Chapter 2

Act Naturally

"What do you think you're doing?"  

Luhan looked up at the guy who dared to interrupt his reading.  He felt extremely annoyed, all he wanted was to relax for once, but no, that couldn't happen.  He gave the guy a quick once-over, studying him in the calculated way he was trained to.  He was tall, taller than Luhan, but he was thin and looked weak.  Scuffed shoes and ripped jeans that he had paired with a nice collared shirt, in an obvious attempt to try to dress up for his job, it wasn't working.  All of that topped off with his un-styled bleached hair, he looked like a mess in Luhan’s opinion, but Luhan tends to be overcritical sometimes.  Judging from his facial features Luhan placed him in his early twenties, and judging from his petty part-time job Luhan could safely assume he still lived with his parents.  Basically this guy was no match for him, especially with his deer in the headlights look as he stared at Luhan and his knife. 

"Oh Sehun."  Luhan read the small name tag perfectly despite the dim light.  "What do you think I'm doing?"  Luhan smirked as he closed his book and snapped his knife shut, turning toward Sehun and leaning on the table with his head in his hand. 

"I d-don't know."  Sehun stuttered. "There...knife...I-it's not allowed."  Luhan chuckled as he watched Sehun stumble over his words.  It would be so easy to mess with him, Luhan thought.  However, he knew that this Sehun guy was just trying to do his job, and that was something Luhan could respect, so he tucked his knife into his pocket and stood up.  With every step Luhan took forward, Sehun stepped back until his back was pressed uncomfortably against the bookcase. 

"Please," Luhan said with an attempt at an innocent smile.  Sehun was practically shaking.  "I was just reading, I don't think twirling my knife in my hand is hurting anyone or committing a crime.  Let’s just forget about it alright?"  Luhan grinned and patted Sehun on the shoulder.  Sehun just nodded quickly and turned to run away.  However Luhan stopped him by grabbing his sleeve.  "Before you go, I want to check out this." Luhan grabbed the book off the table.  "And these."  He grabbed about five more random books off the shelves and shoved them into Sehun’s hands.  "You can take care of it right?"  Sehun nodded briskly and looked anywhere but at Luhan’s face. 

"Follow me."  He muttered before turning and dragging his cart away.  Luhan skipped after him in excitement.  When they reached the counter Sehun glanced at his sleeping colleague who was supposed to be running the counter and sighed.  "Do you have a library card?"  He asked Luhan while he scanned the books.  Luhan shook his head no and Sehun sighed again before sliding a form across the counter for Luhan to fill out. 

For once in his life Luhan filled out each answer truthfully, he had no reason not to.  And despite the fact that it was just to receive a library card, it felt liberating to write down who he really was.  His real name, his birthday, he had to fight against giggling as he wrote.      

"Here."  Luhan said, handing it back to Sehun who took it and put a shiny black card in its place.  "Wow."  Luhan marveled.  "It's beautiful."  Sehun gave him a weird look as he held the card up and studied it closely. 

"H-here's your books."  Sehun mumbled, putting them in a bag and held it out. 

"Thank you, Oh Sehun."  Luhan grinned widely while grabbing the bag out of Sehuns hands.  "I'll be back."  Sehun leaned across the counter and, much to Luhan’s surprise, smiled back. 

"You won't have that knife next time, right?"  Luhan was genuinely surprised at the guy’s sudden change in character, maybe I judged him too fast

"I can't make any promises."  Luhan answered honestly before sprinting out the door.  He ran and ran until he was out of the city and back in the comfortable rural streets, he could hear the waves rolling and he smiled at the sound.  He kept running and finally came to a stop in front of the fish stand.  Thanks to his perfect agility, there was no sweat or heavy breathing to show how long he had been running.  The old man in the stand looked at him curiously. 

"Back so soon?" 

"Yes, ajussi." Luhan bowed his head.  "I went out and looked around, the city is really nice.  Is it okay for me to work just a little bit more?"  The man glanced down at the bag in Luhan’s hand before looking back at his face and solemnly nodding.  Luhan grinned widely and bowed before slipping his apron back on and getting to work.  

As he worked he couldn't help but think about the strange interaction he had with that Oh Sehun guy earlier.  Luhan was skilled at reading people, but as soon as he thought he had Sehun figured out, the guy changed from scared and intimidated to actually being friendly.  Luhan hated it.  He didn't like friendly people, he couldn't understand how they could be nice to other people that they didn't even know.  If Sehun was a friendly type of person then Luhan never wanted to see him again, because once a friendly person meets someone they cling onto them and try to "talk".  Luhan needed to avoid that, there was no way he could actually develop a friendship with another person, he had too many problems, too many secrets.  Just avoid him, Luhan decided.  It won’t be that hard.    


