Her name is...

Goodbye Summer

[Chanyeol's POV]
Her voice is unforgettable. I've heard a lot of good voices but this time her voice lingers in my heart.
I want to hear her singing again.

Finding her is hard because all the people in the music camp have different activities around the beach. Since I don't know her name yet, how can I suppose to ask people around and find her?

I decide to go to the common room again and hopefully I can meet her there. Not entering the room, I have a quick look of the interior. I squint as the sunlight pours through the window of the room. With no surprise, I see a familiar girl with tuft of dark hair sitting on the couch alone, enjoying the laziness of hot summer. She's listening to her iPod with her headphone. I smile as I watch her moving her head joyfully.
'She probably won't sing.' Feeling disappointed, I tell myself.
At the time I walk away, a sweet voice is heard. I turn around surprisingly and look at her through the gap of the door. I have been so concentrated on her singing although she sings quietly to herself. I soon realise that she is singing 'Goodbye Summer' by f(x).

'The friend label is a label that I got to hate
The feelings I’ve hidden still remain as a painful secret memory
The photos that can’t define our relationship is a heartbreaking story
I’m sorry, summer, now goodbye, yeah'

The lyrics are sad but her voice lights up the whole song.


A girl is walking towards the common room and calling a name. I don't know this girl either but she must be one of the students in the music camp. When she notices me standing outside the room, she startles a bit and greets me.

'Chanyeol-sshi, hello. Ahhh I'm just...finding my friend.'

I realise that I look so weird standing outside the classroom as if I'm peeping at someone. I smooth my hair awkwardly and stutter.

'Ahhh I'm finding my friend also. Have you seen kyungsoo around?'

The girl shakes her head and enters the room.
It turns out that the friend she is finding is the girl who was singing. While I'm still recalling the moment she sings, the two walk out of the common room and smile to me shyly before they go.
That smile on her face...
Her smile is as lovely as her voice.

'Jieun... Her name is Jieun.'

I murmur her name as I feel my heart bouncing quickly in a sudden.

Should this be called as love in the first sight? I keep asking myself.

I want to know more about her.
I want to talk to her.

But ironically during the camp fire which gathers everyone, my feet became stiff and solid, not allowing me to move forward to talk to her.

'Park Chanyeol, why is it hard to talk to her? You talk to girls all the time, why not jieun?'

I mock myself for not taking the initiative to start a conversation with her.

I keep thinking of her in my head. The way she sings. The way she smiles.
Feeling stuffy in my room, I take out my guitar and sit on the beach.
It is a tranquil night with starry sky. Moonlight is refracted on the sea, making it sparkle in the lonely night. I sit on the soft sand and look at the waves patting the edge of the beach, making that rhythmic sound as if it is singing you a lullaby.

I casually pick up my guitar and play a random song. The first song I think of at the moment is 'Is This Love?' by Coffee Boy. I realise that this song matches my feeling right now perfectly. I beam.

'I think I’m in love, I think I’m in love
I can’t do anything, I can only smile and my heart’s beating so fast
Would this be called love? I forgot about love
Even if I just hear your name, I know it sounds lame but I can’t stop thinking about you'

Accompany by the sea and stars, I sing the lyrics as well as my feeling out to the deep blue ocean in front of me.

'Today is only the third day of the music camp. I still have two days time to know.' I encourage myself.


i open the door lightly and try not to wake Kyungsoo and Jongin who are sleeping in the room as I come back after sitting on the beach for a while. But Jongin with sleepy eyes and face as red as an apple greets me and this surprises me.

'Hyung, I don't feel well...' He murmurs. I put my hand on his forehead and I can immediately feel the heat coming from the red burning face.
'Jongin, you have fever!' I frown as I know that I don't have any medicine right now. Moreover, pharmacies are closed now as it's already night time. Jongin looks so sick that I decide to ask the students in the camp for medicine. Hopefully one of them will have pills to relieve jongin's sickness for a while.

Perhaps people are exhausted after all kinds of activities in the day time, most of the rooms have turned off their lights already. But I spot that light leaks from the door gap of one room. Not knowing who are staying in there, for Jongin who is suffering now, I summon my courage and knock on the door.
By the time the one staying there opens the door, both of us are shocked. She's Jieun's friend.
I sigh a relief.

'Can I help you, Chanyeol-sshi?' Her voice shows her confusion.

'My friend is having a high fever now but the pharmacies are all closed at this time so I was wondering...whether you have medicine or not?' I ask her sincerely.
'I...think I have some. Let me find it for you.' Her answer delights me.
Since I am standing outside the room awkwardly, she invites me to enter.

'But...' I suddenly blush as this is a girl's room.

'It's fine. Just don't wake Jieun up. She sleeps quite early today.'

Hearing her mentioning Jieun's name, my heart bounces quickly. And I soon see the girl who is sleeping peacefully in her bed. She sleeps like a baby but her smile is still on her face which makes me overwhelm. She looks so innocent and powerless when she's asleep and I just want to hold her in my arms at once.
'It should be somewhere in the bag. Just wait for me for a while.' Her friend tries her best to find the medicine for me.
Not letting others know I like Jieun, i have never looked at her directly. But now, she's right next to me. I kneel a bit in order to have a closer look of her and quickly help her cover her blanket.

No one notices that.

'Found it!' The friend hands me a pack of paracetamol. I smile and thank her sincerely. 'Jieun has them all the time. They are not mine.' The friend says.

'Well then help me express my thank to J...Jieun.'

I feel amazed when her name comes out of my lips. The friend nods. 'If you have chance, thank her in person then.' The friend says.

Before leaving the room, I ask the friend's name.

'I'm Min and she's Jieun. Actually we share the music theory class for three years already but we never talk to each other before.'

Three years...

She is in my class for three years. How can I not notice her?
I blame on my stupidness.

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princessannn #1
Chapter 3: I love it already, and it's only the 3rd chapter. Please update soon. I'm too excited to read the rest of this story and it's only the beginning.