
All Of The Stars

Kyuhyun took a deep breath before looking at the school he was going to attend."That's gonna be a long

journey",he thought while staring at the students of his age with blonde hairs and blue eyes(maybe some have

hazel eyes)kyuhyun never thought he would have to spend his last high school years at some foreign

country,attending at a school where he could meet merely few Asians like him."Whatever" he mumbled and

headed into the school building,blame a little bit to his parents for bringing him along with them to here"Why can't

they just come here by themselves anyway if they have work here then"

Kyuhyun walked straight to the school reception to get his class schedule and student information.As he stood at

there,a woman who seemed to be busy at that moment with some papers look up at him.

"What can I help you?freshman?"


"What's your name?"

"Kyuhyun Cho"

After spending few minutes at there,Kyuhyun somehow managed to get his schedule and information."Not bad as

I thought" he said to himself ,taking a mental note to thank his parents later for making him learn English since he

was young.They might have seen the future anyway.

As he walked pass through the hallway to go to his classroom,he saw some big guys bullying small boy."Too bad"

he thought.He also saw few Asians like him chatting and talking on the phone.
His classes ended smoothly though he felt like they took decades to end.As he went to grab some lunch,he found

a seat beside the window,not wanting anyone to have,he sat at it.


Kyuhyun turned around when he felt a hand holding his shoulder.

"Mind if I join you?" Kyuhyun nodded.The guy who held his shoulder let go of it and took a seat in front of him.

"I'm Eunhyuk. I guess you're freshman" he extended his hand out.

"Kyuhyun" He simply answered,took Eunhyuk's hand and shook it.


"Oh are you from Korea?" He said before taking a sip of his Cola.


"You know?This school is good for Asian. Not too racist I mean"

"I can sense that" Kyuhyun started to feel comfortable talking to Eunhyuk though he felt awkward at first.

"Look.My brother is a member of this Bradford basketball team and they gonna throw a party tonight.Wanna

come?" Eunhyuk said,grinned at Kyuhyun.

"Uhm, I-"Kyuhyun was about to refuse but he was cut off by Eunhyuk.

"Nah,man.Come on.This gonna be amazing.You can't say whether you'll end up hooking up with some blonde

chicks.haha"Laughing at his own joke.Eunhyuk asked Kyuhyun's phone number and added his in Kyuhyun's


"I'll text u time and place.See you tonight,buddy" he patted Kyuhyun's shoulder before leaving the table."Do all

people here always act like that?" Kyuhyun thought and let out a heavy sigh.
Kyuhyun got Eunhyuk's text by the time he had dinner with his parents.

"Who's that?" His dad frowned and asked before eating a piece of steak.

"A friend of mine from school" He shortly answered but it made his mom excited.

"Oh dear.You're finally having friends" She exclaimed and smiled at Kyuhyun
Kyuhyun almost want to run away as soon as he arrived at the party.A loud music coming from speakers nearly

killed his ear drums.Some teenagers running around the house, screaming and throwing things at each

other.A lot of tissue papers and eggs were thrown at the roof of the house which would definitely need

power-wash tomorrow.

"Drunk as "he whispered and looked around the crowd to search for Eunhyuk.

"Look who decided to come here.Whohoooo" Kyuhyun turned back as he heard the drunken voice behind

him.Who else? No other than Eunhyuk..

"I'm so glad you come" He hugged Kyuhyun,a strong alcohol smell tickling his nostrils but what bothers him most

was Eunhyuk was only in his boxers briefs, drunk like hell.

"Oh hey"Kyuhyun awkwardly said when Eunhyuk let go of the hug and handed a red cup filled with neon-pink

colored liquid.

"Enjoy" He said and disappeared into the dancing crowd again.Kyuhyun felt so hot and noisy inside.So,he

decided to get outside to get some fresh air.He wandered around the outside yard and found a pool filled with

drunk teens.Some were ,diving and screaming random things,"What the hell?They didn't learn how to wear

clothes or what?" He mumbled when he found a bench to sit down.As  he looked around,he found someone who

wasn't joining other people but lying on the grass beside the pool and staring at the dark sky.

That was the first time he met him.


Author's note : Own thoughts are written in italic . Anyway,please comment and subscribe.I really appreciate to   see them =)


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 3: hmm sounds interesting but will it has angst moments as well? Kyumin's meeting was sweet....hope to read more soon....
Chapter 3: oooh kyu has a crush.. dont deny it kyu just ask hyuk to help you xD
kyumin99 #3
Chapter 2: first time commenting ~ I kinda like your story .. keep up your good work !

update soon ~
PeekyDoll #4
Chapter 2: Yeah, I know how Kyu feels, Sungmin is gorgeous (biased much XD)...
elmokyu #5
Chapter 1: Ohh so the person lying down was Min? And he's Eunhyuk's brother?
PeekyDoll #6
Chapter 1: What a good first appearance for Min~ ^^