It hurts.

It Hurts to See You Go


Miyoung’s POV



“Mi- Miyoung-ah?” She called. The grocery bags she was holding dropped to the ground with a thud. She was wearing the same expression as mine as she eyed me up and down. She looked at me in the eye with her huge terrifying eyes which sent shivers down my spine. Her features were the same, though she looks older from what I remembered. After all those years, I never thought that I would ever meet her again. That was the last thing I will do before I die. But, unexpected things happen.


“What is she doing here?” She asked Minwoo although her eyes never left mine.


Minwoo glanced at me with his eyes full of worry. “She’s staying here.” He replied and looked back at her.


“And who told you she can?” She slowly drifted her gaze away from me. She stared at Minwoo with her eyes piercing onto his. Tears started to well up my eyes. I looked down straight down to my feet and let the tear drop without leaving any stain on my face. I silently sniffed and looked back up to see her glaring at me once again. I held back my tears and stared back at her in fear.


“Why does she have to stay here? She can just rent an apartment-” She started ranting but she got interrupted by Minwoo.


“She’s going nowhere.” Sure it was enough to catch our attentions. But the next thing he said was worse. “If she leaves, I leave too.” Two pairs of eyes quickly turned his way in complete shock.


His words totally surprised me. I never knew he would do such thing for me. But really, on the other thought, I could’ve just rented an apartment somewhere near here and still be able to visit me. Wasn't that my whole plan anyways? Tch, Minwoo's sorrowful expression took over me again. Babo Miyoung-ah, not even thinking about what might happen before making decisions.


Umma smirked and rolled her eyes at him. I looked down at my feet, worried of what else could happen. Oh, I shouldn’t have stayed. If I didn't, then none of these would've happened. Aigoo… I’m thinking too much. Silence filled the room that only our breathing can be heard.


Suddenly, she sighed in annoyance. “Fine then. Be that way.” She looked at me for a millisecond and rolled her eyes. “Just make sure she’s not gonna be useless around here. Or else…” She then walked towards me and stopped right beside me with her eyes staring at straight ahead.


I froze. My heart raced along with my mind. My eyes widened in fear as she leaned towards my ear, whispering some words that I couldn’t really process in my head at this state. “I’m letting you stay for Minwoo, but don’t expect anything from me.” And with that, she left and went to her room.


My legs weakened, making me fall down on my knees. I thought I was going to faint right away but luckily I didn’t. It would cause so much more trouble and will only prove her that I am useless.


“NOONA!” he screamed. With a blink of an eye, Minwoo came dashing over to my side. He wrapped his arm around me and looked at me in the eye. “Neo gwenchana?” At least someone cares about me.


My eyes slowly became blurry for some unknown reason, but it only lasted for a few seconds. My eyes wandered on around his face, searching for his eyes. I found it eventually and noticed that it was full of concern. I nodded at him and let out a faint smile it only calmed him down for a bit.


He held my hand and helped me stood back up on my feet. “I’m fine.” I reassured him with a smile.


He smiled back at me and took off to the kitchen to sort out the groceries Umma left lying helplessly on the ground. I followed him silently back into the kitchen in which I was supposed to be cooking.


What… Just happened? Did she just- let me stay? I wasn’t really expecting that from her. She was supposed to throw me outside the house, not let me stay. My head hurt a bit as I stirred the Samgyetang that was slowly cooking in the pot. From a far, it looks like I was concentrating on cooking the food, but to tell you the truth, my mind was all jumbled up from all the thinking I did about everything that just happened.


Minwoo calmed me with his voice though. He tried to brighten up the mood and filled the room with all his ridiculous stories. He never left me alone in the kitchen which was a good thing, since I don't want to be alone on this kind of situation. He joked a lot of times and brought smile back to my face. But to my disbelief, Umma came back down with a frown on her face, asking me for food.


"Yah, where's my food?" she asked demanded. I quickly turned to her direction with a surprised look on my face. She was standing there with her hands on her hips, watching me closely. I gulped inaudibly as panic started to kick in. Minwoo on the other side, butted in once again, drawing our attention.


"Umma, she has a name." he said in a calm manner although his face shows disappointment. I wonder what he's trying to do now.


"Tch. I can call her whatever I want for all I know." she murmured, although she made sure it was loud enough for me to hear.


"Uh... T-the food's ready." I informed her before Minwoo could even fight back. I definitely avoided her gaze and let my eyes wander around the room. She’s got this weird bad aura which makes me so terrified. Thinking about it makes my spine feel tingly.


