Chapter 3

Act Naturally

                Luhan stepped out of his door into the soft light of the early morning.  He looked around and saw the ships at the pier preparing to leave, and the lights on little shops down the street beginning to turn on.  A small smile broke out on his face as he watched these simple sights.  They were normal yet so special, because they were only sights that you can see in the morning, the beginning of a new day. 

                He grabbed his broom and slowly began to sweep off the dark surface of the rooftop.  His thoughts drifted off and he found himself thinking about Oh Sehun, the strange librarian.  It had been three weeks since the first and last time he saw him and he knew it was time to go back, his books were overdue.  As much as he tried to convince himself not to anticipate seeing Sehun again, he couldn’t help it.  The guy had sparked a curiosity in him.  Luhan had never been one to let himself be bored, so his schedule of waking up, gutting fish, watching people, and going home, was getting old.  Sehun was something new and interesting, and Luhan reassured himself that it wouldn’t be that bad investigating a little more about him. 

“Good morning!” A voice pulled him out of his thoughts, and he paused his sweeping to look up and see his landlady smiling at him. 

“Ah, good morning ajumma.”  Luhan bowed to her and gave her a bright smile.  “What brings you up here?”

“Just greeting my tenant, I got here a bit early and saw you.”  She said with a warm expression.  Luhan liked his landlady, she spoke kindly to him and treated him almost like a son.  Having no memory of his own parents, it made him feel nice to be treated like that. 

“I’m a bit of an early riser.”  Luhan laughed. 

“I can see that, did you eat breakfast yet?” 

“Not yet.”  Luhan replied.  “I will once I’m done out here.”

“That’s good to hear.”  She grinned. “I can’t help but worry about you, you seem a bit lonely, make sure to take care of yourself.”  Luhan knew what she really meant when she said that, it wasn’t that hard to tell that a lot of people thought he was weird and avoided him. 

“I’m fine, ajumma.  Thank you for worrying.”  Luhan gave her a bashful smile and she just laughed. 

“Okay, work hard.”  She turned to leave, before abruptly looking back.  “Right!  I just remembered.  In a few days we’re having a festival down by the shore.  It’s a big event, even a lot of people from the city go to it.  Do you think you will?”

“Of course!”  Luhan replied right away, his eyes lighting up.  She had sold him at the part where she said a lot of people would be there.  A large crowd of people to watch was just what Luhan needed.  The woman was surprised at his quick answer came but smiled anyway. 

“Great, maybe you can even help me set up my booth, I can’t pass up such a great advertising opportunity and everyone loves ramen!”

“I’d love to, ajumma.”

                Luhan watched her leave with a warm feeling in his normally cold heart, he often wondered if this was what children felt while they watched their parents, but he knew it wasn’t.  Children took advantage of their parents and didn’t appreciate just how much they did for them and how important they were.  It’s hard to realize all of that unless they’re taken away from this world, like Luhan’s parents were.  He sighed and set his broom back in its place by the wall, before going inside to eat. 

                He scooped some freshly made rice into a bowl and placed some kimchi that his landlady had made for him next to it.  After grabbing a spoon he sat down on the ground with his back pressed against his chest of blades.  As he ate he thought of Kai, at this moment his friend was most likely eating a large breakfast while sitting next to Kyungsoo and maybe even Chanyeol, he was probably happy and laughing.  A large contrast to Luhan eating alone in a small, dingy room.  However, even though Luhan knew Kai was happy, he also knew that the guy suffered just as much as he does.  Tears, nightmares, or whatever form it came in, there was no avoiding the memories of their past. 

                Luhan let out a sigh and set his half-eaten bowl on the ground, he’d suddenly lost his appetite.  He leaned his head back and noticed a spider crawling in the top corner of his wall.  Without a second thought he reached into the chest behind him and pulled out a fancy dagger, throwing it point blank and piercing right through the small black body, pinning it to the wall. 

“Sorry, little guy.”  Luhan whispered after getting up and pulling the knife out of the wall.  “I just can’t resist a target.” 

                After his eventful morning, Luhan carefully packed the books he had checked out back into the bag they came in and left his rooftop room with a tight grip on the straps.  The books had managed to give him a bit of an escape, as he read them while sitting on the rocks by the ocean.  That back corner of the library had produced an interesting assortment of books, from political non-fiction to fairytales.  Luhan was excited to go back and discover what else it had to offer. 

