The piece that completes me.

Promise is a big word, but I promise.


I inhaled the fresh air as I was walking to school.
I dug my hands inside my pocket and panicked. *Oh no! My good luck charm! Where is it?*
I searched on my left pocket and to my relief, it was there.
I pulled it out. A piece of puzzle . I got it when I was 11. It was very precious to me. I might go crazy if I lose it. Its the answer to all my questions. Something about it made me feel at ease.
As I resume my walk, the thought of Minhyuk popped up in my mind again.
Apart from his dashing looks, I was trying to recall if I had ever seen him anywhere.
I cracked my brain but could not figure it out.
I head to my locker, gathering my books when someone tapped my shoulder.
"Good morning, Lee Jieun." a deep voice greeted.
Oh! It's Lee Min Ho! I was starting to get jittery.
"Morning." I gulped down my nervousness.
"Sorry I kinda cancelled out our dinner yesterday, hope you don't mind."
"No, of course not," I stiffled a laughter.
"Cool. I know you'll understand, right? Anyway, meet me at Ice Tea Palace after school?"
he asked casually.
"H-huh? Meet you? Today?"
"Yeah, go through some photography tips. Um, lets just keep this to yourself, its nothing personal." he winked.
Why did he  just winked at me when its nor personal?!
"o-okay.." I mumbled.
"cool. see ya!" he waved and left.
I was confused. Why would he want to meet me? And even if I do, won't Jan young be mad?
I shook of the thought and entered the class-late.
The teacher and a guy had their backs facing me.
"Teacher, sorry I am late!" I apologized.
When both of them turned, I was shocked to see Minhyuk standing there.
"Lee Jieun?"
We almost said at the same time.
"Ah, so you two know each other? This should be easier. Jieun, as a punishment for late coming, you are to be Minhyuk's buddy and show him around for as long as he needs. Understand?" The teacher instructed.
"Y-yes.." I said, still not believing and not understanding.
"Lee Jieun(: " Minhyuk said softly.
My heart melted at just hearing his voice.
During recess, Minhyuk sat down with me and my friends.
"So, you just transferred?" I asked.
"Yes I'm from Singapore, but I was born in Korea. My name is Kim Minhyuk . Its nice to meet you guys" he politely bowed to all of us.
The reactions were almost immediate. Girls swoon and cooed at his cuteness, guys admired his toned muscles and flawless skin.
I have a very good feeling about him. ^^!
Before going home, Minhyuk had requested we take a stroll at the neighbourhood since we live quite near. As much as I wanted to, I told him that I was going to meet Lee Min Ho.
We exchanged phone numbers in case he needs anything.
Right after that, I rushed to the Ice Tea Palace.
There, on the far right corner of the booth, Lee Min Ho was waving.
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Cookiepop #1
Awww thank you for reading and subscribing! ^^ *touched* <3
b1a4cnblueblockb #2
it's a nice story.^^