Episode 13: Initiate or Not to initiate? (Guest Stars: Hello Venus)

Need Some Advice? - Advice Column and Kpop Talk Show!
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J.C: Hello everybody! And welcome back to

Audience: Need Some Advice!

J.C: And today as our special guests,we have Hello Venus! 


Hello Venus: Annyeongshaeyo! We are Hello Venus immida!

J.C: Welcome! It great to have this show running again, and that we had no intention of stopping it. It's just that school was becoming a harzard to me, but I lived on with good grades and new friends, so yeah! And let's give LeeR for a warm thanks for our new cover!


J.C: Okay! Back on topic, we have a request from Alayne. Lime ssi, can you please read this?

: Neh~! *Clears throat* "I've constantly been shoving my face in my Seventeen photo cards to try and get over this problem, but I think it's time I finally talk about this. Let's hope you've all been in your respective relationships and have had your fair share of crushes like I have.
There's this one guy, Jason, that I know. He's the heartthrob to any girl that isn't in his grade. He's cute and funny and he's a great singer and actor, taking the lead for our school play last year. I promised I wouldn't go for another guy in the musical universe at school but sadly that mission failed and I fell for this guy, not helping that he was my love interest in the play. Summer rolled around and you would think I got over it. But when I had a surprise trip to walmart, he saw me, said hi, and hugged me tighter than usual with a warmer smile. My heart fluttered and now I don't know what to do. This school year I'm going to be seeing him every day and it's making me nervous! Ignore the feelings or initiate something??" 

J.C: And just to inform Alayne, I have never been in a relationship before, swear to god, but I do have crushes here and there. Other than that, we also have some additional information to help us, "The guy is a grade level below me, but very smart. And people used to think he was cocky, that's why girls in his grade didn't like him. He's fine now, and changed. We played love interest Penny and Ugly in Honk Jr. In the random case you would want to know."And to be honest, I never heard of that play, so I really don'

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Chapter 10: Thank you ^^ That helped a lot! It seriously did!
Chapter 9: No J-Hope...........? He's not there?
requested~ I'm being myself there not c.e hehehe:3
Chapter 6: Thank you! I will take the advice well!
Requested ;-;
Hehehe I requested? Hehe I dont know if it still counts for btob... so please, could you let me know if jt will fit for btob so I re-request for sistar then? Have a nice day! (:
Hi, I just wanted to know if I put the password wrong. I thought it meant the group that I want to be on my segment. I'm sorry if I misunderstood. Should I re-request?