♥ Youngjae

GOT7 Café 。
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  where do we draw the line 2.0。    CHAPTER ten...akimoto      Two weeks was the last time they had seen each other, and for reason, Youngjae couldn’t stop thinking about her. It wasn’t right to be thinking about another girl while you had already someone, but after he saw Jackson making her laugh as they were to part ways he felt a little angry, maybe even jealous but he wasn’t going to admit that. It didn’t help either that for the past few days he had been ignoring any calls from his girlfriend.

Youngjae let out a sigh, thinking that she should pay a visit to Mark, although in reality he just wanted to see Rina. He was honestly confused by his feelings towards her. He told the maids that he was going out to visit a friend; out of the 7 Youngjae was the richest, although he didn’t boast about it seeing as his parents taught him differently. He drove slowly to Marks, wondering if his feelings for Rina where true of it was just because from the moment he had meet her she was always smiling that beautiful smile of hers, completely different from when he first met his girlfriend.

He couldn’t help but groan from frustration. Why did things need to be so complicated? Arriving at Marks apartment he entered it knowing that Mark wouldn’t mind seeing as he did it often enough.

“Youngjae?” Her voice filled his ears as his eyes looked up to meet hers. His words suddenly stuck in the back of his throat as he watched the confusion appear on her face.

“I wanted to see yo..Mark. I wanted to see Mark.” He covered it up a nod, clearing his throat as his eyes travelled up and down her body. Admiring how nice she looked in just sweatpants and a simple shirt.

“Mark?” She thought for a moment before ushering him to take a seat at the kitchen table. “He went out a while ago but he didn’t tell me when he’s going to be home. But you are welcome to stay.” She smiled softly at him as she pointed towards the living room, before handing him a drink. “I was gonna watch a movie. You’re welcome to join me.” Youngjae nodded his head sightly in thanks as he made his way into the living room, his eyes following her closely as he sat on the sofa.

Watching as she moved around the living room and set up the movie.

“What movie?”

“I wanted to watch Aladdin.” Rina looked up at him with a grin, laughing softly as she shrugged at him.

“Hope you don’t mind.”

Youngjae shook his head in reply, telling her that he really didn’t mind. And in fact it was the truth – although he suddenly remembered how his girlfriend had wanted to watch Disney movies a few weeks ago but he had whined and complained saying how childish it was to watch Disney movies.

He was brought out of his thoughts altogether when he felt the sofa slightly dip. His head turning to side slightly as he watched Rina sit down and get comfortable. Admiring as she smiled softly, pressing play on the remote, and watching as he focused her attention onto the images on the screen.

Rina felt his gaze on her as soon as she had sat down on the couch. She felt her cheeks turn red from his gaze on her, clearing slightly in hopes that it would stop him, but it didn’t do anything.

Halfway through the movie neither of them had realised just how close they had gotten to one another. Youngjae had his arm wrapped around her shoulders as she cuddled up to his side. He looked over at her, startled slightly by how close they had become, a soft smile gracing his lips when her heard her laugh quietly at the movie.

She looked up slightly, as her eyes meet his. Unlike him, she hadn’t noticed how close they had become, although she was slowly become aware as she felt his hand wrap around her waist. His fingers under her chin, slowly bringing their faces closer together until their lips met.

Neither of them hesitating in deepening the kiss as Rina slowly made her way onto his lap. It felt so right for the two that they didn’t even realize that was happening was yet so wrong. It wasn’t until she felt Youngjae bite her bottom lip that she pulled away. Pushing herself away as if she had just burnt herself.

“I..” Her eyes wide as she bowed multiple times, quickly making an escape to her room.


He groaned in frustration as he watched her quickly walk into her room and lock the door. Mentally slapping himself for doing something so stupid as he stood up with a sigh, making his way to door only to be greeted by Mark.

“Youngjae? What are you doing?” Mark looked at his friend in surprise as Youngjae momentarily froze in his place, looking up at Mark with slightly wide eyes.

“I was ju-“ Rina walked to Youngjae handing him a book. Causing Youngjae to look at her confused, although Rina was avoiding eye contact at all cost.

“Youngjae said he wanted something to read and I told that I have a book he might enjoy.” Rina looked at her brother with a bright smile, gently pushing Youngjae out the door. “Return the book when you’re done yeah. Or just give it to Mark.”

“Uh, yeah. Thanks again Rina.” Youngjae cleared his throat, bowing his head slightly as he left the two alone. Once he had left, Mark looked at his sister shrugging.

“I always thought you didn’t like letting people borrow things?” Ma
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sayonaralala #1
Chapter 7: Author nim,the link for bambam isn't working ;-;
Chapter 19: It that somebody can actually reject Jr
Youngjae one not completed?
Chapter 17: Mark the matchmaker <3
Chapter 19: I like that you speak in third person when you have author notes :D
KikiChan #6
Chapter 15: awwwww thank you! It's super sweet! Mark would make such a great dad!
Chapter 15: Awwwww so cute >.< Mark is gonna be the sweetest dad ever and I think Jackson will be possessive over his nephew lol XD
hedgehog12 #8
Chapter 13: is there going to be a part three of this?
i feel so bad for rina as well as youngjae's gf...
Chapter 13: All the best for your exams! Ive just ended my papers and started working now so Ive been busy ever since weeks ago ㅋㅋ Thanks for the update and also for the part 1 and 2! I will wait to see the ending of the couple ~
Chapter 12: Wait wait what she passed away???