Chapter 8

Act Naturally

Sehun is confused.  Happily confused but confused nonetheless.  He had woken up to a blinking light on his phone indicating a new message and was so shocked at the fact that it was from Luhan that he didn't even notice the strange time it was sent at.  The text was simple and straight to the point.

Sehun, take me to the Gamcheon Art Village.

Yet, it held so many possible implications and meanings that Sehun just couldn't decipher.  Does Luhan like him?  Does Luhan want to spend time with him?  Or does Luhan simply want to go there and Sehun is the only person he could think of to go with?  Regardless of which one it was, it was completely out of character for the older guy and Sehun was shocked, happily shocked of course. 

He had answered with a reply as simple as the request.


Less than a minute later Sehun received another text telling him to meet at the library.  Sehun had a suspicion that his workplace would be their new official meeting place since Luhan obviously didn't want to share where he lived.  Oh well, there's nothing wrong with that, Sehun concluded.

An hour later Sehun stood in front of the library, fussing with his clothes and fixing his hair in the reflection on the glass.  He decided Luhan had impeccable timing since Sehun just so happened to have today off, he would've hated to turn down Luhan’s first request just because of his stupid job. 

Sehun had put a little extra attention into his appearance today, finding a slightly less wrinkled shirt and pulling out new jeans from the depths of his closet.  However when Luhan finally appeared Sehun felt like just as much of a slob as he usually is.  Because wow.  Luhan looked like a million bucks, his golden hair styled off his forehead looking a bit darker than usual, black sunglasses on his face and an outfit that looked far too expensive for any average person to own.

Sehun took one last look at himself and frowned.  So much for looking nice.

"Hello, Sehun."  Luhan smiled and took his glasses off.  Sehun had to remind himself to breathe.

"H-hi."  He said, feeling shy despite the fact that shyness is way out of character for him.  “You look amazing.”  Luhan’s eyes widened.  “I m-mean, let’s go!” 

                Sehun marched forward to his car and felt like punching himself, he’s going to scare Luhan away.  Knock it off and stay cool, he told himself.

“So, what music do you like?”  Sehun asked after a few minutes of driving and flipping through the radio. 

“I don’t really listen to any music.” 


                It goes silent after that for a lot longer than Sehun thought was comfortable.  Sehun isn’t the type to sit in silence, especially when there is a handsome person beside him who is perfectly capable of speaking.

“Have you been to Gamcheon before?”  He asked, partly expecting Luhan not to answer.

“No, I’ve never had the time.”  Luhan answered.  “Have you?”

“I’ve gone a few times, I really love it there.” 

“You do strike me as an art person.” 

                Sehun couldn’t help but wonder if Luhan was this good at reading everybody or if he was just good at reading Sehun. 


                The village is as beautiful as Sehun remembers from his last visit.  He had come around a year ago when he was lacking inspiration, the artwork on all of the buildings could always lift his spirits. 

“Whenever I come here I don’t really go anywhere in particular.  I feel like it’s easier to appreciate the beauty when you just wander and see where you end up.”  Sehun knew he sounded like a sap, but Luhan seemed to really be listening to him and he didn’t laugh.  Sehun liked that a lot.

“Lead the way, then.”  Luhan said.  He’d taken his sunglasses off and Sehun could now see his eyes.

                They began to walk and this silence wasn’t so bad.  The art surrounded them, the bright colors of the building, the friendly old people who sit outside for no particular reason and seem to just be a part of the scenery.  It’s nice and Sehun thought that Luhan fits well.  Like a model here for a photoshoot.  There’s Luhan with a blue backdrop.  There’s Luhan with a green backdrop.  It goes on for a while before Sehun realized he’d been staring at Luhan for far too long and he immediately feels embarrassed. 

                They stopped when they reach the statue of the Little Prince and the Fox.  Sehun leaned against the prince while Luhan stared at the view of the buildings in front of them. 

“What do you think?”  Sehun asked. 

“It’s pretty here, like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”  Luhan answered, turning toward Sehun and smiling.

“It’s definitely one of a kind, but there are a lot of beautiful places and sites to see.  Like in Seoul, there’s Namsan tower, or China, you know the Great Wall.  Haven’t you been to the Great Wall?  You are Chinese.”

