Chapter II: Morning


*Beep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep* You alarm rang at 6:30am, with your eyes still close, you started to pat your bedside table attempting to find the snooze button on the alarm. Finally giving up, you lifted your head up to search for it only to find it located on your desk. You slugged yourself over to the desk, to shut it off and headed back to your bed, attempting to get back to sleep. You hope were crushed  when your brother came in to wake you. "Morning kiddo, time for school!" he shout excitedly opening the door. "Its only 6:30..." you whine, pulling the covers over your head. 

"It doesn't hurt to get there early~" he sang pulling the covers off your head. You groan, trying to shield your eyes from the sunlight. "Yah, if you don't get up, I'm gonna spin you around like how I did when we were little." he said with a wicked grin on his face. Your eyes shot open from the unfriendly memory that the threat have brought back. You see your brother reaching over to grab you and you jump out from your sheets. "I'm up, I'm up!" shouting at him as you try to step around him and dash for the washroom. 

After getting ready and packing only the book and supplies you need in your bag, and you head down stairs following the delicious smell of freshly made pancakes and bacon. "Oh~Oppa, that smells so good!" you said stepping into the kitchen and take one of the empty seats on the kitchen island. Your brother welcomes you with fresh plate of food. "Mhmm...I'm not you brother for nothing you know." proud of himself. You roll your eyes at him and continue with your breakfast. 

"Ara, Im going to be late for work," he said taking his last bacon and flicking his wrist to look at the time, "I'm heading out first, don't be late for school and.....behave!" he said with more emphasis in the last word. "Araso gramps." you said sticking your tongue out at him, he rolls his eyes and headed out the door. You finish the last bit of breakfast on your plate and placed it in the sink. You went back to grab your bag and plugged in your headphones before heading out the door. Stepping down the stair you head straight for the front gate. Once you locked it gate, you intend to start walking, but you stop in your track once you saw him. 


He lifts his head when he heard the front gate opening from Sooyun's house. She steps out and turn to lock her door, bobbing her head to the music coming from her headphones. When she finally notice Zelo leaning on the wall beside her door, they gaze each other and she freezes in her track. "Good morning." she said quietly taking her headphones off. "Morning," he said straightening up off the wall, and straightening his shirt. She glance at his arms, and Zelo shift slightly uncomfortable by her action, "No skateboard today?" she asked as she recall seeing him on his skateboard on their first meeting. His shoulders relaxed a bit after knowing what she was looking for. He shook his head, "Nope, I usually use it when I'm late..." he lied. 

He couldn't just tell her oh hey, I actually didn't take my skateboard cause I want to walk with you. "Oh..." she said nodding a little. Zelo ruffled his hair and started walking, she ran a bit to trying and catch up to him. "Um...." she started, but hesitated to continue, "What's up?" he said raising a brow. "Ah....were ah....were you...." she looks up at him, and he looks back right into her eyes. She blushes and looks away changing the subject. 

"Ah-hmm....So ah.....what have the class been studying? I mean, I am just joining in so I don't know much..." she plays with the headphones in her hands. Zelo caught what she was going to ask before, and his cheeks turns a pink tint. "There wasn't much, school only started a while ago....but there will be a announcement today." he said with a grin. She looks up at him again upon what he said. "Good announcement, or bad annoucement?" she said with a scare in her tone, "It'll be good, trust me." Zelo said as they continue towards the school.


There he goes him...has he not notice that we've only just met? You thought as you walk towards the gym, but you were knocked back into reality when someone bumped into your shoulder. You were going to apologize until you saw it was the girl from yesterday after school. She glares at you, as if you're the one who just bumped into her. You ignored her and just continued you way, "YAH! What the hell!" she shouts from behind, you turn around to face her. "What?" annoyance hanging in your voice. "Shouldn't you apologize." she said matter-a-factly.

"Why? You ran into me. why should I       " interpreting you again. "I mean, you should apologize for getting too close to oppa." you look at her with a blank. "Excuse me...?" She walks up close to you so you're face to face. "I mean.Stay.Away.From.Zelo." said losing her whiny tone. You look at her confused "Um...actually I'm not doing anything, so I don't know what you mean by stay away        " She got defensive again, "I saw you this morning with him! Don't lie to me!" she shouted in your face. Now you're just growing with annoyance.

"Listen okay, he lives on my street, so this morning we just ran into each other." you said trying to end the conversation. "Oh, don't even try to lie to me, Oppa always come to school using his skateboard, you clearly told him to wait for you." So he was waiting....wait maybe he just forgot this morning....why would he wait for me? "Yeah, I thought so, so stay away from him!!" she ran off after. Gosh, that was annoying, who was she? This been going on since yesterday and you don't even know her. You then continue your way to the change room to get ready for gym.


Author's Note:

Hey Hey~Sorry I haven't been updating at all (School is a B****)

I will try to update more from now on, cause I know my set schedule now~YES!!!

Sooo...I'm thinking of starting two other series, they're in the drafting process

But...they're more...intense I guess you can sayc....

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linapingu1 #1
Chapter 2: Looks good can't wait for the next chapter :)
sootaehyo #2
Seems interesting :)