                He worked extra fast that day, in a useless effort to make the time fly by, and it didn’t remain unnoticed by his boss. 

“In a hurry to be somewhere, Luhan?”  The old man asked with a hint of a smile on his wrinkled face.

“What makes you ask that?”  Luhan replied looking at the man without stopping his work on the fish in front of him, his blade moving effortlessly by memory. 

“You’ve done practically a whole day’s work in just three hours.”  His boss laughed.  “Go on now, it’s all right.”

“You really mean that?” Luhan finished up the fish and turned to his boss with a huge smile.  Normally he would beg to stay, but with every minute that passed his impatience grew, he wanted to go to the library again.

“Of course.” 

                Luhan thanked his boss, bowing repeatedly while waving and quickly walking away.  His pace quickened until he broke into a run, and before he knew it he was in front of the building for the first time in three weeks.  It looked just as inviting as the first time he saw it, and he grinned while he pushed the glass door open and stepped into the cool, air-conditioned building.  He took a quick glance around the place and saw a few people walking around, and the sleeping girl from before texting at the counter and not paying attention.  The one thing he didn’t see was Oh Sehun.  He contemplated the various options of how to move forward from learning this fact, and he wound up choosing the dumbest one, which is not like him even if Kai argues that it is. 

Instead of turning his books in to the texting lady and going to the back alone, Luhan instead made a detour to the right and sat down at a table in the café.  It was an open layout, so even though the café had different décor it was still open to the library and Luhan had a perfect view to the front desk.  Yes, Luhan’s brilliant plan was to sit and wait for Oh Sehun.  It sounds creepy, but Luhan didn’t care, it’s not like Sehun would know how long he waited or even that he was waiting at all.  He gave the waitress his order and sunk into his comfortable chair, fixing his eyes on the front desk and sinking into his meditative state, he might as well relax while he’s waiting.  It was currently 10 AM, let’s see how long it’ll take you, Oh Sehun.  Luhan smirked.


“Do you have to leave, hyung?!”  Sehun’s little brother whined, grabbing his arm while Sehun pulled his jacket on. 

“Sorry, Minsu.  I have to go to work.”  Sehun gave him a sad smile and ruffled the young boy’s hair.  “I’ll play more video games with you when I get home.” 

“Sehun!”  His mom called out to him from the kitchen, running with a large kimbap roll in her hands.  She skirted around the sulking Minsu and shoved the roll into Sehun’s mouth.  “Don’t you dare try to leave without eating something for lunch!” 

“Umma, you know I can’t eat while I drive.”  Sehun complained, but secretly he was happy, he loved his mom’s kimbap. 

“You can try, just don’t crash!” 

                Sehun laughed and waved with his kimbap free hand, before getting in his car and making his way to work.  It was Saturday so he worked a different shift, starting at noon instead of the early hours he usually does.  Normally Sehun is thankful for this shift, since it meant he can spend half his weekend days with his family, but not today.  Despite being disappointed for three weeks when he goes in each day and doesn’t see the strange blond man, he knew Luhan would show up eventually.  Sehun had been adding up the late fees for a week now, if Luhan was smart he wouldn’t stay away any longer. 

                Sehun pulled into his usual parking spot and ran into the building.  He clipped on his annoying nametag and emerged from the back office to see his coworker not doing anything like usual. 

“Hey, noona.”

“Hi, Sehun.”  She mumbled, flipping through a magazine. 

                Sehun looked around the main room, searching for anyone who might need help and his heart almost stopped in shock when he locked eyes with…Luhan.  He was sitting in the café across the room and staring right at Sehun.  He stood up from his table, abandoning his drink like it didn’t even matter to him, almost like…he had been waiting for Sehun.  No, that’s crazy.  Sehun shook the thought off. 

“Hi.”  Luhan said, when he had reached the desk.  “I want to return these.”  Okay, maybe it’s not so crazy.  Sehun realized, when its obvious Luhan could’ve just asked his coworker.  He decided not to say anything about it and just take care of the books. 

“It’s about time.  You owe 5,000 won.”  Sehun said, grabbing the books and scanning them one by one before putting them on a cart behind him. 

