♡ Jackson

GOT7 Café 。
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  touch。original    CHAPTER nineteen...     It was unhealthy - this obsession he had with her, the need for her touch, no matter how small it would be, as long as he could feel her. His eyes kept watch on her as she glided effortlessly around the room greeting the guests. He knew that if she even missed one guest she would do whatever it took to make it up to them - knowing that it was just in her nature to do so. Thinking of this a smile spread across his face as he marveled at how a creature like her could possibly be his mate. He watched as she gently laid her hands upon everyone shoulders as she greeted them, a smile never leaving her lips, her eyes travelling across the room as they landed on him.

It’s unhealthy, you know that right? Her lips curving into a smirk as she shared her thoughts with him, a light chuckle escaping his lips.

I wonder whose fault it could be…He watched in amusement as she shook her head at his reply, her eyes leaving his as she continued around the room with such grace that even the world’s most talented ballet dancer would be envious. Finally she reached him, placing her hand gently on his shoulder. Her touch sending shivers down his spin as he turned his head slightly, kissing her knuckles gently, and his eyes meeting hers.

“Welcomed everyone my dear?” He wrapped an arm around her waist as he pulled her closer to himself, craving the feel of her lips on his. “I believe so…” She mummers, a soft sigh escaping her lips as the chatter of family and friends surrounds them. Standing on the tips of her
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sayonaralala #1
Chapter 7: Author nim,the link for bambam isn't working ;-;
Chapter 19: It that somebody can actually reject Jr
Youngjae one not completed?
Chapter 17: Mark the matchmaker <3
Chapter 19: I like that you speak in third person when you have author notes :D
KikiChan #6
Chapter 15: awwwww thank you! It's super sweet! Mark would make such a great dad!
Chapter 15: Awwwww so cute >.< Mark is gonna be the sweetest dad ever and I think Jackson will be possessive over his nephew lol XD
hedgehog12 #8
Chapter 13: is there going to be a part three of this?
i feel so bad for rina as well as youngjae's gf...
Chapter 13: All the best for your exams! Ive just ended my papers and started working now so Ive been busy ever since weeks ago ㅋㅋ Thanks for the update and also for the part 1 and 2! I will wait to see the ending of the couple ~
Chapter 12: Wait wait what she passed away???