
The Story of Us
this is me.
"first you made my heart beat,

then you beat my heart."
—— tablo

So I assume you’ll want to know something about me. Something about who I am first before we get into the actually story of ‘us.’ Whoever the us might be.


Well for starters, my name is Jung Soojung. He used to call me Jung and he thought it would be cute to call me the same thing. I no longer like that name. But anyways, I’m 21 years old, born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. My hair is generally black but I’ve dyed it brown and once it was this bright red pink thing. It was pretty, I guess. He liked it at least.


I’m assuming you don’t really give two craps about who I am. It’s the hell that I’ve been through that you want to know isn’t it? Well then I’ll tell you, it’s not like I have anything else to do after all. besides sitting on the same goddamn bench everyday with a bottle of beer as I look at the beach’s shoreline and wonder what he’s doing, if he still thinks of me. Sometimes I’ll even let my heart ache for him just a little. But that’s a rarity that I can’t afford to give myself.

In the entirety of 21 years on this hateful planet, I have loved only two people. I’m talking about the intimate romance kind of love that kind of bull you give to your parents because they’ve given you shelter and all the things you wanted as kid. But anyways, these two people. One… well, both I guess, they don’t exist in my life anymore. I don’t allow myself to let love exist because I’m not the kind of person that deserves it. And this is the point where you ask yourself, “Why doesn’t she deserve it?” “What kind of heinous things has this poor soul done to deserve the cliche that is denying oneself the aspect of love?” Well, if you would just read on then maybe you’ll see why the idea of cliches are my life and why I choose not to live a life of love. And thus, the story of us begins….

the writer's words

And so the tragic, or perhaps fateful story of Jung Soojung begins. Feel free to leave any questions, comments, or criticism below, I would love to read it.

< a tori creation >



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Lmaoooo! I subscribed to this a long time ago and I didn't even know! Lmao hiiii!
Chapter 6: This story is sad T^T I can feel how Soojung's feel about the two boys and how she regretted it when she leave Sehun D: and poor Sehun, he didn't even have a chance to replace Jongin because Soojung was too scared, insecure and confused T^T Anyway, good luck for your writting contest :D this story is great!
Chapter 6: Okay, here's the plot twist when I've read about Jongin is dead and how yeah, it's just so sad. Nice story written here miss writer. I like it. Thank you. Good luck for your contest anyways.
Chapter 5: I feel sorry for Sehun, but I just have the feeling that Soojung loves Jongin even more. Please let her be with him, sobs.
Chapter 2: You just made me all curious though. And yes, the 'him' is Oh Sehun. The guy that she met in college after she met the italic 'him' or known as Kim Jongin of her past, maybe the reason why she's being all distant and cold.