ResQ Me

Songs of our Lives

♠ResQ Me♠




ResQ Me by Boni                                                                                                                                                                         

For: kitten83


Taeil, sweet, quiet Lee Taeil just blew up at s.

The astonished faces of his friends were ingrained into his mind long after he stormed out of the practice room and he almost laughed, almost.

His hands stuffed into his pockets, shoulders hunched against the cold, he wandered the night thinking about their argument. It was so stupid, he couldn’t even remember what it was about anymore, he just found it ridiculous as the time passed. The night deepened as he walked along the bay. He didn’t realize where he was until he was stopped suddenly by a group of dirty looking characters.

A group of scraggly looking men surrounded him and he knew he was in deep . His expression made the largest guy in the group of five laugh crazily.

“Waegure?” he stuttered taking a step back from the rotten smell coming from the man’s breath.

“We just want to talk man.” One guy said in broken English, sniggering.

“You got any money?” The leader asked with a leer at Taeil’s clothes.

“Aniyo, I was just taking a walk…” Taeil pulled his hands from his pockets to show they were empty.

“Aish all the bastards that come around lately don’t have anything.” One of the dirtier looking guys spat from behind him.

“You lying?” A skinny bald man rasped pointing a bony finger in his face. Taeil’s eyes crossed and he stuttered out “N… N… No, I swear. I don’t have anything!”

“Aish!” A guy with long black hair pulled his fist back and grabbed Taeil’s jacket collar.

‘I can’t get hit! Hyung is going to kill me, we have an interview tomorrow!’



A soda can flew through the air and clocked the guy right in the back of his head. He dropped Taeil and swiveled around with a growl as the owner of that yell strode out of the darkness.

Taeil’s eyes grew wide and the other guys were just as stumped.

A cute girl was standing there with her arms crossed, chewing a piece of gum. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun and she walked with a sort of cocky confidence he’d never seen on a girl before. Her appearance had the whole group taking a step back.

“Nugu ya?” The leader snapped out.

“Niah? You don’t know?” She scoffed and turned her head to the side. “Pabo”

“This is my territory, so Gojo.” She said in a dark tone.

They all started to chuckle.

“Ah gurae? Is your name on it, the Han River?” One of them laughed. One of them laughed.


"It is.” She stated matter-of-factly.


"Look” she motioned with her chin.

All the guys plus Taeil looked over at the name emblazoned over the no parking sign and the notices along the posts at the river’s edge.  The leader scoffed and turned around.

“So what are you going to do little girl.”

The other guys laughed… and then he was choking on his teeth.

They were all too shocked to move when their boss fell to his knees with a bloodied face, split lip and two teeth missing. Then suddenly they woke up as he sat there trying to breathe through a broken nose.

“Yah!’ They charged at her and one by one they all fell. She was quick, quicker than any of them and she showed no mercy. Soon enough she was surrounded by a circle of fallen bodies. The men, all twice her size, were lying there groaning in pain and all she had was a bloody lip, a bruise on her cheek bone and messy hair.

She jerked her cap off with a sigh and fixed the mussed up strands, then she walked over and offered her hand to Taeil pulling him up from where he had fallen during the scuffle.

“Are you all right?” She asked brushing him off.

He could only look at her in awe, his mouth hanging open. She shuffled her feet and he realized they had been staring at each other for a while now and cleared his throat, blushing.

“Ugh, are you okay? That was pretty brave of you. I’ve ugh… never seen anybody fight like that.”

She smiled at his cute awkwardness. “Come on and I’ll buy you a drink.” She offered and he followed her like a lost puppy.


They wound up in a little café not too far from the bay. It was painted a cozy yellow with green trim around the windows and door, and potted plants in every nook and cranny. His gaze wandered around as they waited for their drinks. Soon enough a petite old woman brought over her iced late and his hot chocolate. She smiled at the girl warmly before patting her arm and walking away.


“Thank you for earlier.” Taeil finally said breaking the silence.

“No problem” she said putting down her drink and leaning forward a bit. “I am always there to keep the nasties away so the people around here can do business without worry.” She waved her hand in a nonchalant manner. 

His brows shot up at her answer. “Aren’t you scared?” He asked worried for her.

She nodded a little and said “Always, but I can help. The important thing is to do it even if I feel scared so the people around me can feel safer. I can fight; I’m good at it, so I use my skill. Nothing more than doing what I can.”


Taeil smiled at her and she felt her stomach flip flop. Here she was spilling her guts out to someone she had just met by coincidence and, what? She was getting all girly inside? ‘Oh no, time to go.’ She stood up and laid the money down for the drinks.


“Be careful next time you want to take a walk huh? I don’t want to read about some guy from an idol group found beaten to a pulp around my territory okay?” She grinned at him and walked out.

Taeil watched her as she left and passed by the big glass window in the front of the café.

