here comes the past

Saving Ms. Lee Chaerin




After going back into Pancake house and eating our breakfast, I drove dara home, giving her another kiss before she got out the Lexus. I managed to make it home without being stopped by any police cars and getting myself in more trouble than I knew I was already in. As I pulled into my driveway, I let out a loud groan. A black convertible was parked up front. Tiffany's.


Apparently she'd never left. Had she spent the night? I'd have to face her sooner or later. I jumped out of the car, sauntering up the driveway and to the front door, unlocking it and slowly stepping inside.


"LEE CHAERIN ." My mother's standing there, her arms crossed and a deadly look on her face.


My eye twitches. "Uh, g-goodmorning, Mom."


"What the hell were you thinking when you took my car and spent the night who-knows- where?!" She fusses. "I was worried sick! After your grandfather..." She pauses and heaves a sigh. "Luckily, Tiff was nice enough to stay with me. Where the hell was my daugther when someone who means a lot to us..." Her voice fades.


"Mom," I run a nervous hand through my hair. "I'm sorry, ok? I guess the news was kinda hard on me and seeing tiffany just doubled that. I spent the night at dara's. There's nothing to worry about."


Mom frowns. "Who the heck is dara?" I bite my lip, remembering my mother knew nothing of dara. "She's a, uh, girl. I've been spending a lot of time with her lately. We're kinda, uh, well, she's my, uh, girlfriend."


My mother's eyes widened. "You spent the night with a girl?!"


"What?" I shake my head. "No! Well, yes. No! Nothing happened! Ugh!"


My mother raises an eyebrow. "I'm not even going bother asking or arguing any further. I'm just going to skip to the part where I ground you."


I gape. "Aniyaaa! Mom, please! I'm sorry! I won't do it again-"


"Dont argue, chaerin. That's final. You're grounded for three days. I'd say weeks, but you have you have to go to busan anyways." She tells me sternly. "No going out. No phone. No friends over." She pauses. "And no girlfriends."


I open my mouth to keep aruging but she cuts me off.


"But I will let you talk to tiff. She's upstairs and says she wanted to talk to you."


I let out a loud groan. "Mom! I really don't want to see or talk to Tiffany."


Mother glares at me. "Go." She points in the direction of upstairs.


I curse beneath my breath and angrily walk past her, stomping upstairs. How was I going to talk to dara? How was I going to see her? I pry open the door to my bedroom to find Tiffany sprawled across my bed, staring af my television.


I purse my lips. "What are you doing here?"


She sits up and gives me a half-smile. "I felt bad for your mom so I spent the night. She was really upset. Sorry about your grandpa."


I grit my teeth. "It's none of your business."


Tiffany sighs. "chae, I've been meaning to talk to you. You seem to different ever since we broke up and I wanted to apologize if I hurt you and..." Her eyes begin water. "And I wanted a second chance."


I scoff. "Yeah, it hurt. But it doesn't anymore. Sorry to burst your bubble."


A tear rolls down on tiffany cheek and she stands up. "Can you at least forgive me? Please, chae? I never wanted to hurt you."


I roll my eyes and sigh. "Ok, tiff. I forgive you. Just don't come looking for another chance. I've moved on."


She nods slowly and wipes away her tear. "I understand. Thanks, chae."


Before I can react, she pulls me into a quick hug. I awkwardly hug her back. She releases me and throws me another smile before walking out of my room and disappearing.


I let out a sigh and close the door for her, dragging myself over to my bed and falling down on it. I feel like a large weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


Suddenly my cell phone begins to blast '.


"Crap!" I mutter, scrambling to slip my cell phone out my pocket and lower the volume so my mother won't hear. She'd forgotten to take away my phone. I secretly prayed she wouldn't remember anytime soon.


I look down at my phone's small screen to see dara's name flashing across the front. I grinned to myself and hit 'answer' as I slowly stood up from my bed and went to lock my door.


"dara-ssi." I answered, jumping back onto my bed.


"Hey." She says, the smile clear in her voice.


"Just calling to make sure you got home safe. Ya know, not stopped by any police or anything."


I chuckle. "Don't worry. I'm fine. I'm a ninja. We never get caught."


dara giggles. "CL, you're not a ninja."


"Do you like ninjas?"




"Then I'm a ninja."


I can literally imagine her rolling her eyes. "Well then, ninja girl. Did you escape omma too?" I blush and thank god she can't see me. "Well, uh, no..."