She averted her eyes on me with a tiny hint of satisfaction written on her face. My stomach flipped in so much happiness. I really want to smile for doing something right for her but I just don't think that this is the right time. Besides, she loathes me. Without any other words, she left and headed to the dining table where the plates were already placed.


Minwoo gave me a look. He was obviously not pleased with how I interacted with her. "Well, what do you expect me to say?" I whispered as I shrugged my shoulders. Before he could even complain, I pushed him out of the kitchen, sending him to the table where Umma was sitting.


I sighed. I hope everything will be alright during this supper.


I quickly brought the rice and the Samgyetang that I cooked on the table so that she won't nag at me even more. I took the seat beside Minwoo. Hell no I’m sitting next to her. I would die on the spot.


"Jalmoketsumnida." Minwoo beamed before digging in for food. He had a smile plastered on his face as he was eating. I smiled to myself. He looks cute even when he's eating. I quietly said the same thing before I started eating. Umma on the other hand, stared at the food for quite a long time before taking her first bite. I think she thought that I added some poison or something in her food. I guess she doesn't trust me that much.  I stole some glances from her, and with the look on her face, it seems like she's alright with what I have prepared. Score 2 for me!


I lowered my head and let out a smile. I guess living here is going to be alright.


Dinner was way beyond awkward. Minwoo kept on talking just to keep the mood up. He conversed with the both of us, but it only lasted for seconds. Not a few moments later, silence took over once again.


"How long are you staying here?" She asked all of a sudden.


I was taken a back with her abrupt question. I never expected her to say anything throughout dinner, hence converse with me. I stopped chewing on my food and turned towards her direction. Although she was talking to me (looks like it), her eyes seems to be set on something else and was avoiding mine.


I hesitated on answering at first, but I thought it's disrespectful to leave a question hanging in thin air. "Um... I'm moving here permanently." I answered nervously. "But I’m planning on getting a job so... Yeah..." I continued. Well, that went well.


The awkwardness continued in the table. It was so uncomfortable that all I want to do is to speak out loud! But, I can't. It's not that I can't. It's just that she doesn't want me to. I'm sure my presence alone is irritating enough so what if I started talking. I'm sure she wouldn't like that. I mean- Of course I would like to talk to her if only she'd let me talk and actually converse with her which is a little bit complicated for me at the moment.


But then, she spoke out of nowhere which surprised me. "Where's my water?"


I stopped eating to look at her just to see her noticed staring at me warily before avoiding my gaze once more. I sighed. I guess I have to do it too huh?


So before Minwoo could even say anything, I stood up and volunteered to get three glasses along with a pitcher full of cold water. I placed them on the tray and carefully walked back to the table. But the weird thing is, can't she just get up and get it herself? It seems like she's treating me as her own maid or something- which is not nice. I'm still her daughter after all. These thoughts clouded my mind, as well as my vision. As a result, I tripped over my own foot. How lucky...


I fell onto my knees as I watched the glass shattered into a million pieces along with the water slowly flooding the floor. The chair screeched against the floor as I saw Umma stood up from her seat and made her way towards the scene. Great. What a way to break the awkwardness. But of all the times I have, why does it have to happen now?


I stared at the shattered glass for a second as I waited for her words of wisdom enter my ears. Few seconds later the most anticipated voice echoed inside the house. Lucky I've prepared myself for this before I came here.


"YAH!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Okay I lied. It's a big fat no. I never prepared myself for any of this. "MICHEOSSO??" She screamed. It was so loud that it sent shivers down my spine, leaving goose bumps on my skin. "Are you trying to break every single thing in this house?! Do you know how expensive that was?! Who do you think you are?!"


I looked up real quick just to catch a glimpse of her face. Her anger filled eyes were open wide as she glared at me in a way that could kill. Veins that were running down her neck we're so noticeable that it feels like it's going to pop any minute. It travelled down her arm where her fists were tightly clamped shut as it began shaking then suddenly turned white. I telling you now, you don't want to see it.


"Choesonghamnida. Choesonghamnida. I will clean it all up." I bowed as I apologised with my voice trembling in fear. Without any further ado, I started picking the sharp pieces of glass lying helplessly across the floor.


"Aish jinjja! When are you going to learn huh?! Why do you have to be this useless?!" she ranted even more. I tried to ignore and block all of the words she was saying- but it was so hard not to get hurt from it. It just- stabs me deep in my heart.


