Chapter Two

Rain and Teardrops

"I think I've messed up and the fact that I can't think straight when I am with her."


That day was exhausting because the hotel was fully booked because a company just reserved the event center and occupied the seventh, eighth and nineth floor of the hotel which she was handling the two given floor. They were occupied for two days. Dara was on her way to a bus stop across the pedestrian lane. She was too exhausted that she walked across the road without waiting for the stop light but she knew there are no cars running in that road. She continued to walk until someone pulled her. She was not on her mind then and slowly looked up to see who pulled her Not even minding the scratch of a car. 



"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOIN, YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US BOTH!" The owner of the car shouted and she looked who it was but unfotunately she just had a glimpse and then he drove away. She looked back at the man who saved her. Her heart skipped a bit. She knew that was really the first time she felt that. There's something special about how he make her hear beats faster.



"Are you okay?" A masculine voice was produced from his mouth. I think I'll won't pass on this. 




"I think so." Dara bit her lower lip and looked down. Why am I doing this anyway?




"That's good to hear." He said and smiled. "Next time you should be more careful. I might not be there to save you." He chuckled.





"Yeah." Dara smiled then we started to walk towards the bus station.We waited at the bus stop. "Are you going to ride a bus too?" Dara asked which broke the silent between them.




"Nah.. I live at a condominium about a kilometer away from here." He said while oooking at the other side of the road.




"Then why are you still here?" Dara asked with an unbelievable expression.




"Well, I was just making sure you won't get into an accident before I leave." He said the he directly looked at her in the eyes.




"Oh, I forgot to thank you awhile ago and for staying with me." She said.




They've introduced their names and on. Their conversation went well and not noticing they've exchanged their numbers already. It took awhile until the bus came and bid their goodbyes. Lee Donghae, it's really nice to meet you.






Dara and Donghae had been meeting each other for two weeks now. Remembering that Choi Seunghyun was into her but she directly rejected him but in a good way.






"Seunghyun, Sorry but I can't accept your feelings. I like you, really... but only as a friend and you know I don't want to hurt you." Dara said with an apologetic smile.



"I knew this will be your reaction. Well I guess there's no wrong on trying.  But if you change your mind, I'll still be here." Dara's expression was changing then Seunghyun gave back his words. "I was kidding. I mean I'm here for you as a friend. You know, companion." He laughed at her expression but after awhile Dara laughed with him because of their silliness. 



End of flashback




"Excuse me, Sir. I think you should line at the back. There are many customers back there waiting for their turn and I'm like them." Dara was in a coffee shop. She was finished with her daily workout and went straight to a coffee shop nearby. The man in front of her just looked at her with his sunglasses on. She never heard a single word and he neither move away. He just stared at her. The customer infront of her was done but unfortunately the man cut in and ordered. She was insulted by his action so she decided to act on her rights.



"Excuse me, mister. I don't think you have the right to ignore what I said a while ago."Dara said and the guy looked back at her and listened. "You look like you are an educated person. I think you should also know your place, mister. Don't you think?" Dara said and the guy removed his sunglasses and smirked. The girls inside the coffee shop was taken a back and started whispering  to each other. 



"I think I have a reasonable answer to your..." he was nodding. "Really cute question." He then lean down to her. "I think I know my place and I hope you know yours." He said mockingly.



"Excuse me?" Dara said. Her brows we're about to connect. "I forgive you." He said and left without letting her say a word. Damn. I never felt insulted in my entire life. I knew who this guy was. I just don't know when I've met him. 



I ordered then the cashier said something in whisper. "Excuse me, miss. Don't you know who you were talking to a while ago?  He was G Dragon. A businessman and a singer-slash-composer-slash-producer-and more." I just shriugged and headed home.



Dara was outside the coffee shop when a white lamborghini stopped infront of her. It was the man from the coffee shop. He stared at her with a smile on his face.




"What?" Dara raised him an eyebrow. 



"Nothing. I just thought you need a ride." He said mockingly. 



"Why would you think I need a ride? and a ride from you?" She asked. Still raising her eyebrow. 



"Well, again, I just thought you might not know... like 'your place'." He said sarcastically and drove off and again leaving her speechless. This is not happening to me...



"The first time I saw you, you were a jerk but come to think of it... you really were."

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wenkie0414 #1
Chapter 4: update please
mihyun84 #2
Chapter 3: Is Ji the guy who almost ran into her?