"That's what I thought." She laughs. "What did she say?"


"I'm sorta grounded..." I tell her. "Three days. Not bad. The bad part...I'm going to busan on Thursday. I can't leave the house, have friends over, or use the phone till then."


"You're on the phone now." dara points out.


"Until my mom finds out she forgot to take it away." I say.


dara smirks. "Then when will I get to see you?"


I chew on my lip. "I should be back on friday afternoon. See you then?"


"That'll do."


"And dara?"




"I talked to Tiffany." I decide to tell her.


She doesn't say anything for a second. "What did you say?" She asks at last.


"I told her I forgave her but I'm not giving her another chance." I tell her.


"That's good." dara exclaims. "How are you feeling?"


"Amazing." I admit, referring towards dara now and not tiffany.


dara laughs softly. "You're a dork, chaerin."


"What does that have to do with anything?" I chuckle.


"I don't know. You just are."


"chaerin? Do you have your phone?" My mother's voice rings throughout the hallway.


"That's my cue." I sigh. "Bye, dara."


"Bye, CL."


"Miss you." I tell her.


"Miss you too."






I laugh. "You love me."


"How'd you know?!" She gasps.


"I'm a ninja, remember?"


She giggles. "Well, bye, Ninja Dork."


I chuckle. "Bye, dara."


"chaerin?" My mother knocks on the door. "Why'd you lock the door? I forgot to take your phone." I quickly click 'end' on my phone and scatter to go open the door. "Sorry." I lie. "Didnt notice."


My mother gives me a suspicious look as I hand her my phone.


"By the way," She says. "No Internet either."


My mouth drops. "Mom!"


My mouth drops. "Mom!"


She holds her hand out. "Laptop?"


I frown and go over to my desk, grabbing my laptop and pushing it into my mother's hands. "Thank you. Maybe you'll think twice next time about stealing my car and spending the night with a girl." She lectures me.


I scoff but don't say anything. Mother throws me another look before exiting my room. I heave a loud sigh. This .


• DARA •


I hugged my pillow to my chest and stared at my ceiling. My mind seemed to think of Chaerin and only chaerin. Everytime I thought of heer, there was a permanent smile etched onto my face. I don't think I can wait until Friday to see her again. I already missed her so much.


"Hey, Dara-ssi?" My room's door creaked open to reveal dongwook. His dark hair was messed up and his brown eyes stared at me questionably.


"bom sent me to ask you if you wanted to go bowling with us. Don't worry about money. I'll pay." He holds up his wallet and grins.


I roll my eyes and kick my feet off the bed, sitting up. "Sounds great, bodong."


He chuckles and walks over to me, ruffling my hair. "Don't call me that, Ssantoki."


"Then don't call me Ssantoki!" I giggle, gently shoving him off me.


He smirks. "Well, c'mon. boma nd taeyeon are already in the car." He motions me after him and I follow.


"Ever been bowling?" He asks me.


"Endless amounts of times." I respond.


"You any good?"


"Worst then bom."


"That's bad."


I chuckle. "Tell me about it."


"Well, you're in luck." He tells me. "I happen to be a great bowler."


"How is that supposed to make me lucky?" I question.


"Because you have an epic bowling partner."


I catch on. "Oh, so now you're my partner?" dongwook nods as we make it to the front door.




"You better be good."


"I am."


"You Sure?"


"I'm a pro."


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Sorry guys .. i have something to do this day .. i will update tomorrow kkkkk .. Gomawo ^.^


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afourse #1
Chapter 35: Wow...better late than never right...kkkkkkkk likey this one...
ixoren #2
Chapter 35: Daebbak~~ ♡
2ne1_bj #3
Chapter 35: Good!!! Thumbs Up :)
xhianica #4
Chapter 35: awww the story has ended .. but Its so good (y) i will go to your next story author ssi <3 kamsahimnida <3 !
tatyyy #5
Chapter 10: this story is awesome! i like it!<3
Chapter 35: *presentyouwriteroftheyearaward* You really did a great job at writing this chaera story! I love you and keep writing :) :) I'm still sad that this is the end of 'Saving Ms. Lee Chaerin'
Chapter 34: Reading the second last chapter, idk if I should continue reading :( I like the turns of events in the story
Chapter 35: Soooo goooood.
I love this story.
xhianica #10
Chapter 34: I ing love this story !!!