So Close

Why Did U Leave Me?

~Onew's P.O.V~

i got angry, i got upset, i got frustrated. i got... worried. when Jung Cha wrapped her arms around me my heart thumped fast. but it wasnt becuz i had feelings for her. it was bcuz Hee Ryung was watching. i didnt want her to see me close to Jung Cha. As the girl wrapped her arms around me i could feel goosebumps erupting over my body. i could see out of the corner of my eyes Hee Ryung had a dull and sad expression acroos the face. her fingers came together and she started twirling them like she was suddenly nervous. her eyes kept trying to avoid me.Jung Cha suddenly came close and asked out loud asking why i woudnt sit next to her.

i was disgusted. 

the way she called me oppa made me feel icky and gross inside. we werent even close! and the way she hugged me.. it seemed like she was claiming me as her....*shivers* boyfriend.. 

i felt the anger in me rising. at first it wasnt big but then it rosed and rosed and became a volcanic activity. i erupted
in the moment of blindness in anger i stormed off. 
pshhh~ never before hav i been pissed like this before. Jung Cha you better stay away from me.

~Taemin's P.O.V~

hyung marched out of the room when he suddenly exploded. i could feel the terrible shake in the floor as with each step his feet landed on the floor. 
woah, hyungs mad. for once in his life. 
i turned to noona and glared at her. thnk you for pissing hyung off hey? we all appreciate it
hmph~ its not noona neomu yeppo anymore. its noona neomu pabo !

~Minho's P.O.V~
aishhh- poor hyung. that Jung Cha is annoying as, im glad i dont talk to her at all.

~Key's P.O.V~

tsk tsk, naughty girl pissing hyung off like that, her umma should of taught her about privacy and manners or too. HMPH!

~Jonghyun's P.O.V~

i hav nothing to say to say to that girl >:( hmphh~ how dare she!! 
*death glare*

~Hee Ryung's P.O.V (YOU)~

Oppa erupted on the spot as Jung Cha flirted with him. i was half happy. but then i was not
happy that oppa rejected Jung Cha- i would of been teared apart if he fell in love with the person who hurted me the most
unhappy bcuz oppa is now angry, i dont want him to be upset.

i ran after him while everybody else scolded Jung Cha. i dont care about her anymore i just want oppa to be happy.
Outside it was lightly snowing. i turned left and right searching and searching but he had dissapeared somewhere. 
"Think Hee Ryung, think." i told my self while puffing warm air onto my hands. "where will he go?"
i stood there with my brain ticking away. got it. i walked off in the direction where i saw it on the way
".. the chicken shop."

~Narrator's P.O.V~

Hee Ryung walked and walked through the streets of the village heading to the only chicken shop she knew. along the way many people stared at her probably recongizing her as a new idol in Seoul and others (guys) whistled at her, wagging their eyebrows. she ignored still walking only Onew is on her mind.
As she approached the shop she saw through the window Onew stuffing his face with chicken and then reading furiously at the menu ordering more when he ranned out. This is wat Onew does when he is pissed.

Ordering Food                                               Onew stuffing his face with Chicken


Hee Ryung walked into the shop and stood in fron of Onew watching him eat. Onew felt a presence flaoting around and looked with a chicken still in his mouth.... 
"Oh hai-hi rung, umm beh otpha mebas not anfry? (translating) *oh hi Hee Ryung, umm the other members not angry?"
Hee Ryung smiled glad to see Onew is still able to eat his beloved chicken. she sat down across him and asked.
"Im sure they'r fine but are you?"
Onew froozed. he looked unsurely left and right before removing the drumstick from his mouth. reaching out slowly he took the napkin next to him and used it to wipe his mouth, his eyes were still looking left and right... almost like they were trying to avoid her gaze.
he stayed quiet for awhile scratching his head before motioning her its time to go back. they payed for the chicken and started walking beside each other... it was a pure awkward silence. heading back many young fan girls and boys recongnized them and pointed whispering loudly to each other
"yahh, thats Onew from SHINee and Hee Ryung from that new band!"
"watta they doing out here?" omo date?"
a loud buzzing rerupted as more people joined staring at the "couple" they believed.

