Ive Got a Love Rival - Onew

Why Did U Leave Me?

~Hee Ryung's P.O.V (YOU)~
"shh, come on they'r recording but the oppas are still asleep." Shin Hye patted me on the back. i mumbled and rolled over away from her still wanting to sleep. she came closer and i rolled away. again she came and again i rolled. 
"fine be that way." Shin Hye muttered before turning away. 
i smiled happy to be able to sleep but then i felt something landed on top of me. Shin Hye. when i was off guard she had pounced on me and was now pulling me up by my arms. i still didnt budge letting my head flop back.
"AII-YAH!! COME ON!" she hissed softly at me.
i sighed and eventually sat up rubbing the tierdness away from my eyes. my eyes were half-shut and things were blurry but i could still make out the korean-style 
she put a finger on her lip and lead me to where the oppas were sleeping. Eun Jung quietly pushed open the door and peered inside. she then tip-toed in motioning us to follow. i creeped in along with Shin Hye, we looked at each other and coudnt help chuckling. we felt like ninjas sneaking around. i turned my focus at the sleeping oppas.

3 words= perfect sleeping angels.
5 heads poked out of the fluffy blankets. first: a very neat hair- head. second: longish hair-head. third: a blonde and brown colour hair. fourth: a mushroom shape hair- head and last a messy head. 

i letted out a sigh, they look so cute sleeping like that :3 i just hav an urge to pinch their faces. 
Eun Jung dragged me with her and held me firmly on the ground. 
"dude" she stared at me with big round eyes. "they're recording, get out of the way lah."
i putted a hand on my head "hehe, sorry. they looked really cute"
Shin Hye plotted herself next to me and rolled her eyes. "no duhh, its SHINee, who do you expect."
Eun Jung looked over at Shin Hye and said with 'innocent' eyes "Super Junior."
i rolled my eyes. typical Eun Jung.

~Narrator's P.O.V~

Yoogeun came waddling into the room with a happy expression on his face. he saw the appas and went over patting them on the head.
"appa! wake up!" 
they didnt stir. 
he cringed his little face and tried again louder
"appa!! wake up!!"
they didnt stir ~ "APPA!!"
Minho sat up and grabbed Yoogeun then settling back down pretending to sleep. in his arms Yoogeun gave a little sqeual before managing to squirm out. He then giggled and ran away to Key who was already awake from the first call. Key hugged the little boy and then sent him off to take up Taemin. 
"Taemin appa!" 
Taemin smiled and like Minho grabbed the boy and pretend to sleep. Yoogeun lay there patting at his chest still saying "appa wake up, appa wake up."
Taemin suddenly had an idea and asked Yoogeun. "do you want to play aeroplanes with appa"
Yoogeun clapped his hands and nooded excitedly. Key and Minho crawled over and helped Taemin placed Yoogeun on his feet. 

Unfortunaetly, Taemin was a weak aeroplane and Yoogeun was about to come tumbling down if it wasent for Jonghyun who was secretly watching behind his pillow. He saw the little passenger about to crash and sprang up catching him in time. Candy3 and the staff members all had their stomach flipped as they watch in silent.
Hee Ryung muttered to herself that Taemin might need to work on his leg muscles.
Jonghyun scolded Taemin for almost dropping the 4yr old. Taemin scrunched up his nose and eyes and pouted. "ahh hyung!!" he whinned, "i just wanted to play lah! "
While the two members argued Yoogeun army crawled to Onew and patted him "Onew appa wake up!"
Onew~ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz =-= 
Jonghyun~ "oh yoogeun ah, he's not waking up. what are you going to do?"
Key~ "Yoogeun ahh~ kiss Onew appa on the cheek and tell him to wake up"
Yoogeun did as he told and planted a innocent angel kiss on Onew's face.
"Ehh?" the little boy became confused he turned to the other amuzed appa "he's not waking up!" he pouted.
Taemin~ "kiss him again"
Yoogeun leaned in for his second wak up kiss but Onew suddenly quickly rolled away. 
"AHH!" Yoogeun proud of himself pointed happily to Onew "APPA IS AWAKE!"
together SHINee and Yoogeun yanked the blankets off Onew and pulled him to the door.

Onew sigh gave up and folow them out BUT.... as soon as the other 4 and Yoogeun walked out Onew shutted the door and flopped himself on the mattresses.
Yoogeun from the other side of the door gave a little shout. Minho who first realised wat Onew did started yelling
"OH! he went back to sleep!"
The rest noticed and they too started yelling
"he shutted the door!"
"ohh rebel hyung!"
Candy3 who was still watching them burst into silent laughter, silent tears came out of Eun Jung's eyes and Shin Hye lay there clutching her stomach. woah- how can they not notice!? 
they barged inside the room again and all tackled Onew. "YAH! WAKE UP!"
Onew cringed at the sudden out burst in his ear and sat up eyes half-closed..
he mumbled "...wwat...th...e..hell?? are....you all..trying ..to make me deaf?"
Key swatted him over the heade and pushed him out of the room. Jonghyun made sure he didnt go out last and shutted the door himself. 

SHINee all sat in a line in the room next to their sleeping room waiting for the shows activity to start. Yoogeun sat on Minho's lap bounching up and down and sometimes crawling away only to be swept be Minho again. 

