
All Of The Stars

It had been a couple of weeks since the party ended and Kyuhyun was finally fitting into his daily routine at school.He didn't even think about Sungmin

anymore as his school always keeping in busy. And to be honest,he was making friends too.He and Eunhyuk easily became best-friends even though

Eunhyuk seems to look fine with every one at school just by seeing how many greetings he got when he came to school.He was a happy-go-lucky type

and he managed to make people laugh and Kyuhyun even got to know with a beautiful English girl named Perrie Edwards who sat beside him in History

class and also joined him and Eunhyuk in lunch,along with her best-friend Jade Thirwall.The girls were nice and funny and they told him which people were

not to mess up or which people were good. Kyuhyun felt a little bit grateful for his parents' decision on making him attend the school fill with mostly nice




"Alright, class.I'm gonna pair up partners to make a project" Mr.Grimshaw said,writing a topic on the board before turning to the class.He looked around

the class,behind his spectacles.

"I'll give you two weeks to finish" He continued, flipped few papers with some names which Kyuhyun assumed must be students' names.

"Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood"

"Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford"He called out some students name from the class,the guy named Michael Clifford groaned and shot a glare at Ashton

Irwin who glared him back.Kyuhyun shook a head at his sight but instead he was just doodling his book's margins while waiting for his name to be called.

"Eunhyuk Kim and Kyuhyun Cho" Mr.Grimshaw said, his accent came out weirdly when he called their names.Anyway, Kyuhyun felt relief as he was

paired with no other person but his best friend.He tilted his head to look at Eunhyuk and smiled when he received a wink from beaming Eunhyuk.A few

minutes later,the whole class exchanged seats to sit next to their partners and Kyuhyun turned around when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"hey buddy" Eunhyuk said, taking a seat beside Kyuhyun,grinning.

"hey" Kyuhyun replied, tapping the book with a pen.

"So, let's start?"


They discussed about their project for almost half an hour when the school bell finally rang. Eunhyuk stood up, gathering up his books and pencils and

putting them into a bag,when Kyuhyun was doing the same with his. He turned around to say goodbye to Perrie who called him untill Eunhyuk finally

spoke again.

"Do you want to continue this at my house?" He asked, one eyebrow raising in question.

"Cool. When?Today?" Kyuhyun looked at Eunhyuk who just shrugged and nodded,waving to some guys who shouted at him.

"Yup.I think we should finish the currently discussing question.Then we'll do more tomorrow. Oh and you can have dinner at my house tonight" He said,

hanging his bag around his shoulder,moving to go out of the class.

"Okay.Thanks,mate" Kyuhyun followed Eunhyuk, who was already half way out.



As soon as both of them arrived the school parking lot, Eunhyuk suggested to go to downtown store to grab some snacks before they go to his

house.Kyuhyun agreed anyway because he really had nothing to do before going there and he sort of felt like starving too.And he didn't know when

Eunhyuk's family had the dinner,to be honest.So,he just tagged along with Eunhyuk to the supermarket who hugged his shoulder and they had great

laughs untill Eunhyuk stopped in front of a small store, like mini-market or something.They both got in and got their own baskets to shop around. Eunhyuk

went to the left side of the market to buy some cookies while Kyuhyun took two chocolate bars for his own.He wandered around,picking two cans of diet

cokes for him and Eunhyuk and cheetos with some chips when he noticed Eunhyuk in front of the counter,talking with someone who might be cashier

because Kyuhyun couldn't see the person's face from his side,all he could see was Eunhyuk laughing like he and that person knew each other for a long

time.Kyuhyun wasn't surprise at all as Eunhyuk even treated the strangers whom he just met like they had at least 10 years of friendship.That's why him

and Eunhyuk became best-friends too,Kyuhyun supposed. Kyuhyun looked into his basket again,checking everything he bought.So, he wouldn't miss

some snacks.When he found that he left nothing,he sighed and moved to the counter to pay for his foods and he saw the person whom Eunhyuk was



"Sungmin?" He asked himself, Sungmin and Eunhyuk were talking and just by looking at his shirt, Kyuhyun noticed that he kind of worked at the store.He

just stood there,looking at Eunhyuk and Sungmin untill Eunhyuk turned his head and saw Kyuhyun.He called him,waving him to come to them which

Kyuhyun hesitantly did although he didn't know why he felt hesitated.He walked to the cashier,and Eunhyuk grabbed his wrist to come closer.

