Day Two

The Chullie Diaries

Day Two


      I smirked and sat in the living room the next morning, scribbling in my diary. I decided that I would get to know the members of Super Junior better than I already have. What else was there to do around here anyway?

       I decided that I would start with our wonderful leader, Leetuek and Kangin. They seemed to be in the need of help the most. Kangin was just waaay too shy to actually tell Leeteuk how he felt. This was gonna be fun!

I walked up to Kangin’s door and knocked. I waited a few minutes before knocking again, louder than before.

“Kangin! Open the door                !!!!” I called to him. Finally, he opened the door, scratching the back of his head.

“What do ya want Chullie?” He asked me with a yawn.

“We need to talk Kangie. Like now!”

“About what Heechul?” He blinked and raised an eyebrow at me.


“Uh…”His face turned red and he tried to slam the door in my face. I stopped the door with my foot.

“So you do like him!!!” I smirked and crossed my arms.

“Heechul…Why do you want to know this?” He asked, almost glaring at me.

“Just because.  No worries, Kangie. I’m not gonna out your secret I promise. I’m gonna help ya.” I reply.

“Okay…Fine. I love him…He…interests me…I dunno…He makes me laugh and he’s…attractive.” Kangin said in a low voice, his cheeks growing even brighter in shade. I could tell that the things he was saying were true. When he talked about Leeteuk his face lit up.

“Well, the Love Doctor is in and you’re the first customer.” I said, smirking.

“Whoever says that, Heechul?” Kangin asked, staring at me and nearly physically twitching. I couldn’t help but laugh at the poor guy.

“Nevermind. Step into my office!” I dragged him away, into my room. Once he recovered from the sudden outburst of movement, and crossed my arms.

“So, tell me exactly how you feel around Leeteuk.”

“I already told you.  He’s funny and he’s so sweet to everybody…and attractive.” Kangin explained.

“Ahh I see, I see. So do you want to be just buddies with him or something?’ I asked.

“What?! God no!!” He exclaimed. I saw his fingers grip the sheets under him. I had apparently struck a nerve.

“Then what do ya want from him?”

“Well…I’m not…really sure at the moment…” He hesitated.

“Ohhhh I see. Why not go write down all the good things about him and the bad things. Then come back to me with it okay?”

“Yeah alright.” He blinked and nodded. “Thanks Heechul.”

                I smiled and waved to him as he left the room. I could feel that I was already starting to help. And it was a delicious feeling! I had no idea why I hadn’t done any of that before.

 I sat down and paused. If I finished helping  Kangin and Leetuek soon…I would need another person or couple to help. Who would find them for me? I jumped up suddenly.

“Yesung!” I exclaimed and hurried out of the room. I ran to the living room and found Yesung sitting there. He looked up at me.

“Hey Heechul, whats up?”

“Can you do me a favor?”

“What is it?”

“Can you be my informant? Like snoop around and see who might like someone and how I can help them out?” I asked, pretty much pleading. I grinned when I saw a smile cross Yesung’s face.

“Sounds like fun. I’m in, Chullie.”

                Now, the operation was really underway! I skipped back to my room and began writing everything in my little pink book.

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Chapter 5: It so funny you use Henry in later Chapters and him asking for how to ask someone out Heechul wondering who wondering the baby mankae
Chapter 5: It so funny you use Henry in later Chapters and him asking for how to ask someone out Heechul wondering who wondering the baby mankae
SHINee4ever5 #3
Can't wait for more ^^
Ani!!! I'm a new reader and I like this..anyway......UPDATE ARASSO?!?!
不是。错的。Bad bad! Too short! Fix! Noooooow! (no that isn't what's written in mandarin)
Make it loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer~~!!

It's getting to the good part! WAE?! I should yell at you in Korean!
But I'm not going to. ^^ Cuz I'm a good kid. ;3

But I'm just curious. When is Yesung gonna pop in again? I miss that little creeper. *sniffs* And you should make Heechul just pop out of nowhere and handcuff Leeteuk and Kangin together, just for comical purposes. ^^''

Update soon! :D
dicqxzsi #7
i am loving your story! please update soon!!!
You aren't forgiven!! n.n great job update soon!
WOOT for the second chapter. YEEEAAAAAHH!!!<br />
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Okay, onto the review. XD<br />
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How the hell is this like a page and a half? It's so small! And it's not longer! It's like, the same size as the first one. You liiiiiiiee!!!!! You liar! lol<br />
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And yay for Yesung! Just remember to make him slightly creepy and stalker-like, since... that's kinda how he acts... And he likes touching people philtrums! *________* And yes, I know what that means. XDD<br />
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So like, is Yesung going to be getting info on others while Heechul works with KangTeuk, or is Yesung just going to work with KangTeuk as well? Or both? I'm not sure... like at all. XD<br />
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*speaks in French accent* And another quick question. kkk Is HanChul already a thing, or do they have yet to get together? I'm not really sure on that... Cuz I'm like, extremely curious. XDDD<br />
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And sorry for the late reply, my mom keeps stealing my laptop and it's pissing me off. >.< Because I keep trying to review and then do the gimp tutorial BUT SHE KEEPS ON INTERUPTING! GAAAAH!!!<br />
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Oh well, I guess I'm done rambling. Toodles~ ^^;