Teaser Two

❝ Of Love, War, and History ❞ — Story Starting
Love does not make the world go round but it makes the ride worth while
Teaser two
posted january 27, 2015 by entertainment_

A little girl, no older than a couple of years, was sitting uprightly in her room. A serie of The Analects of Confucius was snug on her red chima as her eyes sparkled immensely and her lips curled into a smile as her pupils danced along to her reading gaze, ignoring the fact that she could barely read the characters written in the book. But who cares? She just liked seeing the interesting lines and stuff that made the books look like picture books to her innocent eyes. The plump and fair cheeks of hers matched perfectly to her cute and lovely face, and her ebony dark hair was tied neatly to a single braid as any unmarried woman would have.

Despite her beyond young and small appearance, the kid seemed to shine brightly on her own, as bright as the moon herself. Don't get her wrong. She might only be a 2 years noble who hasn't even earn her number yet, but she had proven herself as special, even to the bare eyes of a lowly commoner. Her virtue and nobility was no joke, even at such young age.

Han Su Jeong. That was her birth name. Crystal. That is the meaning. And oh how everybody knows how perfect her own name was to describe her.

Genius, wise, kind, poised and full of grace; and not to mention her astonishing beauty that stood out among any girl in Joseon in a 20 years age range beyond her own's. Spoken as the Child of Miracles, Han Su Jeong was perfection in herself, truly worth to be named the best maiden in the whole country and beyond.






"Who's there?!"

As her little feet took her, Su Jeong leapt up and forward towards her door, being sure she heard the sound of a tree branch cracking. Being taught to always beware of bad guys who would want to harm her in any way to gain their own benefits, Su Jeong had understood long ago what it meant to guard herself, and thus she had never ever let her conscience down.

"I asked a question. Who's there?!" She repeated.

Again, she got no answers.

Sensing that anyone who made that noise was not planning on showing itself, Su Jeong's childish curiosity took over. A little peep would not hurt, right? she thought. So she decided to check whatever it was that disturbed her precious reading session swiftly sliding one of her shoes into her hand as she thought of how she would defend herself in case of emergency later. Of course, the shoe like the ones her mother always used to punish naughty servants was her first choice as a weapon. It looked like it hurt so much coming in contact with the slaves' body parts.

Well, however miraculous her virtue was, Han Su Jeong is indeed still a small child.

A small thud was heard as the little girl carefully opened the sliding door that connected her room to her house's back yard, where her family's garden was. It was in the middle of spring, and the only thing that blossomed more beautifully than herself were the flowers outside.

Su Jeong was absolutely breathtaken. For a minute she completely forgot what she had come out here to do. As her body relaxed and her arms slowly flailing wide to her side, with her eyes closed, she inhaled the fresh, breezy air, and the wind blowing right to he-...



Okay, she remembers everything now.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!"

She squealed as she attempted a narrowed-eyes look, trying to look fierce and scary; but to her dismay, failed, miserably, by her own overly cute features. Though, Su Jeong could not care less. Her head kept spinning around, in all her efforts to find the source of anything that made those cracking sounds she'd been hearing all about.


As fast as that little head could go, Su Jeong turned it to the direction she was now sure of being the source of her alerts. Though, what she saw was nothing like what she'd expected.

It was no monster.

It was no ghost (in broad daylight? Kid's imaginations.)

It was no bad guy.

In fact, it was no guy. Nor was it an 'it' after all.

It was a 'she'.

Dressed in light pink and blue hanbok, in front of one of the Han family's garden bushes that bloomed with catchy-colored flowers, stood a little girl, probably younger than Su Jeong, and was having trouble picking her fourth flower which was located a little further beyond her small reach. Her chubbly cheeks were tinted in slight red, probably about to cry in her childish frustration.

Before she knew it, Su Jeong was already only inches away from the little annonymous girl (who she suspects was a noble daughter from the way she dressed), as she found herself taking away the little girl's collected flowers from her girl, slightly harsher than how Su Jeong had first imagined her actions would go.

The little girl looked startled. She turned her head up to the slightly taller Su Jeong as she stared at the older innocently, then to the flowers in Su Jeong's embrace.

"Flower," she whispered. "Mine,"

With a cute pout on her face, Su Jeong dismissed the little stranger's hand as she tried to retrieve the flowers back.

"No. The flowers are mine. Stealing is bad," Su Jeong retorted, still unshaken by the innocent look of the girl in front of her.

Mistake. This was the first time Su Jeong would ever make one. The first time she would ever realize that she had made someone's feelings hurt. And the realisation came as quick as it went, when the little girl's eyes started to glisten, and her lips moved forward and forming a small pout; and of course, not long later, a loud scream.


Su Jeong was dumfounded. This was honestly the first time of her 30 months of living did she actually encounter someone crying in front of her. She felt helpless.

"H-Hey..." She whispered, trying to calm the little girl down. "H-hey... don't cry..."

Su Jeong was confused. She was helpless. Noobody was coming. She was alone. With this crying baby. She felt like crying too.

Finally, not knowing what else to do, Su Jeong decided that she should do what her mother always does whenever she cried.

It took less than a few seconds for Su Jeong to throw away the flowers she was holding, and stepped a little forward, only to encircle her little arms securely around the crying little girl. Her small arms did not fit perfectly with the girl's body, but it was the best little Su Jeong could do.

It was the best first impression little Su Jeong could make on the girl she would one day face countless of unspeakable events with and also the girl who would together with her write a big part of her life's most precious memories...

shout out

Herrooo guyyysss!!! It's been a while since we last updated, hasn't it? /bricked XP but heyy, we're back now aren't we? *cough* at least I am, how bout you Krys? *coughs*

aaaanywho, this very very short teaser is only a very simple repenting gift from me for keeping you guys waiting for updates for half a year and more... /sobs /sorrynotsorry and also a call for anyone who are related to this fic or are interested to be related to this fic to come all the way here without minding your shyness (yes, that includes you, Crystal; PM me if you get this and inform me whether you'd like to continue this thing with me or not ^_^)

ahem, sooooo,, that's it, then? cheerio!!


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❝ LWH ❞ — Sometimes what we read in our history books aren't always what really happened in the past times


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Chapter 21: Wow. . . Hyunjae is good. . . Is she psychic?. . . I'm horrible at guessing. . .Oh well!
Anyhow, take you're time. I'm sure we're all patient people.
We'll be waiting! ^^
Chapter 21: Omg whoahhh
Hyunjae got it right again?
Wait.. so is Hyunjae gonna appear first or- OTL
Aha take your time xD
We shall be really really patient~ lol
I know how life can be- orz
Chapter 20: I guess 81? LOL. Finals are super hard to get 90s on, especially in math.
Oh dear-
I think I'm gonna go with what I usually get.
uncontrolling #6
Chapter 20: Since everyone guessed high, I am going to guess between 70-79 xD
Chapter 20: I don't know how good at math Joo is.
I'm guessing 90-95. . .
Just a guess, but I'm a terrible guesser. ^^
Chapter 20: But the real question is what kind of math is it ene---

I am guessing about 85-87
unless you really love math o Ao
goldrushed #9
Chapter 20: 100!!!! :))
haha. but if i had to play safe, then i'd say 90 ((because it's still close to 100)) :)
goldrushed #10
Chapter 18: whoah. reading about hyerin makes me think that there's going to be a lot of drama involved.
but yay! congratulations to everyone! :)
now i'm really looking forward to the start of this story. :)