Chapter 1

Save me

"No.. Please. Stop..please. No! NOOO!" You screamed as you jolted up from your bed. Even though it had been nearly a year since the monster abused you, you still find yourself waking up in the middle of the night because of the horrible nightmares of him. Your screams woke up your 2 month old baby, Jaehyun, the bright light at the end of the dark tunnel you call your life.


He began to cry. "Shh baby, shh. Mommy's here." You whispered soothingly as you picked up Jaehyun from his crib and cradled him in your loving arms. "Everything's ok, my love." You rocked him back and forth until he calmed down, and eventually fell asleep again. Gently, you put your little bundle of joy back in his crib. You however, couldn't fall asleep. Instead, you just say up in your bed and started to think. Thinking about everything that happened the last couple of months. How everything changed when your father, no your hero died in a car accident when you were 12. How your mom lost it and started drinking. How she would hit you just for existing. How she would bring strange men home. How she got an abusive boyfriend. How he you while she basically stood there and let him. How you packed up all your clothes and ran to refuge at your best friend's house.


You thought of how thankful you were and still are when Hannah's parents lent you enough money to rent a one-bedroom apartment to share with Jaehyun and how they supported you the whole time. How they helped you land the monster in jail. You also thought about the beautiful baby boy sleeping in the crib next to you and how, despite the circumstances, you were eternally grateful that you have such a wonderful son. And with those peaceful thoughts, you found yourself fast asleep.


Well...until Jaehyun woke up crying for his bottle.


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please tag this and tigger warning.
Chapter 2: ah hurry up kyungsoo and save her :o