“Fine.”  Luhan sighed, pulling out his wallet and grabbing a bill.  Sehun recognized that the wallet was an expensive brand, and now that he was looking specifically at him all of Luhan seemed to scream “expensive”.  He must’ve been too scared the first time to really notice.  I wonder where he works.

“Thanks.”  Sehun said, taking the money.  “Are you going back to your creepy corner?”  Sehun gave him a playful smirk and was met with a frown.    

“Yes.” Luhan deadpanned, his frown being replaced with a blank face.  The expression looked strange with his pretty features.  “And you’re coming with me.” 

“What?  Why?”  Sehun sputtered, he wanted to see Luhan again, but he did not want to go back there again. 

“Isn’t it your job to help people?”  Luhan’s serious face turned into a huge, slightly creepy, smile and Sehun shivered.  “I need help, so follow me.”

                There really was no arguing with him so Sehun followed, and watched the blond male in front of him with curiosity.  Luhan was practically skipping, and Sehun was reminded of when he got excited over his library card, so innocent and yet so scary.  This guy is definitely weird.

“Ah, I really like this part of the library.”  Luhan said in a quiet voice when they had gotten to the back.  He immediately began to shuffle through the shelves and Sehun leaned against the opposite shelf, just watching him.  “I’m Luhan by the way.  Although you probably already knew that from my form.” 

“Nice to meet you, Luhan.”  Sehun replied, not wanting to admit that he had looked at the form. 

“Hyung.”  Luhan said in a casual tone that still held some sternness.


“Call me hyung.”  Luhan turned around and faced him.  “If you looked at my form for my name, which I know you did, then you should’ve seen my birthday as well, I’m 25.  I’m older than you which makes me your hyung.  Am I wrong?”

“Um, no…hyung.”  Sehun said, he was slightly shocked.  Luhan had such a weird way of talking.  “But how did you know how old I am?”

“I don’t, I assumed.”  Luhan smirked.  “And you just confirmed it.” 

                Sehun scoffed as Luhan turned back around and grabbed three books of the shelf.  He was just getting stranger and Sehun wondered if maybe it was a bad idea to get curious and try to talk to him in the first place.  However, that thought disappeared with the appearance of a beautiful smile in Luhan’s face, not a creepy one, it was bright and made his eyes sparkle. 

“Pick out three more books for me.”  Luhan demanded, and almost like a robot Sehun did just what he asked for several reasons.  One, he wanted to get out of this creepy row.  Two, he felt a bit special being asked to pick out books for this guy, obviously Luhan didn’t care what books he read but Sehun could still tell that Luhan loves books and would treasure whatever Sehun picked.  He made his choices quickly, pulling out the most colorful ones that pleased his artists’ eye. 

“Here.”  He set them carefully onto the pile already in Luhan’s arms. 

“Thank you.”  Luhan grinned at him before running away, leaving Sehun standing alone in the dim light watching his crazy figure disappear around multiple rows of book.  Sehun shook his head in awe and slight confusion before walking up to the front desk.  By the time he made it there his coworker was already putting Luhan’s books into a bag and bowing goodbye.  Sehun caught his eye and Luhan gave him a quick wink before leaving. 

“Is that someone you know?”  His coworker said when Sehun had walked behind the desk to stand by her. 

“Um, kind of.”  Sehun said, not sure how to explain.  “Why?” He added when he saw the expression on her face, it was one of discomfort. 

“I don’t know, he just sort of gave me the creeps.”  She shivered.  “The whole time he was in that café he was looking at this desk.  Not at me or anything, but just the area in general.  I don’t think he even moved, like at all.” 

Sehun felt a little weird hearing her words, he knew that Luhan had been waiting for him, it was obvious.  But he didn’t know it was quite like that, what she was describing wasn’t normal.  He saw her start to walk away and stopped her.

“Noona!”  She turned to him and raised her eyebrow indicating for him to continue.  “H-how long was he waiting there?”  She tilted her head in thought before answering.

“Around two hours at least.” 

                Sehun’s mouth dropped open and he watched as she walked away.  His mind was racing, it was definitely, beyond a doubt, not normal for a person to sit and stare and wait for two hours.  However, despite his common sense telling him that he should be afraid or at least wary of Luhan, there was another part of him saying not to worry.  This part is the one that kept picturing the bright eyes and the warm smile and the childlike happiness over such simple things.  Yes, there was something off about Luhan, no, Sehun wasn’t going to stay away.


