friends right? 2012

    Almost Perfect Love Story.
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» July 3, 2012


"what!" i blurted it out in english. "oh i mean um what?" i see his confused it and translate it in korean.
"will you be my girlfriend?" he repeated laughing a bit. so i wasn't dreaming, he really did ask me. well i give him props on being fast, not many people ask this fast, right? oh gosh in these moments i really to wish i haven't been single all my life. 
"um well i don't know. i feel like you should find someone better" that was the best way to reject someone i guess. i couldn't think of any other way.
"i heard a i don't know. so thats not a full answer." he looked up at me. "so i won't give up." his lips soon turned into a smile. 
What have i done, no one has ever told me those words for that reasons.

»July 11,2012
I woke up to amy not next to me, that means she was probably at our uncle's house eating, our whole first floor was under construction. Its been like that for a while, i think when i'm 80 its still going to be like that. i took a quick shower and went down to eat breakfast. I sat down at the kitchen table and served myself cereal. 
"is it true taehyung asked you out" my cousin chihoon asked. i nearly chocked on my cereal and looked up at him giving him a nod. "woah, he sure is quick. Did you tell him were cousins?" he asked as he chucked a bit. "no why would i." he shrugged his shoulders. 

Yet again here i am at the park at night, i pretty much only go at night. I rarely come at the morning its to

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