Chapter 3

The Chullie Diaries

Day Three

Kangin’s List


                I was sleeping peacefully in my room when there was a sharp knock on the hard oak of my door. I groaned and struggled to sit up and pry my eyes open. I glanced into the mirror across the way from my bed and saw that my hair was a downright mess. I swore under my breath and walked lazily over to the door, glancing at my clock on the way by. It was four in the morning…

“Who’s there…?”I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Once this was accomplished, I looked up to see who the intruder on my beauty sleep was. From the tips of my fuzzy socks to the hood of my hoodie, I was downright surprised.

“Hey Cinderella. Uh…Here’s that list you asked me to make.” Kangin said quietly, forcing a piece of paper into my hands. I blinked and stared down at the paper for a moment, processing what Kangin had meant. When I looked up to address him again, he had vanished. Talk about sneaky!

                I walked back into my room and yawned at the still darkened ceiling.  I figured I still had time to sleep so I crawled back into bed and fell back asleep. I promised myself that I would read the list in the morning.

                By the time my alarm rang around 7:30, I had gotten enough sleep and I felt a lot better. I got up and walked to my dresser, not remembering that Kangin’s list was lying on my bedside table. My ears pricked as someone called my name from down the hall. Naturally, I answered the call and went out into the kitchen with everyone else to eat breakfast.

                Throughout the entire meal, Kangin kept glancing at me. I ignored him, figuring that whatever he wanted wasn’t important.  Each time though, his glances got more and more desperate.  I turned my head and glared at him. I mouthed, “What is it?” He dropped his gaze and I left it at that.

                After breakfast, everyone broke up into pairs or singles, normal chatter gracing every corner of the dorm. The normal subjects were present; tv shows, past performances we’ve done, video games (in Kyuhyun’s case), and other various subjects. I, of course, preferred the topics of relationships and clothes. As always, I talked to Hangeng, my best friend.  I’m surprised he still listened to me chatter about the same things every day.

“So, I was thinking about getting those shoes, but now I don’t really know if I want them. They won’t match anything else that I have, y’know?” I rambled. Hangeng smiled, making an inside joke (I think).


“Oh? What did these shoes look like anyway?” He asked me, trying to stay in the conversation.


“Well they had little buckles on the side and they were really cool. But the color was completely off and I wish they came in black but they don’t.” I explained. Hangeng chuckled.


“Wow, Chul. You’re very fashion forward lately, aren’t you?”


“I suppose! I haven’t noticed but you’re right!” I gasped and my eyes widened at Hangeng’s assumption.


“Heh well I wanted to ask you…” Hangeng started, but I had already walked off, my brain taking a ride on a completely different tangent. I entered my room to find that a paper was lying in the middle of my floor. I bent over and picked it up slowly, wondering what was on the paper.  I saw a list of personality qualities and I mentally slapped myself. Not physically, because it’d hurt. A lot. The piece of paper was Kangin’s list about Leeteuk. I was supposed to have read it but I had put it off. Darn my procrastinating!!

                I sat down in my bed’s most comfortable spot and read through the list over and over again, to make up for my indescrestion.







Laid back



I smiled from ear to ear and started formulating ideas that would go off of this list.


Author's Note:

Hello to everyone who's reading this story!! :D

I first of all want to apologize that this chapter is so late! I had gotten really sick and i tried to get it done but it just didn't work out . I am seriously sorry! *bows*

 I so sorry!

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Chapter 5: It so funny you use Henry in later Chapters and him asking for how to ask someone out Heechul wondering who wondering the baby mankae
Chapter 5: It so funny you use Henry in later Chapters and him asking for how to ask someone out Heechul wondering who wondering the baby mankae
SHINee4ever5 #3
Can't wait for more ^^
Ani!!! I'm a new reader and I like this..anyway......UPDATE ARASSO?!?!
不是。错的。Bad bad! Too short! Fix! Noooooow! (no that isn't what's written in mandarin)
Make it loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer~~!!

It's getting to the good part! WAE?! I should yell at you in Korean!
But I'm not going to. ^^ Cuz I'm a good kid. ;3

But I'm just curious. When is Yesung gonna pop in again? I miss that little creeper. *sniffs* And you should make Heechul just pop out of nowhere and handcuff Leeteuk and Kangin together, just for comical purposes. ^^''

Update soon! :D
dicqxzsi #7
i am loving your story! please update soon!!!
You aren't forgiven!! n.n great job update soon!
WOOT for the second chapter. YEEEAAAAAHH!!!<br />
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Okay, onto the review. XD<br />
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How the hell is this like a page and a half? It's so small! And it's not longer! It's like, the same size as the first one. You liiiiiiiee!!!!! You liar! lol<br />
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And yay for Yesung! Just remember to make him slightly creepy and stalker-like, since... that's kinda how he acts... And he likes touching people philtrums! *________* And yes, I know what that means. XDD<br />
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So like, is Yesung going to be getting info on others while Heechul works with KangTeuk, or is Yesung just going to work with KangTeuk as well? Or both? I'm not sure... like at all. XD<br />
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*speaks in French accent* And another quick question. kkk Is HanChul already a thing, or do they have yet to get together? I'm not really sure on that... Cuz I'm like, extremely curious. XDDD<br />
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And sorry for the late reply, my mom keeps stealing my laptop and it's pissing me off. >.< Because I keep trying to review and then do the gimp tutorial BUT SHE KEEPS ON INTERUPTING! GAAAAH!!!<br />
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Oh well, I guess I'm done rambling. Toodles~ ^^;