“Sehun!”  Luhan pretended to be offended before laughing.  “You can’t assume I’ve been to the Great Wall just because I’m Chinese.  That’s like assuming everyone in France has seen the Eiffel Tower.”  Sehun would be absorbing his words but he’s too fascinated by this strange happy Luhan in front of him.  “I haven’t been there for your information, too touristy for me.”

“Too touristy?  This place is like that, too, but you wanted to come here.”

“The difference is, that here I am a tourist.  China is supposed to be my home I shouldn’t feel like a tourist there.” 

                There was something strange about what Luhan just said.  He said it casually but it held a heaviness like just maybe Luhan truly does feel like a tourist in his home.  Sehun doesn’t comment, doesn’t ask questions.

“Well, is there any place in China you do like to visit?”

“Yeah.”  Luhan smiled softly but there was a sadness in his eyes.  “There’s a temple near the outskirts of my hometown.  I don’t go there often, but if I do I always visit.  I light a candle and just sit there, in front of the Buddha statue.  I always get the feeling I shouldn’t be there, like I don’t deserve to be there.  But it’s what my mother used to do, it’s one of the only things I remember her doing.”  Luhan looked lost and Sehun had the feeling Luhan wasn’t talking to him anymore but then his eyes widened and he laughed.  “I’m sorry, ignore all that.  It’s really pretty there, that’s why I like it.”

                Sehun does what he said, he ignored it for now but filed it to the back of his mind where he’s now going to keep everything he learns about Luhan.  1. Luhan’s mother isn’t with him anymore.  2. Luhan thinks he’s done something so bad he shouldn’t even sit in a temple. 

“You should really try visiting one of the popular tourist sites.  A lot of people are like you and say they won’t go because it’s too touristy, but in my opinion those places are popular for a reason.” 

“You’re right.”  Luhan agreed.  “But I probably still won’t go.”  He added before running off.  Sehun followed with a scoff.


                Luhan felt strange.  He’d been noticing absolutely everything from the second he met Sehun outside the library.  The way Sehun had looked at him, the compliment, Sehun had barely even glanced away from him while they walked through the village.  It was glaringly obvious that Sehun liked him, god knows why.  Luhan had the briefest thought that maybe he was reading the signs all wrong, but then he laughed that thought away because, really, he never gets anything wrong.

                Now, he just had to decide what to do about it.  There were two sides of him, one was still being annoying and saying that Luhan doesn’t deserve a companion as nice as Sehun, but the other side was winning.  That one was saying not to do anything about it, let Sehun like him.  It’s not like Luhan is the boss of him, if Sehun wants to like him that’s his choice. 

                Besides, as they sat in a restaurant across from each other with a table full of food that Luhan bought this time, Luhan found that he kind of likes the attention.  He’d spent so much time watching other people and wanting to be like them, with Sehun he finally does feel like that.  Sehun doesn’t ask questions, he doesn’t care how Luhan acts or what Luhan says, and he’s nice in just the right way, not too annoying but not too passive. 

“I’m still surprised at how much you can eat, my mom would love you.”  Sehun said, picking at his own rice.

“Why’s that?”

“She likes to feed people.  It’s some kind of weird mom thing, whenever I brought anyone over she would offer them food before we could even sit down.”

“It sounds nice.”

“You could come over sometime.”  Sehun had obviously tried to make that sound casual but Luhan could clearly hear the hope and that made him smile.  As strange as that was.

“Okay.”  They’re lucky the restaurant is empty apart from them because Sehun’s smile could’ve blinded someone.  “We should go, I have to work.”

                Luhan led the way to the car, giving Sehun the perfect opportunity to watch him, completely unaware that Luhan did it on purpose.

“I can take you straight to work.”  Sehun offered, sounding hesitant.  Luhan was about to refuse, but then, he figured why not? 


“Really?!”  Sehun gaped, before shaking his head and laughing.  “I, I mean, okay cool.”

                Sehun stayed silent on the drive back, which gave Luhan the chance to reverse the roles.  He watched Sehun as he drove, so careless and natural.  There was nothing Sehun did that wasn’t done with a distinct air of freeness, Sehun is an artist after all.  Luhan was trained completely opposite, careful and precise.  Enjoying someone like Sehun’s company for the first time was scary, but, of course, Luhan isn’t scared of anything.

“So, where do you work?”  Sehun asked. 

“I’ll just point the way.”

