Chapter 9

Love Triangle

Sandeul rummaged through his closet looking for atleast a decent outfit. He picked out a white shirt with a royal blue flannel over it. Since his comfortable loose jeans were in the laundry, he picked out black tight jeans. He quickly flattened the side of his head and styled it. He looked around to see if he was missing anything.

Phone, wallet, got my contacts on...SOCKS!

He quickly turned around to the drawer and saw a hat laying on top. He grabbed the black snapback with blue stars on it and put it on his head carefully not messing his hair up. This actually looks good on me. He grabbed his socks and sat on the bed, putting them on.

*Solo solo day! Solo solo day girl*

Sandeul jumped and grabbed his phone holding his chest in suprise.

"Hello?" Sandeul spoke into the phone and got up looking at the mirror one last time.

"Sandeul, we're here!!" Sandeul flinched and put his phone away from his ear.

"Taeyeon, can you not?!" Sandeul said sighing. "I'm coming out with Gongchan."

Sandeul hung up and walked to the front door.

"GONGCHANNNIEEE LET'S GO! TAEYEON'S HEREE!"  Sandeul yelled putting on his converse.

Gongchan ran down the stairs wearing a pink shirt and a gray hoodie with black jeans. He quickly put on his converse and tied his shoes.

Sandeul smiled and fixed Gongchan's hair.

"Put this hood on you head Channie, it makes you look adorable." Sandeul said pinching his cheek and opened the door, running to the car.

He saw Baro driving and Jinyoung in the passenger seat with Taeyeon in the back. Sandeul and Gongchan filled in the missing space and sat down.

Sandeul looked up and saw Jinyoung smiling and shyly smiled back as Baro started driving.

"What about the others?" Gongchan asked.

"Chanyeol and Kai are with D.O. and Baekhyun. Poor Nickhun's riding with Tiffany, Yoona, and Sooyoung." Taeyeon said smiling.

"Why are you smiling so much? It's creepy." Sandeul said looking at Taeyeon weirdly.

"I can't wait to watch Insidious!!" Taeyeon said squealing with Baro giving her an annoyed look.

"Ugghh don't remind me." Sandeul said frowning.

"Yea," Gongchan said smirking. "He didn't bring his favorite teddy bear to protect hi-"

"Yah!!!" Sandeul yelled and the car stopped suddenly.

"YAH! CAN YOU NOT YELL OR SQUEAL WHEN IM DRIVING?!" Baro yelled and the backseat people shrunk in their seats and mumbled sorrys.

Jinyoung chuckled and looked at Sandeul.

"Where'd you get that hat? It looks just like one of Baro's favorite hat." Jinyoung said.

Sandeul gaped. "Uhhh....I-I"

"I didn't want it anymore so I gave it to him." Baro said and it left Taeyeon and Jinyoung speechless.

"This is a joke right?" Jinyoung said in disbelief. "You never even let anyone get 5 feet close to it and you always have it like it's the most expensive rare thing and now you're just giving it away like it's nothi-"

"That's enough Jinyoung." Baro said, stopping the car. "Now let's get out."

They all got out and waited for the others to arrive and paid for their tickets. Sandeul looked around. All the girls went to the bathroom, Chanyeol, Kai and Nichkhun went to buy food while Jinyoung bought the tickets. Baekhyun, D.O, and Gongchan messed around. Baro....was right beside him.

Sandeul bit his lips and turned to Baro. "I-If this hat was really precious to you, I can give it back." Sandeul said looking up at Baro while grabbing his arm.

"It's fine. I don't want it." Baro said looking away.

"Are you sure? Because I wouldn't want to take somethi-"

"It's fineee." Baro said looking straight into Sandeul's eyes.

"O-okay." Sandeul muttered out, letting go of Baro's arm.

"Besides it looks cute on you." Baro smirked and looked at Sandeul neck.

"You're wearing it." Baro said.

"Huh? Wear what?" Sandeul said confused.

"Necklace." Baro said.

"Oh..yea. Why wouldn't I? I love it." Sandeul said.

"That's good." Baro said looking at his friends fighting over which food to buy.

"About that, I really feel like I need to give you something too like a gift or something," Sandeul rambled. "I mean this is really expensive and all but you bought it for me, without anyone forcing you too and I'm really thankful for it so if you want anything, I can give it to yo-"

"Sandeul you talk to much." Baro said cutting him off again.

"S-sorry." Sandeul said looking down.

"But it's cute. Just like your in those jeans." Baro smirked and walked away to his friends.

Sandeul gaped. M-my ?

"YAH BYUNTAE!" Sandeul yelled. Stupid jerk returned.


Sandeul walked behind Jinyoung and plopped down next to him.

