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It's been weeks and I haven't heard a thing about Luhan. I wanna ask my members or any label mates if they know anything about Luhan but heck, it'll be too suspicious about us. I'm usually on phone with Baekhyun oppa or Sehun whenever they have time so I'm sure Luhan isn't that busy. But I remember D.O telling me he has a drama coming and that Luhan is having a movie at China. Does he have to stay at China whenever they're done with their concerts though? 

"f(x), you girls should go rehersal on stage now." My members and I stood up, walking out of the waiting room and went on stage, hearing audiences screaming. Going to our position for All Night, the music started playing and my arms control the snaps. "All night~, ALL NIGHT!, All night~, ALL NIGHT!" One reason why I love performing on stage, when the fans chant. It's like the chants boost you up. And after All Night, came Red Light. Red lights flashing the stage as we merged together like soldiers, having a poker face like Sehun. Haha. 

And after we finished performing, some of us had to go straight to another schedule, leaving Victoria and Amber at Show Champion still. But before leaving, "Ssul, Krys, and Luna has to go to another schedule so they won't make it for the ending but," Victoria looked at us with a smile, "Amber and I will make sure to bring back the trophy! F(x) fighting!" 

"F(X) FIGHTING!" And I left for my other schedule, hoping we'll actually bring back a trophy. I entered the van with my make up unnie, taking a seat as my manager turned around. "Fix her make up a bit. Make it a little lighter, Sulli is having a mini fansign. Nodding, unnie opened her kit and started fixing my face while I looked at my phone. No message. No missed calls.

"There you go beautiful." I smiled to my unnie and thanked her before averting my gaze back on the phone, waiting for a message or call to come. Tired of waiting, I went to my contacts and searched for Luhan. Putting it on my right ear, and hearing it ringing, nobody picked up. What is he doing right now? "We're here, come on Sulli. Sullians are waiting for you." I printed a smile and walked out of the van with my manager tailing behind and fans screaming for the entrance. 

Sitting on the chair and picking up the pen, the first fan already came with a big smile. "Hello Sulli unnie." I looked up and gave her a smile. "Hello beautiful, what's your name?" The girl pulled out the latest Ceci Magazine of mine and handed it to me. "Jung Hyomin." I signed it and handed it back to her. "Hyomin, such a cute name. Thank you for coming~" 

Fans and fans, one by one, I had to put up a happy smile just for them because I love them even if my heart was empty and lifeless. I miss you Luhan. "Hello~ what's your name?" I looked up at the handsome guy as he was trying his best not to be shy. "Kim Gunwoo." Smiling, I sign his poster of me and handed it back to him. "Thank you Gunwoo for coming. You're so handsome, I bet you're very popular!" But instead of seeing him leaving, he stood there with a smile. "I am. But I don't want any girl in my school because you already stole my heart. Please wait 2 more years for me. Bye Sulli!"

The guy walked off, having his right hand on his chest as I was having a big smile. He's such a cute boy. 

- - - 


"And...cut! Great job everyone, 20 minutes break!" Puffing my cheeks, I went to the snack table and grabbed a water bottle as the make up artists was fixing me. "Thank you." I bowed to them and went to my seat, grabbing my phone to see if anyone called. Sulli called. Going to my contacts, I looked for Sulli until Yang Zishan sat next to me with a soft smile.

"Ni hao Zishan jie jie." I gave her a light bow as she shook her hands. "How's acting so far for you?" I placed my phone down and faced my whole body to her. "It's actually fun. A bit hard but I'll get to it." Zishan smiled and patted my shoulders as support. "You're doing a great job for a beginner. You're goal is near." I pulled out a gentle smile and thanked her. "Can I know what EXO consist of?" 

"Ah, EXO is a 11 member group. We have a sub-group from EXO-M and EXO-K." Zishan tilted her head to the left a bit. "M and K?" I nodded a bit and grabbed my phone, showing her a picture of the sub-groups. "EXO-M promotes in China while K promotes in Korea. Like that." 

