ANW : Third Shot

Anxiety and Worry

Chen buried his face in his bended knees as the clear stream of crystal worked their way out of his beautiful orbs. A whimper passed his lips as the past started to hit his mind, flooding them with unwanted memories. That one time when he saw a bloody, unconscious Xiumin pushed into the E.R., he had enough. The nightmare haunted him every night. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. Chen’s trauma was when he called out to Xiumin and waited for him to wake up but Xiumin didn’t open his eyelids even after Chen’s desperate cries. He didn’t have the appetite to eat. He spent his days beside Xiumin, hoping the older would wake up. He had fainted because of a fever and the high depression rate in him. Every Xiumin-less night would be accompanied by a nightmare. He would wake up with a drenched shirt and damp locks.

Unknown to him, Chen fell asleep when he was crying. The doctor in charge, Dr. Kim, walked towards the sleeping form leaning against the wall. The clicking of the shiny black shoes against the floor reached Chen’s ear, waking him up in the process. A blurry image of white came into his view. He squinted his eyes to adjust to the bright light.

“Sir, are you.. Kim Minseok’s guardian?”

Chen shot up as he heard Xiumin’s name. His eyes full of panic as he searched the doctor’s eyes. His heart felt like it would leap out soon. A ‘yes’ came out as a whisper to answer the lingering question. A beautiful, reassuring smile crafted itself on the doctor’s handsome face.

“Well, I am Dr. Kim. My name is Kim Junmyeon. I am the doctor in-charge of patient Kim Minseok. I-“

“How is he doctor? Is he alright?”

“You don’t have to worry. He is alright. Nurse Zhang is in-charge of taking care of him. Give the poor boy a night to rest. He’ll probably wake up tomorrow”

“Can I stay the night, doctor?”

He smiled. “Sure. I’ll inform them. He is in room 308. It is located at the second floor”

“Thank you, doctor”

Chen bowed as Dr. Kim nodded his head. He gave Chen a smile before he walked away. Chen sighed as he walked towards the elevator. He leaned his head against the elevator’s wall. Ping! The elevator door opened as the white hallway stood before him. His steps were lifeless as he reached room 308. He slowly slide the door, afraid his action would wake the sleeping beauty inside. A peaceful looking angel, face pale, laid still on the bed. His chest rose up and down, a tube connected to the IV drops was attached to his small hand. Chen stepped into the room, closing the door behind him before he continued his steps towards the sleeping figure. He stared at the calm face and sat on the stool beside the bed. Fingers laced together, long and beautiful, fit perfectly into each other’s hand. Warm tears started to gather around his eyes. He quickly wiped the crystal that slipped from his eyes.


“Get better soon, Min. Funny thing was, you were barely away and now you’re infront of me, yet I miss you. I miss you so, so much, Min. Please wake up soon”

Chen whispered before he wiped the remaining tears that tried to escape his eyes. The door slid open as Nurse Zhang stepped into the room. He gave Chen a warm smile before approaching the bed. He informed Chen about Xiumin current condition and told him about the shots he would be giving Xiumin. Chen nodded as he attentively listened to the nurse. Chen informed the nurse about his request of taking his clothes. Nurse Zhang smiled and nodded his head. Chen stood up and bowed. He turned and continued his steps. A dull ache pounded in the back of his skull.

The headlight of the bloody red Ferrari flickered as Chen neared the car. He got in the driver seat and buckled his seatbelt. He stared at the road infront of him. His mind was blank at the moment. Chen blinked his eyes rapidly as he woke up from his fantasy. The Ferrari roared as he drove the car through the darkness of the night.




Chen slid the door open with a bag of clothes in his unoccupied hand. The sleeping figure didn’t  even shift from the position when he left. He sighed as he took a step closer to the sleeping male. He put the bag down on the couch before he settled down on the stool beside the bed. He stared at the calm face as his hand worked their way to the sleeping’s hand, interlacing their fingers together. He Xiumin’s hair and brushed the falling bangs from Xiumin’s eyes.

“Stop making me worry, Min. I can’t afford to lose you. The thought of losing you haunts me everyday since that day. You’ll be the death of me, Kim Minseok.”

Chen talked to himself before he put his head on the bed. He closed his eyes as he exhaled softly. Slowly the darkness started to take over.

I love you..




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ok. the stupid virus just ruin the next chapter annnnnnnd i lost it. and idk why you guys subscribe to this... crap but i guess thanks. i gtta update lol


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nicolebaozi #1
Pleaaaase uodate this dic. It's really good! Im dying to know what happened to minseok and chen before!! Dont leave us hanging here pleaaase ㅠㅠ
noviasdw #2
Chapter 3: I love it so much author-nim. Keep the good work, I'm patiently waiting for you~ hwaiting ♥ ps: i want a longer chapter please kekekeke