Sehun waved goodbye to his coworkers as he left the library after his shift.  Despite hours of mindlessly putting books on shelves, Sehun was still feeling puzzled over his encounter with the knife guy that morning.  How he had acted when Sehun approached him was strange and kind of scary, Sehun couldn't put his finger on it but the guy was definitely weird. 

However, oddly enough, there was something dangerously alluring about him at the same time.  Sehun could almost forget about his creepy vibe when he remembered the angelic appearance he had.  Soft, small features, dark, sparkling eyes that had so easily captured Sehun’s own, gold hair that looked so soft, and a perfect smile that seemed to be hiding something dark beneath it, but was so pretty that it made you forget that thought as soon as it came.  Sehun swore that man was as perfect as a person could come, even though he was short and small he still seemed strong and moved with a grace that shouldn't be humanly possible. 

Who is this guy?  Sehun wondered.  He had looked at the form after the guy filled it out and saw that his name’s Luhan, the name and the guy’s slight accent told him that he was foreign.  However, being foreign didn’t account for the weird behavior.  Sehun had honestly been scared at first, but as he watched the guy get all excited and giddy over a library card his fear was replaced with curiosity.  Sehun was interested in finding out a bit more about the strange man, he decided to just talk to him again next time.  Judging from the amount of books he checked out, he’ll be back. 

                Sehun climbed into his car and was about to start driving when his cell phone buzzed loudly.  He grinned when he saw that it was his best friend calling.

“Lay!  What’s up?” 

“Hi, Sehun!”  Lay’s cheery voice rang through the speaker.  “I was just calling to check up on you, did you get into the apartment and pick up your stuff already.”

“Yep, I’m on my way to the place right now.” 

“Woohoo!”  Lay cheered, and Sehun could picture him pumping his fist and being the cheesy person that he always is.  “I’m so happy for you, I wish I could be there.”

“No worries.”  Sehun replied with a smile that Lay couldn’t see but probably knew was there.  “How are things in China?”

“Good.  I’ve been busy visiting all my family members, it’s nice to see them.”  Sehun knew how important this trip was to his friend.  Lay had moved to South Korea to study and he barely has time to visit his family.  “Actually, it looks like I’m going to have to let you go, my grandmother just arrived.  Have fun setting up your studio, I can’t wait to see it!” 


                Sehun hung up and started his car before taking off with a huge grin.  Talking to his best friend always gave him energy, Lay was just so bright and caring.  He had always encouraged Sehun’s art dream and acted as his main beam of support, since the only other person who knew was Sehun’s older sister who was studying in Japan.  Sehun felt like he owed Lay the world, but Lay always passed Sehun’s gratefulness off with a dimpled smirk and a “that’s what friends are for”.

                Eventually the city buildings that Sehun was so used to being surrounded with came to an end, and he breathed a happy sigh as he took in the view of the beautiful sea.  He rolled his window down to smell the fresh, salty air and drove down the road to his studio.  He passed rocky shores and a large street market before taking a sharp right turn and driving up a short road to the building.  He parked carefully and then ran into the shop under his rooftop room to greet his landlady. 

“Hello, ajumma!”  He called to the lady arranging flowers on a stand. 

“Ah!  Sehun, welcome.  Wait here.”  She grinned at him before disappearing into the back room and appearing minutes later with a small blue flowered plant in a shiny black pot.  “Here’s a welcome present.”

“Wow, thank you!”  Sehun carefully took it from her and admired it.  “It’s beautiful, you didn’t have to give me a present though.”  He said with a sly smile. 

“I’m just so thankful that you rented, that room has been empty for so long!”  She gushed.  “My friend next door got a tenant around four months ago, now she can’t tease me anymore!”  Sehun couldn’t help but laugh at this, these old ladies were still acting like young girls. 

“I promise I’ll be a much better tenant, so you can instead!” 

“That won’t be hard.”  She said with a serious face.  “The young man that rents from her is a bit strange.  He looks so rich yet he lives in a small room, and he rarely greets anyone.  Also the way he watches people is weird too…”  She zoned out a bit with furrowed eyebrows, but quickly shook it off and laughed.  “But what do I know?  I can’t really explain it.  Just be a good tenant alright!”  She patted Sehun on the head and shooed him out the door. 