"Ah~ So M for Mandarin and K for Korean. Wow, that's very cool." I smiled and nodded, listening to her talking about another subject as I grip onto my phone. Fans know I'm a very sweet and kind guy, right? And I'm not being mean right now, but I really want Zishan jie jie to leave so I can call my baby. It's been 2 weeks I haven't called her due to all these filmings and other schedules. And as a boyfriend, I seriously miss that voice of hers. I hope she doesn't think that I have stop loving her or I love work more than her. I'll always love her. 

"I'm going to talk with the director. See you later Luhan." Finally. I bowed my head and watched her leave until I looked at my phone again. Hearing it ring on my right ear, I can't help it but to print on a big grin. But after a few more rings, nobody picked up. I guess my princess is busy again. Sighing, I went around the social medias and just check out what's up at Korea - mainly about Sulli.

Jonghyun from SHINee came 
to support f(x)'s comeback at
MCountdown and took a selca 
with our giant baby. She looks
so cute. Jjong is such a fanboy of
Sulli! >u< Sometimes, I wonder if
Jonghyun has something for Sulli.
He's so close to her these days!
#sulli #jinri #redlight #jonghyun
#shinee #jonglli #giantbaby #kpop
#shinefx #fanboy
(A/N : This was actually a post. Hehe.)

Looking at the selca with Jonghyun, I smiled to see her still fine and strong even if it was picture from last week. I was worried if she'll be sick and tired, cause she usually is, right? But seeing them that close without any problems with the fans, it makes me a bit jealous and sad. I want to take selcas with her, I want to eat lunch with her, I want to support her group, I want to easily put my arm on her shoulder, I want to pick her as the cutest on shows, I want to compliment her on social medias, I want to mention her for my thank you's, I want to act comfortable with her around the fans, I want to be like SHINee and Super Junior sunbaes....they're so close with her. Instead of getting bash, they get ship or wanting more interactions with Sulli from the fans. 

Sometimes, I wonder what is up with EXO fans

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Chapter 7: but i love itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Chapter 8: T_______________T don't know what to say anymore this is the 2nd fic that stop just like that. And makes me so sad for seriously
jinrifx #3
Chapter 7: When will you update author -nim? I am waiting you.so please update soon please :)
Unnie, update please!
Chapter 7: Authornim, I wait for your comeback now ... Hihihi.. Update quickly. I want more Sulhan ~~
Chapter 7: And she's comeback now! Hehe. Hope she'll comeback to f(x) as well too :) and everything will be allright from now on
Anw please updateee :)
Make sehun confess to her ,i want to see sulli's reaction hehehe
Chapter 6: Authornim, i noticed that you're an avid sullian. I'm a sullian too and simply, i'm just sullian, not that into other f(x) members. When the reality we learned from public recogizion strikes, i felt like i lost my soul. The reality even hurter when luhan left ..right after i ship hanlli. I took hiatus from fangirling, fanfictioning and all (away from korean stuffs) for a while until my heart bcm a lot better. I know the fact that our sulli with another guy, but please remember this, sulli is still 20 yo and she has long life ahead her and even married couple could break. I decided to trust my baby girl till the end, but hiding the fact, i lied to myself and thinking that sulli is still the same as before, when we could still fantasizing and shipping her with any guy we like. And i have this thought. If only luhan really likes her, i don't know but i believe that luhan would still be loyal no matter what. Well, let's keep hoping and praying. That's not wrong and it can heal our heart :)
Chapter 5: Luhan is frustating! Lmao i can feel what he feels ...i won't see my princess sick even just tired an lifeless ...and sehun ..whoaaa this going to be complicated ...sehun you with nuuna, don' bother hanlli kkkk
Chapter 4: Yeay! Finally a sehun pov! Kkkkk still rooting for hanlli here but can't help to hoping more hunlli moments
Chapter 3: Lmfao XD chanhun are so fuunny XD
Ahhh i thought it that sehun likes sulli. Love this fic even more XD you really know what i want hahaha
Anw did the video about luhan bday party and sulli things really exist?