"Glad to see you again" Sungmin smiled genuinely at Kyuhyun and gestured him to gave him the basket.

"Glad to see you too. How have you been?"Kyuhyun smiled back, handing the basket to him.Eunhyuk looked at them with a slight frown, folding his arms.

"you guys know each other?" He asked, pointed at Sungmin and then Kyuhyun.Sungmin chuckled and placed the foods from the basket on the counter.

"Yes.At your brother's party" Kyuhyun answered, searching into his pocket for a money when Eunhyuk exclaimed happily and clapped his hands

"oh yes. I invited you two"

"What do you mean by it,Mr.anchovy?You don't want us to be friends?" Kyuhyun snorted and tossed his head at Eunhyuk, which Sungmin just laughed

"He has such an adorable laughter"Kyuhyun thought,more like a compliment in his point of view.

"Ofcourse not. hey you.don't call me anchovy.I'm fabulous" Eunhyuk pretended to be mad at Kyuhyun and looked at his own basket when Sungmin 

finished putting the foods Kyuhyun bought into a bag.

"Damn.I forgot Pringles.I'll be back" Eunhyuk said and walked into the back of the store again,leaving Kyuhyun and Sungmin alone.


"Hi" they awkwardly greeted across the counter.Kyuhyun was playing nervously with his jacket's zipper when Sungmin was just looking at him.

"So you work here?"Kyuhyun finally asked, feeling stupid after asking. "Ofcourse he works at there.Don't you see?"He thought to himself when Sungmin


"Yes.As a part time job after school" He took glances at the back of the store which Eunhyuk just disappeared into.

"Ah.So, how you and Eunhyuk know each other?" Kyuhyun was embarrassed of himself for asking such questions like a possessive and mental boyfriend

even though he didn't know why he felt a hint of jealousy upon Sungmin and Eunhyuk's friendship.

"Well, my brother,Heechul and his brother Kangin are best-friends in frat-house.So, we know from them.I don't think you met our brothers at the party,Kyuhyun"Sungmin said

with a slight frown.

"nah I didn't meet them"

"I'm not surprise.They are nowhere to be found when they're at the parties.You know?frat boys" Sungmin replied with a small laugh which Kyuhyun did the

same.He heard about Heechul,Kangin and their frat house with parties from Eunhyuk a lot though he had met non of them yet.They seemed to be

partners-in-crime just by the way Euhyuk explained him.But he never thought Sungmin would have a brother of frat type which he knew was Sungmin

indeed looked like a guy with responsibilities and smartness even though he only met him for twice,including this time.By the time Kyuhyun and Sungmin

felt comfortable with each other,Eunhyuk came back with an armful of different tastes of Pringles.

"My brother finished my last Pringle yesterday.I hate him" he said, placing them all on the counter in front of Sungmin who took them to check the prices

in the computer.Sungmin waved at them when Eunhyuk took the change he gave him and both of them headed out of the store.Kyuhyun felt something

sad sank in his chest as soon as he couldn't see Sungmin's face anymore in his sight. That was unreal,like Kyuhyun never felt that way before.Not with

the boys.He used to have that kind of feeling when he dated a girl who dumped him with another guy before he left to England.But when it comes to boys,

he could bet that he never felt this.It was quite resembled to that  feeling when you read the great long novel and you became so engrossed in all the

characters like they were part of your life then you felt crashed and missed them for sometimes when the novel ended.



When they arrived to Eunhyuk's house,they had to knock a few times untill they heard someone's impatient foot steps coming to open the door.Eun hyuk's

face twisted when he saw the person who opened the door.He was leaning on the door, scowled at them with folded arms on his chest.

