♥ Jackson

GOT7 Café 。
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  all too well。    CHAPTER eight...amusingmurdermachine      It had been 2 weeks since Jackson and Hyena had last seen each other, so because of that Hyena was trying her hardest to find and outfit that Jackson would like. Finally choosing one that was simple and casual she quickly checked the time on her phone and left her dorm room, not bothering to lock it seeing as her cousin was going to be there.

There was a skip in her step as she made her way to cafe that they usually met at when they had the chance to see each other. She was thankful that she and Jackson could be out in the open like this. In fact it was all thanks to her best friend Mark, the fans had got used to seeing Hyena with Mark and ever so slowly they started to ship her with his best friend, the wild and y, Jackson. In all honesty, it was like a match made in heaven, although sometimes the boys had difficulty handling the two when they were together.

Looking through the window in the café, Jackson shook his head as he watched her walk in. Grinning to himself as he admired her from where he was sitting, smiling like an idiot as she ran over to him and sat in the chair opposite. “Jacky boy!” Hyena leaned over, pinching his cheeks gently before placing a soft kiss on his lips. “I’ve missed you Jacky.”

He chuckled softly, giving her a small kiss in return. “I’ve missed you as well Miss Im.” Grinning as he sipped at his coffee, admiring her outfit and just how happy she looked to be with him. Taking her hand in his as he listened to her every word, laughing softly as she told him about her past couple of weeks. All he could do was smile whenever he was near her. She really was like a drug to him.

She kept his head on his shoulders and always made sure that his ego didn’t get to big. One of the other reasons why people thought they were a perfect match.

The couple had been sitting at the café for a couple hours now and had decided that it was better if they made their way back to Jackson’s dorm. Hyena was excited at the thought of going back to
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sayonaralala #1
Chapter 7: Author nim,the link for bambam isn't working ;-;
Chapter 19: It that somebody can actually reject Jr
Youngjae one not completed?
Chapter 17: Mark the matchmaker <3
Chapter 19: I like that you speak in third person when you have author notes :D
KikiChan #6
Chapter 15: awwwww thank you! It's super sweet! Mark would make such a great dad!
Chapter 15: Awwwww so cute >.< Mark is gonna be the sweetest dad ever and I think Jackson will be possessive over his nephew lol XD
hedgehog12 #8
Chapter 13: is there going to be a part three of this?
i feel so bad for rina as well as youngjae's gf...
Chapter 13: All the best for your exams! Ive just ended my papers and started working now so Ive been busy ever since weeks ago ㅋㅋ Thanks for the update and also for the part 1 and 2! I will wait to see the ending of the couple ~
Chapter 12: Wait wait what she passed away???