The Wolf and The Beauty


Drabbles for my one-shot Wolf AU fic Disguised Beauty [Indonesian].  This will contains oneshots and small drabbles from the same AU.



A glimpse of Disguised Beauty:


Wu Yifan a.k.a. Kris, the new young alpha of the most respectable pack in South Korea unwillingly attended an annual meeting of various packs from all over the country in order to find a suitable mate. Unlike others who sought after looks and powers in their future mates, Kris believed he could find his mate with his heart—the one who could make him so sure that he (yes, he preferred males) was the one for Kris in one look. As the night grew older, another pack arrived at the meeting, and that was when he met Kyungsoo, a doe-eyed omega with a lithe body and pale skin glowing beneath the moonlight.

"What's your name?"

"D-Do Kyungsoo."

"Mine's Wu Yifan. Come with me."




"Do you like this house? This is going to be your new home."


"Well, it's okay if you don't. I can build another one—the one that is not a tree house—and until that house is finished, you can stay with my parents and sist—"

"N-no! ... I-I mean, I like it. The house."

"Are you sure?"

"I am. It's just... I've never had a home before."



Main Pairing: Kris/Kyungsoo (krisoo)

Side Pairing: KaiLu, BaekYeol, TaoHun, etc.

Poster and background by FrdrckYu1023 from Simtastic Graphic Shop. Thank you!


Karena writer's block kembali menyerang saat ujian udah (hampir) selesai dan liburan di depan mata, jadinya aku bikin tempat sendiri buat ngepost drabbles dan oneshot Wolf AU just in case ada ide pendek muncul di otak. Ada yang mau ngasih prompt atau request apa gitu? Atau ada yang bersedia bikinin poster? Monggo dikomen yah :3 Berhubung ini Wolf AU, mpreg juga bisa loh *kabur*





[150729] Finally posted another oneshot in chp 3. Enjoy!


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kyungiiee #1
Chapter 3: Bahagia akhirnya update juga..d tunggu kelanjutannya.
BabyBuby #2
Chapter 3: Argh..... krisoo sweet bgt.... ih imutnya.... apa lg omakenya kebayang bgt y kyungsoo itu sifatnya ky ayase yukiya di okane ga nai... penurut imut polos..
XOXOtaem #3
Chapter 3: aw....ceritanya sweettt.....wanna more of this stories
parknaya #4
Chapter 2: aw aw kailu,,aduuhh,,maniiss bgt pula.. >.<
maaph ga bsa comment blm bca chap sblmny..keke.. :D
Chapter 1: aku harus komen apa ya..??
secara ini ff bagus pake banget..
trima kasih udh bikin ff krisoo yg bgs ini..:)
joonWu #6
Chapter 1: Ya ampuun so sweet banget ini krisoonya >.< Dibikin melted sama kelakuannya kriss ke kyungsoo X) suKa suka suka :D emang cocok la kris jadi angelnya kyungsoo, uwwaaaa bahagianya jadi kyungsoo :) thanks author udah bikin aku senyum2 :D fighting
kyungiiee #7
Chapter 1: Kyaaa..fanfic baru akhirnyaaaaa...
Dah lama bgt nunggu krisoo nya..dan ini sweet..
Ok lanjut dengan chapter lanjutannya...fighting
ckhdks #8
Chapter 1: Krisoo,,, <3 kris emg cocok bgt buat jadi penjaga kyungsoo, yahh... Tipe yg cuek tapi perhatian. :D. Cuma perasaan gw doang apa gmn, ada faragraf yg di ulang, iya ga sih??
kyungiiee #9
haha pkoknya di tggu updatetannya.,fighting