Nickhun and Tiffany were in the front. Yoona and Sooyoung behind them. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kai, D.O behind them, and then Gongchan, Jinyoung, Sandeul, Baro, and Taeyeon. Since Taeyeon forced Baro to sit next to Sandeul.

Sandeul ate his popcorn nervously and when a certain scary part came, he gripped the chair seat and shut his eyes tightly.

"You afriad?" Sandeul jumped and glared at Baro.

"No. Shut up." Sandeul whispered back.

Baro smirked and yawned, stretching his arms and draping one over Sandeul's shoulder. Sandeul scoffed and put Baro's arm back to his lap.

"Smooooth Baro." Sandeul whispered.

Jinyoung reached over to eat some popcorn and rested his arm naturally on Sandeul's waist while he pretending to look for the popcorn on Sandeul's lap. Baro glared at Jinyoung.

Two can play at this game.

Baro grabbed a pepro and knowing that Sandeul loves pepro, he made sure Sandeul saw it who immediately asked for it.

"It's the only one I have." Baro whispered and Jinyoung looked at him too curiously.

Sandeul took it from Baro's hands and stuck his tongue out putting the pepro stick in his mouth. Baro smirked as Sandeul fell into his trap. He grabbed Sandeul's chin and leaned in taking 2 large bites out of the pepro stick, only an inch away from the other's lips and he drew back, munching on the pepro. In the corner of his eyes, he saw Jinyoung squinting at him and Sandeul blushing.

Sandeul slowly turned his head back to the movie, and ate the rest of the pepro until a woman screamed and he jumped and clung onto Jinyoung, hiding his face in his neck, muttering a sorry but refusing to let go.

Jinyoung looked up at Baro and gave a I-win look and Baro fumed in anger.

Gongchan looked over and saw Jinyoung very close to Sandeul and he frowned. He tapped on Jinyoung's shoulder who let Sandeul go as Gongchan asked for some popcorn and Baro gave him a thankful look which Gongchan found weird.

Baro noticed a part which was in the trailer and he knew something was going to pop out so he waited until the part almost came and pretended to reach for popcorn slowly. As a devil popped out, Sandeul bit his lips and grabbed tightly onto something close which was Baro's hand. Baro congratulated himself for being smart and stuck his tongue out at Jinyoung who looks frustrated.

While Baro and Jinyoung were fighting, Taeyeon has been shaking her head smiling.


"That was a great movie." Nichkhun said stepping out into the cool night.

Yoona scoffed and glared. "Oh really? All I heard was you and Tiffany smooching litterally throughtout the whoooole movie."

"Not only them, I could heard D.O squealing when something popped out with Kai whispering disgustingly cheesy stuff while Chanyeol has been flirting with Baekhyun non-stop." Sooyoung said as the 3 couples blushed.

"Not to mention Jinyoung and Baro fighting over popcorn." Taeyeon said knowing damn sure they weren't fighting over popcorn but gave them a look that said she saw everything and knew everything. Jinyoung and Baro looked away and avoided Taeyeon's eyes.

Gongchan sighed. "Can I go home now?" Gongchan said obviously depressed.

Sandeul pouted. "I wanted to go the the mall that opens 24/7."

"Everyone can go home, I'll take Sandeul to the mall." Baro said quickly without letting others react and dragged Sandeul into his car and drove away.

Jinyoung glared at them walking away.

"Taeyeon can come with us." Tiffany said. "We have an extra space."

Taeyeons smiled and followed them.

"We only have one extra space." Chanyeol said.

"I'll walk home with Gongchan. You guys go." Jinyoung said smiling.

"You sure?" Kai asked.

"Yea, I won't die. Now go." Jinyoung said and smiled at Gongchan. "Let's go."



Badeul/Jindeul fight! Yessss. But there'll be more coming....hehe.

Badeul date coming up with Jinyoung and gongchan walking home togetherrr!!

Thanks for reading<3

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javlatua #2
Chapter 12: D: poor gongchan
please update!! this is great
i need badeul fic..update pleaseeee ╥﹏╥
it's been 5 months, authornim comeback juseyo~
Chapter 12: This fic is really amazing!!!! I feel so bad for gongchan... I wish he was with jinyoung
SproutPrinceDeullie #6
Chapter 12: Please write more u.u I really love this story author nim~
Chapter 12: I think everyone at some point in our life we ​​have the same sense to Gongchan, we feel alone. I totally understand him, even he looks so strong but maybe all this trouble is going to make him fall in crisis. We will see!!!
Chapter 11: This story had my BOF feel all over again xD i dont mind it tho hahaha
love this story kkk it seems cliche but it was well-writen ^^ im gonna re-read it tonight
update soon <3
authornim ~ ~ where are you,i miss reading your updates >_<