Chapter III: Taeah


*MT = Members Training 

Sooyun end up being one of the last ones to join the class, no thanks to that girl. She still don't get why she said to stay away from Zelo, when she wasn't even trying to get close with him. She didn't even expect him to be in front of her house this morning. does she know we walked to school together...? she thought not realizing the coach started speaking, "So, guys, as you all know, our annual *MT is coming up, and this year we're going camping," the students starts to mumble.

"Okay okay, clam down, this trip is going to be 5 days long, and this year it's right by beach, so stop complaining and start on your laps." The coach finished, sending everyone off for warm ups. Sooyun head toward the track passing that annoying that girl again.'s gonna be a longgg day. She ignores the thought and starts on her laps. After a few minutes, she realize someone was running after her. She doesn't give it much thought and continued on her own pace. 

Zelo then shows up beside her, she looks at him with a blank face and kept going. "Like the surprise?" he ask a little too excited. "By that, you mean the MT?" Sooyun said it coolly, while still jogging in her slow pace. "Well, yeah, it's probably your first right?" he asked with a cute tone, which of course she noticed and she nodded her head slightly. She expected him to leave after his questioning, but instead he was following along with her in her slow speed.

"Is that the fastest you can go?" he questioned breaking the silence. "Excuse me?" she said looking at him, "Are you calling me slow?" she finished, a little offended by his question. He smirks, "Well....I mean, you're still only starting on the track and your speed seems to be decreasing." he said raising a brow. "Are you challenging me to a race? Cause you know I'll win right?" She said with the same tone he did. He shrugs his shoulders and began to speed up, and so did she. It didn't take long before they broke out into a full blown race. 


It didn't take long for you to catch up to Zelo's little challenge, as soon as he speed up, you did so too. You notice you passed most of your classmates just picking up a little speed. You kept your pace when you were about a step behind Zelo, but then he started sprinting for the finish line, you reacted immediately and started dashing for it too. You have to say, he's pretty fast, but then again his long legs probably have something to do with it. Little does he know you were on the track team in your pass schools. 

It didn't take long for you to gain the same speed as him. You looked his way when you were passing him, and was greeted with his shocked face. You gave him a little wave and speed up your pace, finishing a few seconds before him. You dropped on the grass beside the paved track, taking deep breaths trying to take in more oxygen. Zelo joins you on the grass, and lays himself flat on the ground, "H-How...did you...d-do that?" he asked still short of breath. You take a few more breaths and turn to look at him before replying, "Wh-What do you...mean?" you asked. "I mean how did you run lik     " before he could finish, he was interrupted by someone standing over him. "Oppa~" she said, and you recognize her, it was that girl again, really this is ridiculous, "Hey umm...I'll talk to you later, kay." you said as you stood up and walked away from them.


"Wait Soo     " Zelo tried to say before Taeah stepped in front of him. "Oppa~Why are you always with her!?" she whined, wrapping her arms around Zelo's torso. "Taeah, can you please stop." he said trying to shove her arms off, "Oppaaa~" she whined, tightening her grip, "Taeah. Please. Can you stop." still trying to shove her off, but he stop moving when he saw that Sooyun was looking at them. She turns away when she notice that Zelo saw, and went the other way, he wants to go and chase after her, but Taeah's forceful grip isn't allowing him to do so. "Enough!" he finally shouted shoving her off with a push, and set off looking for Sooyun. 


Author's Note: 

Ahhh.....what will happen???

What's Taeah's relationship with Zelo???hmmmm.....

Sorry, this was kind of short, been kind of depress lately....

As you know Luhan is leaving EXO, and well....that really got to me....TT

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linapingu1 #1
Chapter 2: Looks good can't wait for the next chapter :)
sootaehyo #2
Seems interesting :)