ACITVITY: tempt Yoogeun with the money you are given!!


 each member was given a little parcel each containing different amount of money. with curiosity they shook the bags seeing if it was coins or notes. 
Taemin~ mines a note
Minho~ note
Key~ note
Onew~ ...*yawns i hav a note.... =3= 
They turned to Jonghyun waiting for his discovery. being a butterfinger in the morning Jonhyun dropped his parcel and it hit the ground with a few a clang.
Jongyun~ !! 
he looked at the staff members
"am i the only one who has coins!? O_O"

______________ After settling down and sat in a line with their money__________________________

"Yoogeun Yoogeun!! Come here! come to appa!!" the SHINee appas teased the little boy with their notes and Jonghyun with his coins.
The way to win was to get Yoogeun to sit on their laps
They tempted him by saying stuff like "come over here and appa will buy you a power ranger gun." wiggles eyebrows*

Hee Ryung coudnt help cracking up-- omo no offense oppas!! you sound like people who wants to kidnap kids!!"
Some staff memebers also coudnt take it and hitted the wall continuesly laughing

Yoogeun wandered in front of the desperate appas using his little ticking brain seeing which one was better. Suddenly Jonghyun stuffed his coins back in the parcel and started shaking it furiously. The noise of the clashing coins attracted Yoogeun's attention. He spuned around facing Jonghyun.
Jjong smirked and shook them more. "Yoogeun ah~ come to appa and you can hav these coins" 
Yoogeun took a last look at all the other appas face before slowly headed towards Jonghyun. Taemin who was close by shoved his money note in Yoogeun's face--- he was really desperate to win. 
meh~~ too late Yoogeun sat down on Jonghyun's lap taking the golden coin and playing around with it in his hands.
Taemin broke down and went to a corner muttering to himself. There was a large black depression cloud over his head. 
Minho and Key's eyes widdened at Yoogeuns choice and they threw questions at the staffs.
"Yahh, how come a $1 can beat $50 heyy??? how how how?? tell me??!"
"can we teach Yoogeun maths so he knows which one is bigger!?" 
everyone laughed but Key kept acting staring at the dierctors face "no seriously, we need to teach him!"
The director just shrugged his shoulders~ "molla, im not a kid."  he said cut and told the crew they'll record again at 5pm. for now SHINee and everyone else can have some time off. 

Jonghyun ran to the director and putted his hand out. "for winning can i get a reward please?" he did his puppy eyes with hands under his chin pleading. The dierctor sighed and smiled handing over $50 to Jonghyun.
He patted his head before heading off "spend it wisely dino."
Jjong smiled and skipped happily to Hee Ryung "umm Hee Ryung, would you like to go with me buy stuff please?"
Hee Ryung suprised manage to stuttered out "um um um.. sure..why not?"
she looked at Eun Jung and Shin Hye to check with them if they were ok but those two had already ran off to play with Yoogeun.
Hee Ryung shrugged and head off with Jonghyun.

~Shin Hye/ Eun Jung's P.O.V~

as the camera stopped rolling i ranned to Yoogeun. he was just soo cute and unresistable with his innocent smile. i wanted to play with the kid, i mean its not like everyday you can have fun playing with someone so young between all your schedules as an idol!
anywayz... i sense Jonhyun is up to something ;) better leave them alone.

~Onew's P.O.V~

as we took our break i started heading towards the room where we slept, i was still sleepy and decided i needed to take a nap.. Yoogeun and chicken can wait ... *YAWNS...
wat the!!? i saw Jonghyun walking over to Hee Ryung. They were too far out of my hearing distance but i saw Jonghyun talking to her...he seemed pretty happy.
Hee Ryung smiled at him and got up walking out of the house with him.... ehh!? wat are those two doing!? i know we are allow to go anywhere with anyone.. but... those two?? together?? alone!?? 
i felt jealousy rose up in me , my fist automatically clenched and i felt my face turning red.
sighhh, why didnt i ask her out somewhere heyy> pabo dubu onew!! now shes getting away with Jonghyun!
oops- i mentally slapped myself... geez that sounded like i was already claiming her... i wish....
... wait... ive never seen Jonghyun smile like that before... and going out?? he'll normally ask Key to go shopping with him...whyy Hee Ryung now??
i crossed my arms deep in thought....wait...he coudnt...can he..... does he....does he...he... like Hee Ryung too!?
my head snapped to where the two of them left
NOOOOO I LIKE HER!! MORE THAN CHICKEN!! SHE IS M...- i mentally slap myself again... wth am i thinking? i cant just go claiming people as mine... Onew wat happen to you ?? this isnt like you, you normaly never care wat Jonghyun did why now?? whyy? 
pshh~ i sighed and shooked my head furiously.. no need to ask i know the answer : i like Hee Ryung too... but i dont want to fight with my dongsaeng....
the atmosphere suddenly didnt seem as nice as it was before. it was gloomy and cold
i stared sadly at the door where the two of them had left

Jonghyun, what are you up to?


uh-ohh~~ has onew figured out that jjongie likes Hee Ryung too??!

Thnk you to almightykey for creating my poster and background image :) saranghae <3 

Unfortunaetly im going hav to end this Hello Baby soon~~ :( i will try add more of Yoogeun before he goes!! 

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jburns14 #1
Chapter 36: seriously so good. this is the first Onew pairing fanfic I've ever read. Daebak!! </3
xxkpopxx #2
i read this before but wanted to read it again. but i didn't remember wat it was called so i filtered it and i found it!!! i also subscribed in case i wanted to read it AGAIN!! haha, lol
how cute??<br />
Annyeong ^^<br />
i hav a second fanfic about to begin<br />
Plz check it out yea??
omg i thought ir finished but thnx for tis ending!!! soo awesome :D
awwwwwww i wanted more to the ending :'( but i love this fanfic!! lol im an aussie too hehe ^^
Kyaaa! LOVE IT!
TofuCharismaShawol #8
YAY!!!!! Sequel^^ so is all good now?? Hah! Min Yu, you got owned. <3 great job ^^