Such a handsome person!

Promise is a big word, but I promise.

My loud footsteps faded with the rain as it pours down mercilessly.

I am soaking wet in the rain, my back is heavy and my legs are giving out, but the sadness still overtook all my other feelings.
Just now, right after Lee Min Ho helped me take some photos, he offered to have dinner with me.
But sadly, he received a phone call, [from whom I am very sure is his girlfriend, Jan young] and left me to go home by myself.
I am certainly mad at myself for feeling mad. Well, he is not my boyfriend, so why bother?! This, remains unknown to me.
I was grumbling to myself when I accidentally hit a person.
"Ah! I'm so sorry! Mianhae!" I bowed and apologized.
When I look up, the most gorgeous face greeted me with a warm smile.
"Kenchana?" He asked. He held up his umbrella so I was protected from the heavy rain.
"No problem. You're freezing. May I help?" his voice full of sincerity.
"Ah no no. I'm fine. heh.." I said awkwardly.
"I drive a car, parked just down there. Need a ride?"
"No! It's okay. I'm okay."
"You sure?"
"Yes, im sure. "
"Well, atleast let me take you to the nearest shelter. The bus stop. You can't say no. I was raise to be polite with people. Okay?" He smiled.
"O-okay.." I gave up. How can I say no?!
Like he said, I alighted at the bus stop.
"Um, thank you so much. I'm so sorry that your car is wet because of me. Sorry!" I apologized, seeing the front seat completely wet. T_T
"No, its fine. I'm Minhyuk btw. And you?"
"Lee Jieun. Thanks again for the ride." I smiled.
"Lee Jieun. See you around~ (:" He said charmingly and drove off.
*In my head*
"Why does he look familiar?"
*In Minhyuk's head*
"I know Ive seen her before, but where and when?"
Minhyuk is too cute isnt he?
<3 hehe
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Cookiepop #1
Awww thank you for reading and subscribing! ^^ *touched* <3
b1a4cnblueblockb #2
it's a nice story.^^