He laughed at her and ran up the stairs on the side of the building.  He stepped onto the roof and slowly took in the beautiful view.  He could see the ocean and the city from here, it was perfect.  He looked to his left and saw a rooftop room similar to his own on the building next door.  That must be where my neighbor lives.  His landlady’s explanation of him was weird and it made Sehun curious to see just what type of person was living there.  Whoever it is, there was no way he could be as weird as that Luhan guy I met earlier!  Sehun laughed to himself. 

He walked across the black rooftop to his door and dug in his pocket for his key.  He took a deep breath before unlocking the door and pushing it open.  The nearly empty room greeted him and Sehun jumped in happiness.  There was no furniture except a small table, two chairs, and a bookshelf.  Sehun could already picture his artwork and supplies filling the empty space.  He placed the plant down on the table and crossed his arms, proudly looking around the room.  He could almost taste his future. 

Sehun spent the rest of his afternoon setting everything up.  He organized his sketchbooks and supplies on the shelves and set his easel up by the window where the sun could shine on it.  Some of his finished and nearly finished canvases were lined up against the wall.  Once he was done he collapsed onto the ground and laughed hysterically in happiness.  He still couldn’t believe that he finally had his own space to work, no more drawing and painting small things while he visited Lay, he could do whatever he wanted to!  Make a mess, paint a , spend hours staring at a canvas and be completely uninterrupted!  However, as much as Sehun wanted to paint right away, it was already getting dark outside and his family was expecting him back.  He was also starving from all that work.

Sehun skipped down the stairs after locking the door and entered the small ramen restaurant next door owned by the landlady of the “weird” tenant.  He greeted the lady, gave her his order, and sat down at a table with his back to the entrance.  Around ten minutes later she set a big steaming bowl of ramen in front him and he thanked her with a grin before taking his chopsticks and digging in. 

“Welcome back.”  The lady suddenly said to someone at the door.  “You look like you’ve worked hard, do you want me to bring up some ramen for you?” 

                A quiet “yes please” came from the doorway, and the lady smiled warmly before returning to the kitchen.  Sehun realized she must have been speaking to her tenant, and turned quickly to see him, but all he saw was a dark form walking past the window.  Oh well, Sehun shrugged and returned to his food.  I wonder if I’ll see that Luhan again soon…


a/n: Hey guys! I'm so happy you liked the first chapter, sorry for the wait and thank you to everyone who suscribed!:D

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Chapter 9: I respect you I respect your job and everything but... :,( please update
I need it ><
Chapter 9: Hey, I am a new reader and I already loves this story and how the characters progress! I can't wait for Kai meeting with Sehun XD and I really like how u potrayed Luhan's identity here ^^ its really intrigued and kind of beautiful mystery, I think. Hehe and I just want to know if u still want to update this story cuz I really like it ^^ nevermind if it will be late updates or no,:but I just kind of curious ><
Abbll16 #3
Chapter 9: When I started this I was so excited to see it was a Hunhan. LuHans character in Heartbeat intrigued me and I wanted (needed) him to have his own happy ending. This is so good so far I cannot wait to see LuHan open up more and to see Sehuns reaction. Also i am excited to see some Kaihan interaction. Their friendship always cracked me up. Can't wait for more! :)
Chapter 9: Got a new job too so I totally understand what you mean by "trying to be an adult" XD
Thanks for the chap !! Super excited cuz omg they kissed
Okay no big deal it's not full make out but still Luhan is changing into a new person ^^
Chapter 9: love this chapter! lol small world w/ kris, yixing and luhan plus sehun... i cant wait wut will happen next. And the the kisssss /brb crying/
sooo cute and ughhhh asdfghj
(we want more we want more, okay, can't wait for the next update!)
.... goodluck w/ ur new job and i wish u good health <3
Chapter 9: I love how all the character are starting, to connect with one another. The way Yixing connects to Kris, who connects to Luhan, is a interesting aspect to the story. I now wonder how that will pan out. Now on to the kiss, it was too cute. Drunk Sehun was adorable. And, Yes being an adult is hard, but we have to do it. I hope the job goes well. And great chapter.
lovelovelu #7
Chapter 9: congrats for getting the new job.. :) i just got a new job too... don't be too stressed, okay..? :) fighting.!
usachanpeace #8
Chapter 9: omg they kissed ♡♡♡
Chapter 9: Drunk Sehun is too cute lol and I'm really glad Lay is gonna keep quiet about Luhan knowing Kris cause yea we need Hunhan to happen lol Sehun kissed him!!!!
Chapter 8: This was a really good update. Sehun and Luhan are getting along, swimmingly, and I do like that Luhan is trying. Oh, I do hope they go to the wedding, that would be interesting. A also hope you are OK now. Can't have you sick for too long.