Chapter 1

Love is Only You

Looking at the huge building with a big banner writing SHINHWA COLLEGE, I took a deep breath and entered the school. Today was my first day to transfer to this school.

Would the classmates be friendly? Would the lessons be difficult ? I was so afraid I couldn't adapt the new environment. My class teacher introduced me in front of the class. With no surprise, none of the students were paying attention. This somehow calmed my anxiety a bit because no one was watching me. But then one thing aroused everyone's attention-- where should I sit?

Everyone looked at me defensively and was like sending me a message ' how dare you want to sit with me?' I looked at the teacher with teary eyes and wanted her to put me somewhere which would never bother others. 'Ummm... You are tall so... Go sit next to Chanyeol then.' She pointed to the empty seat at the end of the classroom. I saw a guy with fashionable hairstyle who was called Chanyeol sitting beside the empty seat, showing no interest in what we just said. 'Wow my neighbour seems to be so quiet and introvert.' I started to worry I could even communicate with him.

'Hi' this was the only word he ever said to me so far.

Hey, Chanyeol, you  had distorted my imaginary image of a good neighbour!! Shouldn't a neighbour be telling the new student about the school? Or at least talk to me?! During the language lesson, the atmosphere between us was very awkward. Well I think this could only describe my situation because he spent the whole lesson sleeping. But fortunately nothing bad happened during that one hour. A series of lovely school bell sound marked the end of the lesson and the start of recess. Chanyeol woke up straightaway and walked out of the classroom immediately. He didn't fasten all the buttons of his shirt and this gave me a image of arrogance.
Uhhhhhh speechless. What an arrogant neighbour.

Some girls approached me and made friends with me.
'___, you are so lucky, you know! Every girl dreams of sitting next to Chanyeol but our class teacher never allows us to change seats. You are so lucky...' One girl said.

'Huh? Is he popular at this school? How come everyone wants to sit with him?' I asked with doubt.
All the girls looked at me like there was something wrong with me.  

'Are you kidding me? Chanyeol is a member of the famous kpop group EXO!! Don't you know that?' They looked at me in shock. I shook my head. I was transferred from California and I am not fond of kpop at all. Therefore it's quite reasonable for me not to know who EXO means.
According to the girls, Chanyeol seldom goes to school but EXO just finished their promotion period of Wolf so Chanyeol would be at school for a short while. I nodded my head as I heard these from the girls. 'Ahhh this explains his arrogance and coolness.' I thought.

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