                Luhan smiled to himself as he walked home, thinking about his meeting with Sehun.  He was aware that he was not good at communicating with people, and everyone thought he was crazy most of the time.  He honestly couldn’t help that, Kai always told him that his weird attitude was a coping mechanism because of everything that he had gone through.  Luhan was just convinced he was a lunatic.  However, he was trying to fix it, and he was almost confident today went well.  It might’ve been awful from Sehun’s perspective, but Luhan knew it could’ve been worse.  Waiting was definitely worth it, he was excited to see Sehun again, and that made him genuinely happy.  He hadn’t felt happy in a long time.  A real laugh left his lips and was carried away by the salty sea air as Luhan skipped the rest of the way home.  


a/n: Wow it's been a long time.  Sorry, there's been a lot going on and honestly my fanfictions were shoved to the back of my mind, but I promised myself I would never abandon a fic so I'm back!  Let me just say that Luhan's lawsuit really broke my heart, it affected me more than Kris's for several reasons, even though Kris was sick I felt like he left more for his acting which is evident because he's been acting nonstop, Luhan on the other hand left because he was too physically ill to continue, it was his dream to be an idol and he basically had no choice but to give it up:( I really couldn't stop crying.   That being said, Luhan and Kris will always be a part of EXO in my heart and their lawsuits wont affect my fics whatsoever. 

Sorry for all that feeling sharing, I hope you guys are still interested in this fic despite the long wait! 

Tip: While I was writing I felt a strange thing like I was forgetting something so I looked through Heartbeat and Boom! Luhan almost never sleeps, he instead rests through meditation(which I don't suggest you try), he does this as a way to stay alert at all times.  Be aware of that, and I thought I would remind you all since I also had to remind myself! 


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Chapter 9: I respect you I respect your job and everything but... :,( please update
I need it ><
Chapter 9: Hey, I am a new reader and I already loves this story and how the characters progress! I can't wait for Kai meeting with Sehun XD and I really like how u potrayed Luhan's identity here ^^ its really intrigued and kind of beautiful mystery, I think. Hehe and I just want to know if u still want to update this story cuz I really like it ^^ nevermind if it will be late updates or no,:but I just kind of curious ><
Abbll16 #3
Chapter 9: When I started this I was so excited to see it was a Hunhan. LuHans character in Heartbeat intrigued me and I wanted (needed) him to have his own happy ending. This is so good so far I cannot wait to see LuHan open up more and to see Sehuns reaction. Also i am excited to see some Kaihan interaction. Their friendship always cracked me up. Can't wait for more! :)
Chapter 9: Got a new job too so I totally understand what you mean by "trying to be an adult" XD
Thanks for the chap !! Super excited cuz omg they kissed
Okay no big deal it's not full make out but still Luhan is changing into a new person ^^
Chapter 9: love this chapter! lol small world w/ kris, yixing and luhan plus sehun... i cant wait wut will happen next. And the the kisssss /brb crying/
sooo cute and ughhhh asdfghj
(we want more we want more, okay, can't wait for the next update!)
.... goodluck w/ ur new job and i wish u good health <3
Chapter 9: I love how all the character are starting, to connect with one another. The way Yixing connects to Kris, who connects to Luhan, is a interesting aspect to the story. I now wonder how that will pan out. Now on to the kiss, it was too cute. Drunk Sehun was adorable. And, Yes being an adult is hard, but we have to do it. I hope the job goes well. And great chapter.
lovelovelu #7
Chapter 9: congrats for getting the new job.. :) i just got a new job too... don't be too stressed, okay..? :) fighting.!
usachanpeace #8
Chapter 9: omg they kissed ♡♡♡
Chapter 9: Drunk Sehun is too cute lol and I'm really glad Lay is gonna keep quiet about Luhan knowing Kris cause yea we need Hunhan to happen lol Sehun kissed him!!!!
Chapter 8: This was a really good update. Sehun and Luhan are getting along, swimmingly, and I do like that Luhan is trying. Oh, I do hope they go to the wedding, that would be interesting. A also hope you are OK now. Can't have you sick for too long.