She was really something. She even knew he was an idol and didn’t freak on him. He wondered if he’d ever see her again.



Day’s passed and she was still on his mind. Even the other members could tell something was up by his distracted behavior. They had already made up from the dumbest fight ever and moved on, bonding even more by laughing at themselves and how stupid they had been.

Taeil and the rest had a lot of work to do, but still thoughts of her wouldn’t go away. Even at night he would lie there tired as can be and think of her smile. It would leave a buzzing sound in his head every time. At least a week later the buzzing finally stopped and he could act normally around everyone, but that didn’t stop the members from teasing him.


Block B were doing their new monthly ‘acts of good character’ by spending the day at a local orphanage, playing and interacting with the kids. It was a relaxing event for Taeil because no cameras followed and he could just play with kids and take it easy for a change.

It was way better than last month’s good deed where they all went to the local stables and he had to shovel poop for most of the day.

Zico and Park Kyung were still griping about it.


Taeil had just sat down one child and was about to pick another up for an airplane ride when he looked up and froze.

There she was, right in front of him, watching his every move with glittery eyes.

He slowly straightened and stared in disbelief. She was wearing a lime green cotton apron over her plaid shirt, her arms crossed as she leaned against the door frame opposite him. He took a step towards her when another child ran up and yanked on her pants leg. She broke their gaze and bent down to the kid.

“Oh, Jun-ie, waegurae?”

“EJ Nuna, Kwangjin-ah stole my toy!” The boy whined pointing at another child, who was sticking out his tongue at the boy for tattling.

“Lee Kwangjin, we don’t take our dongsaeng-ie’s toy’s araseo.” She stood up and met the child’s eyes.

He pouted and trudged up to hand the toy truck over to the other kid with tears in his eyes.
The tattle-tell ran off with a squeal of happiness as Kwangjin squatted right there and wailed.


EJ bent and put a hand on the young boys shoulder.

“It’s alright, you can cry.” She said in a soothing voice. “It’s better to do the right thing now than regret it later.”


The kid stopped crying and sniffled up at her. “What does that mean Nuna?”


“It means… you did the right thing even if it made you sad. Because it wasn’t your toy and you knew it, stealing it would have made you feel bad after a while.”

The boy stood up and wiped his nose on his sleeve; he nodded once and ran off to play with the others.


“So… we meet again.” She said standing up to face him.

He was closer than before and his puzzled expression nearly made her giggle.


‘I n the most unexpected places.” He said with his forehead crinkling. “Why?”


“I like kids.” She shrugged.

Then his face lit up with a smile and she felt those stirrings again, in her chest this time.

“Mwo?” she asked with a pout.

He shook his head with his hands on his hips, looking down then back up at her again with a chuckle.


“We have some things in common.”


She smirked at him, “I guess we are meant to be then.”


“Maybe” he said shyly.

Shivers ran over her skin as she turned back to the kitchens to fix the kids their afternoon snacks. She had to fight back a blush a few times that day with thoughts of the idol in her head.


 Taeil couldn’t get her smile out of his mind, her soft eyes as she interacted with the children. He knew there was way more to her than her first impression and there was a growing urge to learn more. So after the day ended he ditched the rest of the group and snuck back to the orphanage. He stood across the street in an alley waiting for her to come out hoping she wouldn’t beat the crap out of him for this.

It was close to midnight when she appeared. She waved goodbye to the director and started walking his way. His heart was beating so fast he feared she would hear it as he stepped from the shadows around him.


EJ spotted him and her brow rose. He had surprised her again. “Taeil, what are you doing back here? Did you forget something?”


He didn’t answer; instead he walked right up to her and took her face between his palms, bringing her lips to his in a gentle caress.
Her breath stilled and she was shocked beyond comprehensive thought. Was he really doing such a thing?

She felt her whole being respond to the slight pressure and her eyes fluttered closed. When he pulled away they were both panting.


In the boldest move of his life Taeil looked right into her eyes and said, “I want you.”


She felt those words zing through her body and she took his hand, lacing each finger together slowly, palm to palm, cold to warm.
Their eye contact alone was enough to raise the temperature around them so they didn’t even notice the cold.

She finally broke it when she turned and began to guide him down the street towards her bus stop. They rode in silence, fingers still laced. She kept her eyes on the widow across the aisle as he watched the passing scenery from his.

It seemed like an eternity for the bus to come to a stop and let them off. They walked slowly together giving each other the means to back out of this. Neither did.

She unlocked her apartment and led him through the small space to the bed room. They stood just over the threshold gazing into each other’s eyes, and then, slowly, he swung the door closed.


With that final click she decided that he was the one who truly rescued her that night by the river.



I got six pages out of this one and they were the toughest ones yet, I even watched everything I could on Block B to figure it out. I had no inspiration for this story until today and bam! There it is! Sorry for making you wait so long. If you want, I will try to do something a little special for you to make it up okay?

