
The Story of Us
this is him.
"now that i know what warmth is,

i'm even colder now."
—— fantasy couple

The year was 2011, when I met him. It was four years after I met him. We were both in our first year of college, attending the beauty that is Seoul National University. I hated college almost as much as I hate high school, but for entirely different reasons of course. Well, maybe it was the same reason, just wrapped in little other reasons. I wasn’t the same person I used to be anymore, the past four years made sure that I wasn’t the same first year girl.


I was taking some creative writing class, it was a midday class I think, so I should’ve been well functioning in it. Besides, I love writing, some optimist would say it’s my passion. I don’t have a passion. At one point they both were my passions, two separate whirlwind romances that I thought would last but didn’t have a chance from the start. That’s the thing, broken things were meant to stay broken. Warmth cannot be felt, at the risk of a day where you feel the cold settle into your bones for the rest of the eternity you were promised to be together in.


Brown hair styled up, sometimes he would come into class and it’d be blonde. Once he came into class and took off his hat for just a second to readjust the rainbow colored hair that he was trying to hide. I didn’t know at that time that the school had a policy against incredulous amounts of hair dye. He had chocolate brown eyes, much like the boy from the past. Now that I think about it, maybe I fell for him because he reminded me so much of the past. The defined jaw line, the bright personality, the arrogance, the aura of iness that masked how cute he actually was, sitting and thinking about it, I might have chosen to fall in love with a look a like, a fake. But then again, there were differences. The way one was made to tear me down and the other to put me all back together again. They were different.


To understand what happens next, I’ll have to explain a little about myself. You see, even now, in this huge college, I am known for being the one with the past that no one wants. The scars that people wouldn’t dare to wish for. Even if I’m known and get lots of attention, not a single person would want to take on my life.

And then he comes in. Oh Sehun. 183 cm of everything that every girl has ever wanted. He’s tall, handsome, has the perfect surfer body, smart, mannered… He was perfection at its finest. And he fell for me. Out of all people on campus and beyond, the perfect Oh Sehun fell for the girl everyone knew for the wrong reasons. I could’ve easily protected myself from the pain from the start, if I had just backed away and turned him down. But its hard to resist a guy that persistently tries to get close to you than two months later, stands on a cafeteria table with your favorite flowers in hand just to ask you on a date.

the writer's words

Ah, so the first person in Soojung's tragic whirlwind romance. I hope you payed attention to the first chapter. There's a him, but there is also a him. Which is Sehun? Once again, I encourage you to comment below. And thanks for subscribing.

< a tori creation >

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Lmaoooo! I subscribed to this a long time ago and I didn't even know! Lmao hiiii!
Chapter 6: This story is sad T^T I can feel how Soojung's feel about the two boys and how she regretted it when she leave Sehun D: and poor Sehun, he didn't even have a chance to replace Jongin because Soojung was too scared, insecure and confused T^T Anyway, good luck for your writting contest :D this story is great!
Chapter 6: Okay, here's the plot twist when I've read about Jongin is dead and how yeah, it's just so sad. Nice story written here miss writer. I like it. Thank you. Good luck for your contest anyways.
Chapter 5: I feel sorry for Sehun, but I just have the feeling that Soojung loves Jongin even more. Please let her be with him, sobs.
Chapter 2: You just made me all curious though. And yes, the 'him' is Oh Sehun. The guy that she met in college after she met the italic 'him' or known as Kim Jongin of her past, maybe the reason why she's being all distant and cold.