Hee Ryung overheard all this and lowered her head down hiding the blush on her face. Suddenly Onew grabbed her hand and ran as fans got their cameras out.
the frosty air was whipping  Hee Ryung's face as they ran but instead of the feeling of coldness, she felt her self a cozy warm fuzzy warmness.
Onew was holding her hand. 
As they ran she could only think of this- "he's holding me hand he's holding my hand he's holding my hand."
Secretly she smiled and blush while staring at the contact. Before she knew it he letted go and stopped. dissapointment swallowed up the happy moment.
they were back at the korean-stlye house. Onew turned around and face Hee Ryung
"Before we go in..." he muttered and step foward.
*ba-bump ba bump...
Onew lifted his arms up making a semi-circle shape and opened his mouth. but then he sighed and putted them down, then again he lifted them up stepped foward with hope in his eyes but sighed and letted them drop. he scratch his head in confusion and frustraion before the third time tried again but stopped half-way.
Hee Ryung lifted an eye-brow at him "..wat are you trying to do?"
Onew letted out a frustrated shout before running to the wall next to him bangin his head on it. "pabo.." he hissed at himself.
"awks." was all Hee Ryung could think of. The frustrated dubu leader returned from his toturing himself on the wall period and tried again. Hee Ryung coudnt help but think "if he tries his arm flapping thing again i am taking him to Key to hav a check-up." O-o
but no more arm flapping this time Onew grabbed her shoulders and stared into her eyes. 
*heart rate of Hee Ryung    _ /\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\
he cringed his face as if tring to find some words before blurting out 



Onew letted out a sigh and letted go of Hee Ryung. he walked away staring at the ground while being welcome and bear-hugged from his dongsaengs. Hee Ryung stared at his retreating back in confusion, wat was he going to say?" 
a little hand tugged at her jacket and Hee Ryung looked down at the little Yoogeun.
"you are Hee Ryung umma? are you alright?" 
Hee Ryung smiled- this 4yr old is so sweet and caring. she bent down and picked him up before telling him confidently
"Ne~ umma is fine lahh- hav you been a good boy to the appas and other ummas while i was gone?"
Yoogeun nodded his head and hugged Hee Ryung "i wanna play Power Ranger!" 

he used his hands and made a gun pretending to shoot. "PEW PEW!!" he pretended to shoot at the SHINee appas. Jonghyun made a shock face before clutching at his heart. 
"AHH! ughh.. ive been shot!!" he pretended to go down but then decided he didnt want to touch the cold snow and flopped into Key's arms. Key instantly turned into a dramatic yeobo yelling at the 'dying' Jonghyun 
" AHHH! HONEYYY !! DONT DIE ON ME!!" he slapped Jonghyun in the face. Taemin highly amuzed polietly grabbed Yoogeun from Hee Ryung and run into the building screaming " MUAHAHHA!! I HAV CAPTURED YOUNG YOOGEUN!" 
Eun Jung and Shin Hye instantly followed him pretending to be rescuers along with Minho, Key, Onew and Jonghyun. 
Only Hee Ryung didnt join in but she slowly followed them back inside,
she was still wondering wat Onew was going to say to her.


i was so close, so close of hugging her so close... of confessing my feelings. they just had to come at the that moment didnt they??... sighh
Hee Ryung, why are you making me like this?

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jburns14 #1
Chapter 36: seriously so good. this is the first Onew pairing fanfic I've ever read. Daebak!! </3
xxkpopxx #2
i read this before but wanted to read it again. but i didn't remember wat it was called so i filtered it and i found it!!! i also subscribed in case i wanted to read it AGAIN!! haha, lol
how cute??<br />
Annyeong ^^<br />
i hav a second fanfic about to begin<br />
Plz check it out yea??
omg i thought ir finished but thnx for tis ending!!! soo awesome :D
awwwwwww i wanted more to the ending :'( but i love this fanfic!! lol im an aussie too hehe ^^
Kyaaa! LOVE IT!
TofuCharismaShawol #8
YAY!!!!! Sequel^^ so is all good now?? Hah! Min Yu, you got owned. <3 great job ^^