"Aw,my loving brother is at home!What a surprising evening!!!" Eunhyuk said with sarcastic tone in his voice when went into the house, pushed that person

aside who Kyuhyun assumed must be his brother Kangin.Kyuhyun didn't know whether he should followed Eunhyuk or not.He'd rather just sit in front of

the front door instead of earning a blow from Kangin because he was intensely staring at him with suspicious eyes.Kyuhyun shivered a little when

Eunhyuk yanked him and grabbed his wrist, leading him to the upstairs to his room.He titled his head to looked at Eunhyuk's brother who didn't bother to

look him back. Kyuhyun sighed a little when they finally got to Eunhyuk's room, he sat down on the edge of Eunhyuk's bed as Eunhyuk closed the door

behind him.

"I'm sorry.My brother is always hard to the people he just met but once he trusts, he gets your back" Eunhyuk said, the bag plopped onto the desk from

his hand.

"'s fine. really" Kyuhyun lied, pulling out some stuffs and papers from his own bag to start the work. Eunhyuk followed suit.They took some notes for

about half an hour untill Kyuhyun noticed himself that he still had that missing feeling in his chest that he couldn't concentrate more on whatever the work

he was doing.he didn't even want to know know why as this might lead to question himself about his own uality.He was just confused.The way the rays

of sunshine fell on Sungmin's head like a halo when he smiled, his fingers ran through his dark brown hair when he speak and "Damn" Kyuhyun thought

and looked down to his notes to make sure he didn't write anything about Sungmin unconsciously."This is how you feel when you meet a nice person in a

foreign country.Because you felt miserably alone before you make friends" He mumbled untill he found that Eunhyuk was staring at him with questioning


"miserably what?" he asked, crossing his arms with a concern look on his face

"nothing" He spurred out, look out of the window to avoid Eunhyuk's stare,he was so distracted by Sungmin.He didn't want to answer Eunhyuk's question

which would distracted him more.

"you look so space out.since we got home.I think.Did my brother scare the out of you?"

"no. not at all" He shook his head and scratched his chin in frustration.

"then, what? ohhhh" Eunhyuk was about to asked then he looked amused when the realization hit him after a couple of minutes.He lips curled up into a

smirk and he chuckled. "wait, Kyuhyun. Are you getting distracted by Sungmin?"He continued, this time with a laugh.Kyuhyun's eyes widened.

"NO" He protested, trying to waved it off the subject but miserably failing.

"YES"Eunhyuk laughed again, holding his tummy when he flopped onto the back with a laughter."I didn't know that you will have a crush on someone.omg

I just" Kyuhyun snorted when Eunhyuk tried to control the laughter which bursted out again.He didn't want to label this feeling now.He didn't even knew

why and when did that happened .It was too early for Eunhyuk to call this "crush".

"Do you want his number?I can help you Kyuhyun.You know?" Eunhyuk finally spoke with a serious face when he was done with his (mocking) laugh.

"no.I don't have a crush on him" Kyuhyun said blankly, frowning at Eunhyuk who was reading his face.

"Okay.I got it. Are you fine then?"Eunhyuk put his hands up in surrender,which Kyuhyun nodded.

"I'm fine"



Author's note : First of all, I'm really really really sorry for the messive order of my words.My PC was and deleted the actual chapter-3 I wrote.So, this is another one and I feel bad bc I don't remember what I wrote in deleted chapter.Anyway,please subscribe,comment and upvote as I love to see them.

Shameless promo : Please check out my KyuMin one-shot,if you want to



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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 3: hmm sounds interesting but will it has angst moments as well? Kyumin's meeting was sweet....hope to read more soon....
Chapter 3: oooh kyu has a crush.. dont deny it kyu just ask hyuk to help you xD
kyumin99 #3
Chapter 2: first time commenting ~ I kinda like your story .. keep up your good work !

update soon ~
PeekyDoll #4
Chapter 2: Yeah, I know how Kyu feels, Sungmin is gorgeous (biased much XD)...
elmokyu #5
Chapter 1: Ohh so the person lying down was Min? And he's Eunhyuk's brother?
PeekyDoll #6
Chapter 1: What a good first appearance for Min~ ^^