                With every turn they made, Luhan observed the surprise on Sehun’s face.  The roads were obviously familiar since he drove this way to his studio.  Luhan thought it was funny, but he kept his amusement to himself.  Sehun pulled his car up to the market, the sea was in front of them and it made the scene quite pretty. 

“You work here?”  Sehun said in disbelief, eyeing Luhan’s obviously expensive clothes.

“Yep.”  Luhan grinned.  “Thanks for the ride, and for today.  See you around, Sehun.” 

                He left Sehun sitting in his car and walked away without looking back.  He didn’t need to explain anything to him, letting him see where he worked was enough for one day.

“You look happy, Luhan.”  His boss said, when Luhan gets to the fish stand.  There’s a fresh bucket waiting by the old man’s feet.

“I had an interesting day.”

“Well, here’s something to make it more interesting.”  He held out an envelope to Luhan.  “Your landlady brought it here, she said it looked important.”

                Luhan accepted it.  The paper was crisp and fancy, he could see why his landlady thought it was important.  He opened it carefully and pulled out an even fancier looking piece of stationary.  It had gold lettering and Luhan smiled when he saw what it said.  It was a wedding invitation for Kyungsoo’s sister’s wedding.  It was in three weeks and at the bottom was a handwritten (obviously by Kai) note.  See you there, a plus one is welcome

                A Plus one?  Luhan wasn’t sure if he would bring someone, or if he even had anyone to bring.  The only person he thought of was Sehun, but they’re not that close yet, besides he wasn’t sure if he even wanted Sehun to meet Kai.  He’d have to think about it.  And while he chopped the heads off some fish, he did exactly that. 

                It was three weeks away, three weeks is enough time.  If Sehun sticks around that long then maybe Luhan will bring a plus one.



a/n: Like I said on a few of my other stories, I've been dealing with health and family issues so it was hard to update.  I'm like literally never not sick, which but I hope you guys can understand, I'm sorry:( 

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Chapter 9: I respect you I respect your job and everything but... :,( please update
I need it ><
Chapter 9: Hey, I am a new reader and I already loves this story and how the characters progress! I can't wait for Kai meeting with Sehun XD and I really like how u potrayed Luhan's identity here ^^ its really intrigued and kind of beautiful mystery, I think. Hehe and I just want to know if u still want to update this story cuz I really like it ^^ nevermind if it will be late updates or no,:but I just kind of curious ><
Abbll16 #3
Chapter 9: When I started this I was so excited to see it was a Hunhan. LuHans character in Heartbeat intrigued me and I wanted (needed) him to have his own happy ending. This is so good so far I cannot wait to see LuHan open up more and to see Sehuns reaction. Also i am excited to see some Kaihan interaction. Their friendship always cracked me up. Can't wait for more! :)
Chapter 9: Got a new job too so I totally understand what you mean by "trying to be an adult" XD
Thanks for the chap !! Super excited cuz omg they kissed
Okay no big deal it's not full make out but still Luhan is changing into a new person ^^
Chapter 9: love this chapter! lol small world w/ kris, yixing and luhan plus sehun... i cant wait wut will happen next. And the the kisssss /brb crying/
sooo cute and ughhhh asdfghj
(we want more we want more, okay, can't wait for the next update!)
.... goodluck w/ ur new job and i wish u good health <3
Chapter 9: I love how all the character are starting, to connect with one another. The way Yixing connects to Kris, who connects to Luhan, is a interesting aspect to the story. I now wonder how that will pan out. Now on to the kiss, it was too cute. Drunk Sehun was adorable. And, Yes being an adult is hard, but we have to do it. I hope the job goes well. And great chapter.
lovelovelu #7
Chapter 9: congrats for getting the new job.. :) i just got a new job too... don't be too stressed, okay..? :) fighting.!
usachanpeace #8
Chapter 9: omg they kissed ♡♡♡
Chapter 9: Drunk Sehun is too cute lol and I'm really glad Lay is gonna keep quiet about Luhan knowing Kris cause yea we need Hunhan to happen lol Sehun kissed him!!!!
Chapter 8: This was a really good update. Sehun and Luhan are getting along, swimmingly, and I do like that Luhan is trying. Oh, I do hope they go to the wedding, that would be interesting. A also hope you are OK now. Can't have you sick for too long.