"Umma..." Minwoo said as he stood up from his seat, leaving his food half-eaten. "Hajima." Oh God...


Even though it was Minwoo himself who asked her to stop, instead of doing what she's asked, she kept on going. "Yah! I didn't let you stay here just so you can break all of my things! I don't want..." and the insults kept on coming.


I have no idea how I managed to take it all in without saying a single word back to her. I horrible though. I was cut, deep.


I closed my eyes shut as her words slowly filled my mind. I fought the urge of yelling back at her by taking deep breaths. However, it didn't stop me to clench my fists tight as her words turns harsher every minute.


"Oh-" Minwoo gasped. "Noona... Y-your hand..." He said with his voice full of concern.


Out of curiosity, I slowly opened my eyes along with my hand, revealing a red coloured hand. A soft gasp escaped my lips as the broken glass slipped down my bleeding hand with a loud 'ting'. My eyes widened as I watched the blood oozed out from my hand like a stream.


Minwoo rushed quickly over to my side as soon as he saw the blood coming out of my hand. He carefully took my hand and examined it with his full caution. "Apayo?" he asked worriedly while he hovers around my hand, checking how bad the cut is. Due to overwhelming shock that washed over me, my body went numb that I couldn't answer him. And I think he took that as a yes. "Umma, we have to take her to the hospital!"


"What for? She's going to hurt herself again anyways so, I don't see the reason of bringing her to the hospital. It's just a waste of my time and MY money." she exclaimed and crossed her arms across her chest. "Besides, she doesn't deserve to be helped."


"Umma, why are you doing this to her?! Wae?!" his voice echoed as he stood up, leaving me sitting helplessly on the floor. He stared at her with his rounded fiery eyes as he searched and waited for an answer.


"WAE?!?!?!" his loud voice made me flinch in surprise. I held tightly onto his wrist with my good hand, trying to stop him from going on. Sure I've seen him mad when we were kids. But I've never seen him THIS mad that it makes me shiver in fright. It seems like he turned into something he isn't. And it concerns me a lot.


"YAH NO MINWOO!!! Do you still even know who you're talking to?!" Umma's temper gauge exploded. "Why do you always stick by her side anyway?! You're making me look like the bad guy here when she was the one who broke my precious piece of glassware! Am I even important to you?!"


"Let me ask you that. Are we even important to you?"


My eyes widened in shock as I continued to stare at him with my jaw hanging open. H-how could he even ask her that question? That's like, so... I'm speechless.


Umma's mouth opened, but no words escaped from it. Minwoo smirked and rolled his eyes. "I sometimes regret being your child." he whispered, making sure it was loud for her to hear. Oh dear God.




I cringed at the loudness of her voice. I covered my ears and tried to draw out her voice but it  was just so powerful.  I got scared. Very scared. She was horrifying. In some way, Minwoo seemed to sense the fear that I feel. Ignoring everything she was saying, Minwoo bent down and wrapped his arms around me, giving me some blanket of protection. "Gwenchana?" He asked. The warmth of his body definitely made me feel so much better, but it was just- so painful. I just can't take it any longer.


Without any hesitations, I stood up and run outside, picking up my jacket along the way. I tore a strip off my shirt and wrapped it tightly around my open hand. It hurts so badly. But what I feel inside me is much more painful.


Cold wind brushed onto my skin as I fastened my pace. I wore my jacket right away, putting the hood on my head to cover my face. I wouldn't want anyone to see me at this state right now. Especially Minwoo, the only one who I truly treasure. Oh no, I left him alone with her in the house! Aish! Paboya! Why did I even do that?! Aish!


Tears clouded my vision as the scene repeated constantly in my head. My legs continued running in an unknown direction. It didn't even matter at the time. All I wanted was to run away from hell- I mean home. Home. It doesn't even feel like it now. I sighed heavily.


Why does life have to be this cruel?



I am really sooooooooo sorry for this really late update.. 

I know its holidays but my laziness took over me. But now I'm back!!!

I'm really sorry I made you wait for this chapter. I did try my best to make it interesting for you to read so.. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think about it!! ^^


In addition, I decided to add a list of Korean words that I have used for this  fanfic so far so you won't have to ask and be confused to what it means^^ If I missed anything, just don’t be afraid to ask me okay??


