Chapter 3

Love is Only You

A week later...

I thought what I did to him in the greenhouse might scare him away and this would worsen the relationship between me and him. To my astonishment, he acted oppositely to what I expected.

I became his private helper.

Every time he came across something he didn't know in the textbook or homework, he would ask me. Sometimes I ignored him and refused to tell the answer, he would just whisper to me 'Shouldn't neighbours help each other?'. And then he looked at me with his big eyes and killer smile.

Somehow he got my phone number and this indicated that my nightmare had started.

He always texted me and asked me to help him do different things. For example, in his text message: 'hey neighbour, can you help me find my manager hyung and get my lunch? I'm now surrounded by fans and can't get out.' Or 'hey neighbour, can you help me get my books from the locker? I'm in the music room.'... Thanks to him, I would sometimes meet his manager and other EXO members. Originally they were afraid that I would be one of those crazy fans that stalk them but later on they were all very friendly to me. I became close not only to Chanyeol but also Kai, Baekhyun, Luhan and DO.

I was honoured to be the only female to enter their dormitory as I sometimes teach Chanyeol maths.

Checking Chanyeol's message became my common practice . Somehow I felt hollow when my phone said there was no new message. What happened to me?? How come I would think of him everyday even though he sits next to me at school? Every time I helped him do things and he would give me a warm smile and gentle pat. His smile melted me.

I think I like him.


EXO was preparing for the second promotion Growl. This meant that Chanyeol had to go to school in the morning and practise at night. But still he's a normal student at school  so he still needed to attend tests. Everyday he looked tired and slept during lessons. What I could do was only helping him get his lunch from his manager and telling his fans not to disturb him when he was sleeping. Meanwhile I noticed that my feeling towards him became stronger and stronger. But I hid it. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I just quietly looked at him sleeping peacefully.

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