On to the next!

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Song: One Last Cry by Ntrain<br />
<br />
Idol: Jung Jungkyung<br />
<br />
Group/Band: Ntrain<br />
<br />
His Personality: he is charismatic, out-going, smart, charming and very popular with the girls. he's a bit of a playboy but his heart belongs to someone else whom he knows will not forgive him for betraying her. <br />
<br />
Your Personality: choi hyesu was once a cheerful, out-going, smart, playful, cheeky and friendly girl. but she was hurt and betrayed and hurt by someone who she trusted which had changed her into a cold and quiet person who keeps away from people from getting too close to her. she is often in the company of her best friend or cousin, the college senior kingka, choi seunghyun aka TOP<br />
<br />
Any thing extra you feel the need to add:<br />
- choi seunghyun aka TOP is her elder cousin whose family had raised hyesu as their own since her parents death.<br />
- yoon doo joon is hyesu's best friend and jungkyung's classmate.
Song:Love Girl by CNBlue<br />
<br />
Idol: Junsu <br />
<br />
Group/Band: 2PM<br />
<br />
His Personality: He has a flirty personality for a playboy. He may be a flirt, but he has a heart to love only one girl. He may not be all perfect, but he has very charming voice and is always trying hard to make girls be satisfy with his love. He's type of guy that would do anything for his lover. He may be talkative, but humorous at the same time. He has the most angelic voice when he's singing.<br />
<br />
Your Personality: Go Eunsung is totally an opposite of Junsu. She's not a flirt or nor does she have an outgoing personality like him. She's very shy and quiet, she may be clumsy sometime in a way. Although she's shy, she's straightforward with her words. She's a typical college girl who wants to be an english teacher.<br />
<br />
Extra: <br />
- Go Eunmi is her older sister and she is girlfriend of Wooyoung.<br />
- 2pm members are in a band.<br />
- Junsu is the lead vocal in the band and Wooyoung plays the bass. Nichkhun plays the guitar and Junho is playing piano in the band.<br />
- Taecyeon and Chansung as her friends.<br />
- Junsu confess to Eunsung during their college festival.<br />
<br />
Awwww...dis story is sweet yet so sad...loved't wait for ur nxt update
thederpchanyeol #4
Author-sshi, SARANGHAE!! I really love it, though it almost made me cry.:) I really, really love it!! Thanks!!!
#5 cute...hehehehe...XD
Song: One Love by Super Junior KRY feat. eunhyuk<br />
<br />
Idol: Eunhyuk<br />
<br />
Group/Band: Super Junior <br />
<br />
His Personality: When you first meet him you'll think that he's an air-headed guy, happy-go-lucky and doesn't care about his surroundings. He's the not your dream guy but it makes you want him because of his different sweet gangster personality. Even though being such a stubborn he's really caring and loving when it comes to his family and close friends. <br />
<br />
Your Personality: Unlike Eunhyuk, Park HeeJung is a bubbly and loud girl. She speaks her mind and always shows how much she adores a person. When she wants something she'll do anything to get that something or someone. But deep down inside she's broken. Her mother and father divorced when she was in elementary. <br />
<br />
Any thing extra you feel the need to add:<br />
- HeeJung is HeeChul's sister.<br />
- her father is living in states and she haven't seen her for a long time.<br />
- Eunhyuk plays soccer [cause he's a soccer player and the MVP]<br />
- Heejung had a crush on Eunhyuk when she watched one of the games in their school<br />
- Eunhyuk had an ex-girlfriend Gyuri and when gyuri knew that HeeJung and Eunhyuk are going out with each other she started to pest Heejung's life. like playing prank on HeeJung with her two buddies.<br />
- Jessica, Donghae, Siwon, Sooyoung and hyoyeon are heejung's bffs<br />
<br />
HWAITING! thanks^^
#7 i was like re-reading all of ur
Wooyoung so cute, kekeke<br />
the jacket must be really expensive <br />
thank you for the oneshot :))
Song: Fiction - Beast/B2ST<br />
<br />
Idol: Jo Youngmin<br />
<br />
Group/Band: Boyfriend<br />
<br />
His Personality: He's cute and bubbly. He's innocent and happy no matter what and nothing can seem to make his smile disappear. He cares for everyone who's important to him, but when it comes to 'her', he'll do anything.<br />
<br />
Your Personality: Similar to Minwoo. Suyun is very cute and bubbly and always wearing a smile. She'll never show any other emotion besides happiness. Her tears will only show when she loses someone very important to her.<br />
<br />
Any thing extra you feel the need to add:<br />
-Has a younger brother named Jinhyun and the only one who knows Minwoo likes Suyun<br />
-Jinhyun disapproves of both Minwoo and Youngmin dating his sister.<br />
-Suyun hates Youngmin from their childhood because of a broken promise.