Unnie (언니) - girl's older sister

Dongsaeng (동생) – Younger sibling

Noona (누나) – Boy’s older sister

Hyung () – Boy’s older brother

Oppa (오빠) – Girl’s older brother

Umma (엄마) – Mom

Appa (아빠) – Dad

Neo (너) - You

Gwenchanayo (괜찮아요) - All right/ Are you okay

Aish (아이씨) - "ugh" or "crap"

Kureyo (그래요) –Is that so?

Arraso (알았어) – Okay/ I understand/ I know

Kaja (가자) – Let’s go

Pegupayo (배고파요) – I’m hungry

Hajima (하지마) – Don’t

Ahjussi (아저씨) – Mr/ Uncle

Molla (몰라요) -  I don’t know

Waeyo (왜요) – Why

Eottoke (어떻게) – How/ What should I do?

Mianhae/ Choesonghamnida (미안해/ 죄송합니다) – Sorry

Mwohaneun goya (뭐 하는 거야) What are you doing?

Ireona (일어나) – Wake up

Pali (빨리) – Faster/ Quickly

Chamkanmanyo (잠깐만요) – Wait a minute

Mwo (뭐) – What

Bangkapsumnida (반갑습니다) –Nice to meet you

Aniyo/ Andwae (아니요/안돼) – No

Neomu bogoshipo (너무 보고싶어) – I missed you so much

Nado (나도) – Me too

Aigoo (아이고) – Oh my/ Gee

Aegyo (애교) – to act cute

Babo (바보) - Stupid

Kamsahamnida/ Gomawo (감사합니다/고마워) – Thank you

Saranghaeyo (사랑해요) – I love you

Chugule (I can’t find the right one so I’ll put this one 죽고싶어/Chugoshipeo) – Wanna die?

Jeongmal/ Jinjja (정말/ 진짜) - Really

Neomu kiyeowo (너무 귀여워) – So cute

Micheosso (미쳤어) – Are you crazy?/ Crazy

Apayo (아파요) – it hurts/ does it hurt?

Mworago (뭐라고) – What did you say?

Museunsoriya (무슨소리야) – What are you talking about


Je ireumeun _____ imnida (제 이름은 _____ 입니다)

-My name is_____.


Choneun _____ imnida (저는 ____ 입니다)

-I’m ______.



And to make it up to you, I made a short preview for the next chapter!!!

YAY!!! Hope you guys like it and see you on the next update!!!

But don't forget to comment and subscribe okay? 

Also, I don't bite so, Let's be friends! :D



iloveyou06 ♥





"NOONA!!!" Someone called.


He immediately stopped on his tracks. His eyes wandered around the empty street, waiting for another sound to come. Strange. He has been walking on this street almost every night, but it was the first time it occurred. The quiet and peaceful street he was used to suddenly turned into something loud.


Then, a girl came running out of a house a few metres away from him. His eyes widened as he followed the figure until it slowly disappears around the corner.


"I swear if something happens to her, I would never forgive you." the voice yelled yet again then followed by a guy running out from the same house as the girl, which he assumed as her younger brother. Not knowing what to do, his body froze from complete shock. The cold wind didn't helped either.


After a few seconds of recollecting himself, he finally came back to his senses. His long fingers weaved through his soft blonde hair as he let out a sigh with his eyes closed.


"What... was that?"

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Chapter 8: Sequel update soon plz :D love this story Minwoo's soo cute! ^.^ I'm friending you! *•*
IcyAppler #2
yeap! totally agree it hurts to c ppl go especially if u love them so much!! love this story!!
any sequel?:)
keyholic #3
New reader. Please update soon!! :D
Updated ^,^<br />
I beginning to think u had forgotten, dongseang.<br />
Maybe Unnie should remind u?<br />
Looking foreward to the next chapter..!! :D
Wah Update soon~ So interesting~
nice story :D pls update soooon :* luv minwoo >.<
@star-maknae I know you love Minwoo.. :D he's cute.<br />
@CrimsonHazel Yeah.. he's one heck of an over protective brother... :D<br />
@speakyourminddd ne! i'll try to update more often.. i glad to hear that you liked it!! Gomawo!<br />
@katemin Aigoo.. You like Minwoo!! :D<br />
@heeeyzME haha. But it's true!!! He LOVES mirrors..<br />
<br />
heeeyzME #8
lol the mirror part:) update soon!!
19 streak #9
Minwoo. so cute. update soon.