
Promise is a big word, but I promise.


The following weeks in school had been pretty exciting.
Lee Min Ho kept showing affections for me and giving me more tips and presents.
I was sure that he had feelings for me. But all my thoughts vanished when I saw Lee Min Ho and Jan Young holding hands and displayed public affections in school.
However, Lee Min Ho always greeted me and treat me as though I am so special.
I was really lost.
I was walking home with Minhyuk one day and asked,
"What do you think when a guy who already has a gf, but treats you like youre special?"
"He must really like them both. But he is not loyal."
"Really? Then.. what kind of guy are you?"
"Hmm. I guess I'm pretty loyal. And I believe in first love. Do you?"
"I do. Is it crazy, if deep in my heart, i still feel like I love that person, although he dissapeared away from me for almost 10 years? And i have no idea how he looks or behaves?"
"Maybe, but i suggest you follow your heart."
"sometimes.. i wonder. Does he ever think about me anymore? Or am i just a passing memory? Sigh."
"What kind of guy is he?"
"He's the only one I trusted in school. Everyone else is just... they treat me badly for no reason at all. One day he said that he promise we'll see each other again. And the next day, he didn't came. And the next day, and the next day. I got tired of waiting, so I let it go. But the more i tried, the more unsuccessful it is. Although we were just kids, it left an impact on me. I did not befriend anyone else since then. I was scared they'd leave me too.. The last thing he gave me was a piece of something. I really held on to it."
"Do you still, *coughs*, are you still waiting for him?"
"My heart says yes. My mind says no."
"You had a hard time, Jieun. Lee Min Ho. don't you like him? He seems to like you."
"I guess..I really should move on."
Our conversation ended there as I've reached my house.
We waved goodbye and the night lingers on.
Since then, Ive been going out alot with Minho too.
Minhyuk on the other hand, had distanced himself away from me.
I didnt know why. But i hated him then. How could he leave me just like that?
Few weeks later, a rumour has spread stating that Minho has broke up with his gf, 2 weeks ago. I was stunned, but somehow, I was relieved.
3 days later, Minho requested to go out with me. He told me to meet at Yong Park. Tonight, the weather is cool and the scenery is beautiful.
"Jieun-ah. I'm glad you came." He smiled.
"I need to be frank with you. Jieun-ah.. I love you." He confessed.
My mouth dropped open. Lee min ho.. is confessing.. to me?!
Suddenly he pulled my shoulders and hugged me.
At that point of time, i SAW Minhyuk not far from us.. staring at us with a horrified expression.
But what caught my eye was the piece of puzzle hanging on a necklace around his neck. The exact same like mine.
Minhyuk must have seen me looking at him. He turned and walked quickly away.
-A small Minhyuk, handing me the puzzle.-
"Promise is a big word. But this time. I promise, we'll see each other again one day." he said.
"If we find each other again, lets complete the puzzle together! You're the only one I gave this last piece to. Okay? so even if we grow up, we would still know." He smiled.
"bt.. where are you going?" i asked.
"I really like you! Lets meet each other again! I wont forget you!" He smiled and ran off.
-I bought a magazine and a column caught my attention.-
From puzzle boy:
To the girl who is holding on to the last piece.
I dont know where you are right now.
I hope you are doing fine. I miss you and I still think about you.
I knew you'd forget me. But thats okay.
I still hope to see you again. I just want to see you be happy.
One day. Cos thats my promise.
I cut the page and kept it in my diary. I was certain it was him.
[end of flashback]
"Minhyuk!" I tore off minho's hug.
"What?!" Minho asked, shocked, grasping my arm so that I can't move.
"Lee min ho, I'm sorry. I can't acept your heart. It belongs to someone else now. Someone I've been waiting for for a very long time. I'm sorry. I-
"Go to him. I understand. So, go."
"Lee min ho.." I was so touched and relieved.
"You're a good person, you'll definitely find someone better." I sincerely said and ran off.
I thought I had lost Minhyuk but I finally caught up.
He was walking near the Han river.
I jogged and stopped him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked casually, as though he did not saw anything.
"your.. necklace.. let me see it." i panted.
"What necklace?" he asked with a poker face.
"I saw you! dont lie to me!"
"I dont have it."
"Give it to me!"
"I DONT HAVE IT DAMN IT!" he shouted.
"Why? Why are you denying it?"
"What r u talking about?"
"Fine if this is how its gona be. FORGET IT I HATE YOU!" i sobbed and turned to leave.
I wanted to run away but suddenly, Minhyuk stopped me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He dug his face in to my neck and whispered,
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I dont know how to deal with this. I'm sorry Jieun ah. Please take it back. Dnt say that you hate me. thats the last thing i wnted you to say to me. Jebal." i feel his hot tears on my shoulder.
" are the guy who gave me the puzzle..then why? Why'd you deny? werent you happy to see me?" i sobbed.
"I was. i was the happiest guy. I saw ur puzzle piece the day u went out from the ice tea palace. You looked happy going out with Minho. I thought.. i just wanted to see u happy.. ive troubled you enough.. you waited for me.. 10 years.. Im sorry. I just wanted to see you again. eventhough you dont recognize me. Seeing you happy is enough."
"No.. I've waited for you. How could you just leave me like that.. I couldve lose you again.."
"Jieun-ah, I did want to confess, I was going to your house. But then I saw you with Minho and I thought, if you're happy this way, then I won't and can't do anything. Thats my promise. To see you and to see you be happy. I'm sorry.."
I turned to face him.
"I'm sorry too, Min hyuk-ah. And I don't hate you. But.. can i see it? the piece?"
He took out the necklace and fixed next to mine. It fits perfectly.
"I waited for you too. I never loved anyone else. I just needed you because i was sure that i love u."
he confesses.
I stared at his perfect eyes. "Minhyuk-ah.."

He held my cheeks, leans in closer and closer and finally, I felt his soft lips, placed on mine ever so gently.
My first kiss. With my first love.
He led the kiss and after awhile, we stopped for air. Our foreheads on each other, he whispered.
"You're my first and last. Saranghae"
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Cookiepop #1
Awww thank you for reading and subscribing! ^^ *touched* <3
b1a4cnblueblockb #2
it's a nice story.^^