ANW : Second Gulp

Anxiety and Worry

Pheww.. Thank God. Chen had left for work. Xiumin was left alone again in the house. He made his way to their shared bedroom, sitting down on the bed. He massaged his forehead as his head would not stop pounding. Xiumin sighed as he closed my eyes, ignoring the pain in his head. When his vision cleared, he made an attempt to go to the bathroom to search for some reliever but he was caught in his step when his vision turned hazy. Blinking his eyes to sharpen his vision, he continued his steps carefully while holding to the furniture. He made a mess while searching the meds in the cabinet. His attempt was futile as the med was out of stock. Chen didn’t let him wander outside as it was snowing hard. He sighed for the umpteenth time and decided to return to his bed. He wrapped the duvet around his petite frame before closing his eyes to relax his mind. Slowly the darkness crept up, engulfing him in a slumber.

Xiumin’s eyebrow knitted together as beads of sweat trickled down the side of his head, drenching his hair. He tossed around, his knuckles grabbed tightly on the duvet. A whimper escaped his lips before he took a gulp of the air, eyes shot open. He was panting when he woke. His grip on the blanket hadn’t loose. He tried to catch his breath as his head pounded against his skull. Xiumin’s hand held his head when he rose from the bed. The room was spinning but Xiumin still got on his feet. He lost balance and tumbled back on the fluffy bed. No.. I can do this. Xiumin stood again while his right hand still holding his throbbing head and the other steadying his posture. His head was throbbing painfully as his legs swayed when his vision blurred. Thud. Xiumin’s body laid lifelessly infront of their shared bed. It was all too much for him. A whimper passed his lip. Dae.. Where are you, Jongdae-ah.. It was barely a whisper before Xiumin’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, eyelids drooping. The light faded away, dragged by the darkness.


Dae.. Jong.. dae.




Chen puffed his cheeks as he locked the door behind him. His shoes slipped easily from his foot. The house was quiet. Only the sound of his footsteps against the wood-flooring was heard. His eyes roamed around the perfectly designed house as he called out fir his favourite hyung. He frowned when he didn’t get any reply from the elder. He checked the kitchen for the other presence only to disappoint himself. He pushed their bedroom door open slowly as the door creaked, softly calling out the older name. His eyes darted around the room, searching for the said name figure. His eyes widened as his eyes spotted the figure lying infront of their bed. He slammed the door opened and rushed to the other side. His eyes clouded with panic and his breathing fastened. He shook the older body, receiving no reply from the male.

"No.. Xiumin hyung! Xiumin-ah! Kim Minseok Wake up!! You can't leave me.."

He took the chubby cheek in his palm, feeling the sweat and thermos of the other.

"Oh My Gosh, Min! You're burning. "

Chen did not hesitate to pick Xiumin up. Xiumin’s head lolled from side to side, unconscious as Chen ran for the door. His hand reached for Xiumin and his coat while slipping his shoes on. Wrapping the coat around Xiumin, he locked the door and rushed to the car. He put Xiumin carefully on the passenger seat and closed the door immediately, worried the cold will get to Xiumin’s burning body. He ran to the driver side and slid in. He fumbled slightly with Xiumin seatbelt before he did the same thing. His hand trembled as his heartbeat increased. He drove to the hospital in record time, stopping just infront of the emergency side. He ran put to get Xiumin, without a glance at his abandoned Ferrari, taking Xiumin to the reception. The nurse stood up when they saw the frantic Chen running into the emergency dept with an unconscious boy in his hand. His eyes wide with alarm as he searched for help.

“Excuse me! Please- please.. Help him. I –I don’t know what happened. He –he passed out and –and his body temperature is high. Oh my God oh my God”

The nurse took Xiumin away from Xiumin while the other nurse tried to calm Chen down, assuring him Xiumin would be fine. Chen saw Xiumin disappeared behind the doors as the nurse brought him into the room. He slid against the wall as a tear escaped his eye. A whimper passed his lips. His body was numb – he was tired from work, from everything. He leaned his head back as his fingers laced together, gripping tightly. His head kept chanting the same mantra to calm his nerves. He ruffled his tousled hair in frustration. Another crystal succeeded escaping his eye.

Please be okay Min...





Short short update. I’m lazy. I’m going back to the dorm tomorrow. I’m lazy. Sors for error? Not really. Hahah. I hope you enjoy this short update. I feel like writing it yesterday but I was having a writer block -_- So now it’s almost midnight and I’m lazy and sleepy to update but still I update lol. Okay byeee. Subscribe and comment, bro <3 Ciao. Kai grey Travolta OUT. Tbc~

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ok. the stupid virus just ruin the next chapter annnnnnnd i lost it. and idk why you guys subscribe to this... crap but i guess thanks. i gtta update lol


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nicolebaozi #1
Pleaaaase uodate this dic. It's really good! Im dying to know what happened to minseok and chen before!! Dont leave us hanging here pleaaase ㅠㅠ
noviasdw #2
Chapter 3: I love it so much author-nim. Keep the good work, I'm patiently waiting for you~ hwaiting ♥ ps: i want a longer chapter please kekekeke