


*Please read the A/N, thank you :)



I never believed in the afterlife…I didn’t even think about it that much. But that all changed a year ago when I first saw Ji. And, yes I know I sound like a delusional fangirl (which I probably am) but instead of thinking how hot he was or something along those lines, I thought about how much I missed him.




Since a very young age, I always felt like I missed something, somebody, in my life. The feeling was always present, even when I was surrounded by friends or with a boyfriend. But then I saw Ji. Curiously enough, it wasn’t Fantastic Baby that drew me in, it was A Boy. In the song he says “Remember back in the day” and although it was completely unrelated to what the song was actually about, I felt a wave of sadness and pain wash over me.

I don’t, but I wish I did remember all the things we lived through.

I loved him. The moment I saw him, I loved him. At first I thought that I was just being a delusional fan…but seeing him would always manage to make me smile, sometimes it would even ease the pain I was feeling. But it would also always leave me with that bittersweet feeling, because I knew that I would never see him…and I wondered if he missed me the way I did him.


I started remembering things, small bits of information that always left me feeling confused…well at least I thought it was remembering. Maybe I just hallucinated a lot.

I remembered how I would paint, and he would come into my room, and watch me. I would remember how he would make love to me, how he would remove all the layers of clothing I had to wear, the corset, underskirt and over skirt of the Victorian Era, just to love me. My body and me. It was so unusual that my husband loved to make love to me, make me feel good, when we lived in the Victorian England where pleasure in was frowned upon. When most men didn’t care for their wife’s needs in that way.

But he was different. And when I died, he soon left too.

I remembered when he would go to war, to fight in the name of our religion, and I would stay at home, worried sick. And then he would come back, lay down his sword and hug me and all I could do was to hold him in relief that he was okay.

I wore many faces through the lives I lived. Through the lives he lived with me. Many names changed, but our love stayed the same.




Right…this was very unplanned. I had actually planned to finish “In My Veins” and then to start uploading a fic that I had been working on for a while now (I have already 10 chapters written). Then, I started reading this book called the “The Journey of Souls”. I haven’t even finished it and I was almost crying. In short the book tells how souls live many lives, to learn something, and how we often try to help each other or “travel together” for comfort. (This is a ty explanation, I know…it is 2 am bear with me :D)

We don’t remember our past lives, but we might feel a deeper connection with somebody in our lives, and according to the book, that might mean that person is a soul we are friends with. Like friends on a “soul” level, where they are here to help us and comfort us, and we are here for the same reason, to help them.

I have no idea if I believe it or not, although it sounds very nice…to know not to fear death.

And then I just started writing this. I don’t claim that Ji is my long lost soul mate, because I’m pretty sure my feelings towards him are the pretty standard fangirl feelings….I think.

But, Yeah, I just got inspired to write this. This might be a really ty one shot…or it might evolve into a “three shot” or into a full blown fic.

It all depends on what you guys think and what I’ll feel like doing.

I still plan to finish “In My Veins” and upload the new fic tho. :)

So, please people…tell me what you think.

And it is like 2 am where I live and I think that tomorrow morning when I see all of this I’ll want to hit myself for doing, well, all of this. xD

Anywhoozies, love you guys and please tell me what you think.



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Wrote the final chapter, tomorrow I'll start posting the last 3 :)


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AmericanFan_Girl12 #1
Chapter 15: Wow! Just ... Wow!
pilyangsweet #2
Very unique and interesting story....i really like ur concept of soulmate in this story...its very of the very few stories that got me thinking after reading it at 5am....its worth the sore eye and sleepless night...

I enjoy the their jouney in everylifetime they spend apart and their struggle to get through all the hardship just to be with each other....Heart will never will never grow tired and it will never give up....

Thank u for the exprience authornim....really nice story
Chapter 15: OMG THIS IS JUST TOO BEAUTIFUL!! You are an amazing author :D
Chapter 15: I really liked this
Thank you :)
Lovely story. It sent shivers down my spine several times. Loved how you described all the past lives. It could have worked with any couple. Keep up the good work! :-)
Nariko7star #7
Chapter 15: Aw! *hugs* I love this story! Definitely one of my all time faves! ^_^ I'll definitely be reading this one over again. Looking forward to your next story!
Thekatsmeow #8
Chapter 15: The sense of peace that surrounds them is contagious...loved it!

I truly enjoyed your carry on and endure through everything is the only way we learn.
Thank you for some great things to ponder!!
Thekatsmeow #9
Chapter 14: Happiness is pouring out of me! Thank you for the update!