

I nervously followed him into a secluded coffee shop, that I was sure I would have never noticed if I walked by. It was tucked far back in a small street, its exterior nothing special, but when you walked in it was a whole other story.

Inside it was probably the cutest and most modern coffee shop I had ever seen. It was all in warm tones, and gentle music was playing in the background. Although not many people were in, from what I saw, most of them were celebs.

Oh. So this was like an idol coffee shop?

Maybe I could have dressed a bit less casual, but it was too late to go back now, I thought, nervously fiddling with the hem of my hoodie.

My train of thought was interrupted when Ji led me upstairs to an even more secluded part of the coffee shop.

We sat down, and at first I had this horrible thought that it would be awkward, but before that thought even sank in, Ji smiled at me, making my insides go to mush. God, it was like I was watching Ryu, but I guess I was…

“Okay, let me explain before I freak you out. I just kind of…felt this connection, and I know that sounds like a cliché, and I always thought stuff like that were stupid, but I guess what I was trying to say was…you seemed like a person who would be good to talk to? Plus, you seemed kind of sad when I saw you just now, and thought you wouldn’t mind a bit of company.” He finished, a small smile playing on his lips. I took a deep breath in, thinking about what he said. When he said “stuff like that was stupid”, would he think that soulmates were stupid too? But at the same least he did feel the connection and I could definitely work with that.

“It’s okay…I’m glad I seem like a person who would be good to talk to.” Only I phrased the sentence more like a question, unsure about what I was supposed to do. I didn’t want to mess this up.

Ji warmly smiled at me, and after ordering, turned back to me. With a chuckle he said:

“Y’know, I still haven’t recovered from “I am the best”. I think my dignity jumped out of the window that night.” I giggled, remembering how awesome it was.

“Aww, come on, it wasn’t that bad. You survived, didn’t you?” Somehow, the conversation eased into something natural, easy, and I didn’t have to think about messing up that much.

“Barely” His face suddenly went completely pale.

“Is everything okay?” I asked, a bit worried.

“Forgive me if I’ll sound like a complete jerk, but if you told me your name…I forgot it.” He blushed, and looked down and I had to giggle again.

“It’s okay, I’m Amy.” I said, flashing him a warm smile. I felt so at home with him.

“I guess you already know my name, huh?” He said, grinning like a naughty child.

I couldn’t help but smile, and from there on, our conversation flowed like a beautiful river. It felt like I was talking to somebody who had known me my whole life, and it was oddly comforting.

I think I hadn’t laughed so much since my best friend died.

 After a few hours had passed my stomach grumbled, and I blushed in embarrassment. I felt betrayed by my own stomach who, it seemed, totally wanted to ruin the moment.

“Wanna eat something?” Ji asked chuckling.

“What gave me away?” I said, biting my lip to stop myself from laughing.

“Oh nothing, I just have this sixth sense to know when girls are hungry.” I giggled to his remark and let him lead me out of the coffee shop.

We ended up in another “secret” restaurant, where I tried (honest to God) the best steak in my life.

“It feels really odd that you ask me all this questions and I already know all about you, I-I mean, not everything, just…oh God that sounded so stalker-ish didn’t it?” I got flustered and looked down, but when I heard him laugh I looked up again.

“It’s okay Amy…what do you want to know?” He said, stretching, giving me a glimpse of his toned stomach and arms.

“Uhm…Oh God, now I can’t think of anything even mildly appropriate.”  I said, wanting to facepalm myself.

“Just say the first thing that comes to your mind.” He instructed me, and I followed what he said.


“Why, you offering?” A devilish smile was playing on his lips, and I huffed.


“Okay, okay, no, I got out of a long relationship around 2 months ago.”

“What happened?” I asked, praying that this wouldn’t be one of those “curiosity killed the cat” moments.

“We grew apart. Our schedules never matched, and she started having trust issues…in the end I felt it would be better for both of us to end it.” He said, a sad note in his voice.

“I guess your job never makes it easy for you, ha?” I said, smiling lightly. I wanted him to know that I understood.

“Nope. How about you, any boyfriends?” The grin was back, and it was really starting to distract me.

“No-uh. I kind of never “clicked” with anybody. Sure I’ve had boyfriends…but it was never anything even remotely special.” I replied, and watched stunned as he cocked his head to one side, looking at me with such concentration that it scared me.

“What is it?” I asked.


Ji’s POV

The sun was streaming through the big windows, and I sat mesmerized as I watched the light play on her hair. She was truly beautiful. Not conventional beautiful, nor my type beautiful…it was something that radiated from within.

That gleam in her brown eyes, that smile that made her plump lips even more kissable, her slender neck, the mole on her right shoulder that I ached to kiss, her body that was like a pin up girl’s dream… and a stream of very inappropriate thoughts came to my mind.

But as she sat watching me, I realized how much I liked her. In just a few short hours of knowing her, I felt like I knew her and like she knew me.

She was smart and stubborn, innocent but yet, y, mature and funny.

“What is it?” She asked, and I had to bite my tongue to not say: “you are beautiful.” That would have scared her away probably.

Instead, I smiled and asked her to tell me about her law school.

Anything to make her stay.



So, I guess this is kind of a fluffy chapter :) Interestingly enough, today I wrote the chapter that I think will be second to last in this fic…the idea just came to me and I had to write it down :D

Anyways, tell me what you think and thank you to all the new subbies <3





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Wrote the final chapter, tomorrow I'll start posting the last 3 :)


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AmericanFan_Girl12 #1
Chapter 15: Wow! Just ... Wow!
pilyangsweet #2
Very unique and interesting story....i really like ur concept of soulmate in this story...its very of the very few stories that got me thinking after reading it at 5am....its worth the sore eye and sleepless night...

I enjoy the their jouney in everylifetime they spend apart and their struggle to get through all the hardship just to be with each other....Heart will never will never grow tired and it will never give up....

Thank u for the exprience authornim....really nice story
Chapter 15: OMG THIS IS JUST TOO BEAUTIFUL!! You are an amazing author :D
Chapter 15: I really liked this
Thank you :)
Lovely story. It sent shivers down my spine several times. Loved how you described all the past lives. It could have worked with any couple. Keep up the good work! :-)
Nariko7star #7
Chapter 15: Aw! *hugs* I love this story! Definitely one of my all time faves! ^_^ I'll definitely be reading this one over again. Looking forward to your next story!
Thekatsmeow #8
Chapter 15: The sense of peace that surrounds them is contagious...loved it!

I truly enjoyed your carry on and endure through everything is the only way we learn.
Thank you for some great things to ponder!!
Thekatsmeow #9
Chapter 14: Happiness is pouring out of me! Thank you for the update!