost Perfect Love Story.
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»July 16, 2012  5:33

"no, please, don't. Do you want me to die." i swear if i wasn't so shy - wait no. i still wouldn't do it.
"There not bad people" he's been trying to convince me to meet his 'group' but i don't think i want to meet new people. its not like i hate them - wait no i kinda do hate people. But thats the point, the point is that i'm surprising shy. Its really bad to, i'm like socially awkward. I find it really funny, i can't even have eye contact. 

After having him give up on meeting his friends, he started staring at me. "what" i moved back a bit. "you don't have green eyes, right?" he finally backed away a bit, i think he noticed he was to close. "no there contacts, mine are actually brown. i can't use my contacts the broke" i laughed a bit remembering he had only seen me wearing my contacts which were green. "i like this, your natural eyes. There light brown, it looks nice."

"oh thank you." i was the worst when it came to compliments, i was just akward. I don't even know why he's still talking to me or why he asked me out.

»August 16, 2012 1:22

Well a month passed and nothing really happened. I was spending my last days korea in the park. The only reason i went is beacuse i didn't  want to spend my time alone in the house. 

"i won't be able to see you on Monday, i'm going out of town. I really wanted to see you before you leave. I guess this is our last time seeing each other, right?"  he was right i was eaving on moday, i was going to a differnt part of korea which happend to be seoul. My other cousin's lived there ans we were plain

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