Goodbye...or not

Goodbye Summer

[Jieun's POV]
Music camp is going to end tomorrow. We say goodbye to summer, to the school and to...Chanyeol.

Rumors say Chanyeol got accepted by some prestigious music universities in America. I feel happy yet hollow. Well, as his secret admirer, of course I'm grateful to see him having a fruitful future although the distance between is will be even further apart.

There's a beach party in the evening with camp fire, barbecue and beach volleyball. Probably the last beach party. Feeling a bit upset somehow, I solely drink my glass of juice, neglecting the exciting music played in the party and looking at the sunset which marks the end of summer.

'Jieun.' Min who is holding a glass of apple juice nudges me. Knowing who she is, I am unwilling to withdraw my sight from the beautiful sunset and answer her lazily. 'What?'

'I caught Chanyeol looking at you twice! Twice!'

She seems to be extremely happy today. Honestly having a crush noticing me is a good thing but this kind of things only appear in dreams right?
I know myself very well. I'm short and normal. Who will notice this kind of girls like me?
I shake my head and say.

'No perhaps it's just coincidence. Maybe he's looking at my direction only.' I will not be fooled by this false hope.

My answer seems to upset Min.

'No. Think about it Jieun. We had eye contact with him last time remember? Outside the lounge? And he asked for medicine last night. So I'm sure that he knows us now. Why don't you believe that he looks at you?' My friend tries to convince me.

[No one's POV]
Chanyeol looks at Jieun who is now talking to Min. He tries not to stare at her all the time but his eyes just always bring him back to this irresistible girl. He wants to talk to her...before the camp ends. But how?

'Come on just talk to her.'

Kyungsoo frowns and says next to Chanyeol. Chanyeol looks at him in confusion.

'What? You know who I'm talking about don't you? This is too obvious that you like her! There are so many hot girls in this party yet your eyes are fixed on her. It's not hard for me to notice that.'

Kyungsoo encourages him. Summoning up all his courage, he walks towards the girl who he always wants to talk to.


The two girls are sitting at the bench quite far away from the party. Noticing Chanyeol and Kyungsoo walking towards them, they can't help feeling weird.

'H...hi.' Min stutters.

'Ummm' Chanyeol doesn't know what to say suddenly and stands still awkwardly.

'Why don't we go for a drink?' Kyungsoo starts the initiative and asks Min. Min looks at the half glass of juice and the two guys. 'But...ahhh. Sure let's get some drink.' Min is a smart girl and follows Kyungsoo. Ignoring the helpless face of Jieun, Kyungsoo and Min walk away, leaving the awkward couple all by themselves.

[Jieun's POV]
Chanyeol sits next to me. Our gazes collide, shoulders touch. I'm experiencing the most nervous moment in my life.

'Uhhh thanks for your medicine last night. My friend feels better now.' Chanyeol shyly says.

I remain silence for a while as I don't know what to reply.

'Glad your friend is fine. I'm sorry that I was asleep and didn't manage to greet you though.' I answers quietly, almost whispers.

There's no conversation between us.

Chanyeol lowers his head and hums a melody. Gorgeous as always.

For me, having nothing to do, I take a sip of the last bit of orange juice in the glass and start tracing the edge of the glass with my fingertip. It's still hard to believe that the guy that I like for so long is sitting so close to me. Yet no one dares to speak.

I look at the sunset again. The golden ray from the big orange yolk of the sun shines on the calm sea. The sun is descending and soon enough, darkness will be here enshrouding the sky.

The sun completely hides under the horizon. We officially say goodbye to summer. I inhale the very last bit of enthusiasm of summer but exhale the first greeting to autumn.

Goodbye summer, my school and you.

'So summer is now gone right?' Chanyeol asks with his deep voice. His voice echoes in my ears and my brain almost forgets to run. He's thinking of the same thing as I do.

I nod. 'Goodbye summer and my school.' Unwillingness can be heard in my reply.

'But I don't want to say goodbye to you.' He says, with his eyes looking at me.




'I like you Jieun.'



My heart is beating so fast. Did I hear it wrongly? What?
'Wh...what are you talking about?' I mutter.

'I like you Jieun. I want you to be my girlfriend.' I can see the sincerity in his eyes.

The world seems to be spinning around me. Body temperature starts to lift up. I can feel that my face is getting red. But I resume my rationality quickly.

Seriously? Me? An unattractive short girl who only looks at him from long distance? He met me a few times only. Why me? Why not the other pretty girls?
Crush, from my understanding, means that we will never reach him. Having a crush makes you prepare for an unrequited love. Every secret admirer understands this rule. I know myself. If a handsome suddenly asks me out, there must be something wrong. I should look into the mirror before I get false hope and unreal happiness.

'Why me? Why not the girls?'

'Because... You are special. I really love your voice. And your smile is just as breathtaking as your voice.'
I roll my eyes.
'There are many girls out there have good voices and lovely smiles. Still, why me?' I'm not going to be fooled by him.

'You are special to me. Isn't that enough?' He suddenly takes away the glass that I was grabbing and holds my hand.

No no no. He's breaking the rule. Feeling unbelievable, I try to withdraw my hand from his grip.

'You are too perfect for me Chanyeol-sshi. And this actually makes me doubt whether i deserve to be your girlfriend. Please don't fool me now. I'm unattractive and short.' I pull my hand but he tightens his grip.

'You are attractive to me. Your voice. Your smile. You attract me.'

Oh god his sweet temptation. He keeps refuting me. And my arguments start to become weak and refutable already.

The warmth of his hand tells me that this is real but not dreaming. I start to convince myself that his confession is real.

'But I'm short...' My argument becomes extremely vulnerable. To my astonishment, Chanyeol cuddles me in his arms. I widen my eyes.

'This makes you perfect for me to hold you in my arms, just like this.'

He whispers in my ears.

The mild fragrance of his cologne mixes with the scent of the ocean. I can feel the pounding inside his body as I finally plant my head on his chest and wrap my arms around his waist.

This is real. I'm not dreaming.



Gust of summer has finally been blown away by the breeze of autumn. I stand right beside Chanyeol and look at the stars shining in the dark sky.

'Goodbye summer.' I say softly.

Chanyeol turns to me and plants a peck on the corner of my lips.


'Yeah we say goodbye to summer now. But this is not our goodbye kiss.'




thanks for reading my fanfic:D actaully I'm posting some of my old fanfictions written last year on this account as I posted them on my fanfic instagram @koreanfanfic. Goodbye Summer is one of my fanfiction collections and I hope you guys like it:)

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princessannn #1
Chapter 3: I love it already, and it's only the 3rd chapter. Please update soon. I'm too excited to read the rest of this story and it's only the beginning.