His Secret Admirer

Goodbye Summer

[Jieun's POV] (your POV)
Breeze blows and ruffles the memos pinned on the notice board. Memos about the school activities and club events mark the fruitful academic year. But the notice board doesn't contain memos only. Next to them, there are a bunch of photos printed with a gorgeous face on them. I beam as the person inside the picture greets me with his killer smile.


Girls' screaming is heard from the far end of the corridor. I realize that he's coming. A slender figure carrying a guitar appears with a group of girls surrounding him. 'Can you please play some songs?' Some girls ask him with pleading eyes. He's always friendly and never refuses offers.

'Okay then.'

He sits on the bench, takes out his guitar and starts to play it. His long fingers move around the strings, playing a wonderful melody which lingers in everyone's heart including me.

He's Park Chanyeol.

My crush since I've been studying in this music academy.

I share the same music theory class with him. He's tall, handsome, good at playing the guitar and most importantly his voice...melts my heart.
But sadly, the word 'crush' is like marshmallow, like cloud. You can see it yet you can't reach it. Same theory applies to me. Chanyeol doesn't know who I am and for me, I will just be a random girl standing somewhere else admiring him from long distance.
This is me, Lee Jieun. A secret admirer.

'Jieun, let's join the summer camp this year!'

My best friend Min nudges me when I'm staring at the notice board, not reading the memos but looking at Chanyeol's photos. Music camp is the most highly anticipated event of the school every year but unfortunately only 20 quotas are available each other. Both Min and I are not lucky enough to get picked although we really want to join. 'We are not gonna get picked so don't bother.' I shake my head.
'Come on! It's our last year here and perhaps we are lucky. Just try just try.' Min is excited as she writes both our names on the application forms.

(A few days later)
'Jieun!' Min's voice is echoing in the corridor and I can hear it clearly inside the classroom. Min pants as she stops running but after a few seconds she grabs me outside the classroom. Everyone is looking at us and I'm just too embarrassed to be noticed so I keep my head down and let myself be pulled. We stop in front of the notice board.

'See? We are so lucky this year.'

Min's voice shows her ecstasy. I read the notice on the board carefully and my eyes are widened. There's a list for the participants of the coming summer camp. I skim it and I see our names at the end of the list. And there is one more thing on the list which catches my attention.

Park Chanyeol.

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princessannn #1
Chapter 3: I love it already, and it's only the 3rd chapter. Please update soon. I'm too excited to read the rest of this story and it's only the beginning.