Friendship on the Line

She's a Fool ... Now What?

“You seemed not yourself, oppa. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Dara asked him. There was sincerity in her eyes.

Jiyong smiled faintly. “What made you think I’m not?”

“I – just thought you are –”

He twitched his lips again then slid his hands on the back pocket of his jeans. “There’s nothing to worry about me. You should be worrying yourself.”

Dara just looked up at him not getting what he meant. “O-o-kay …”

There was silence between them for the next seconds. Jiyong drifted his eyes back on the water below making his self believe that he’s alright. From the moment he saw TOP with Dara, he wasn’t feeling at ease anymore. Something inside him started to burn. He wasn’t just sure if it’s anger, annoyance or jealousy. Jealousy? That was the last thing that popped out of his mind but he shrugged it off quickly. He doesn’t have the right to be jealous.

The water was crystal blue. It was shimmering like inviting them to jump on it.

“Oppa, what do you think made the water blue?” Dara asked out of nowhere.

“It’s not blue. Water is colorless.”

“Really? It’s blue. Look.”

“It’s just the reflection of the sky.”

“Ah …” she said.

“What made the sky blue then?”

Jiyong faced her. “You asked too much. Were you not taught about it in school?”

“I wasn’t listening I guess.” She was serious when she asked those. Obviously, she’s not that smart to absorb everything that was taught to them.

It was not his intention to insult her though. “Sorry.”

Dara showed him a smile. “You don’t have to apologize about that, oppa. I’m just stupid.”

‘Yes you are.’ his mind dictated thinking of other things.

“Hey, bro! Mind if I take Dara out for a while?” TOP just popped out at their side. “Oh, you won’t mind, right?” he rephrased.

“Who’s taking out who?” Chaerin heard it though she was quite far from them.

“I’m going out for a while to buy something and I want to tag Dara along.” Top said.

“Don’t you have feet? Why do you have to bother others?” Chaerin glared at him.

“That’s why I’m asking permission.” he blurted then turned his eyes to Jiyong.

“It’s fine with me, bro.” Jiyong shrugged.

Top’s eyes then turned to Chaerin. He smirked. He totally knew what she was implying but he’s mulish enough to listen and not to agree with his cousin. His intentions to Dara weren’t bad at all but it seemed like she’s making a fuss about it. He admits he’s a playboy but that doesn’t mean he can’t feel anything towards his opposite. He had developed a feeling towards Dara but somehow, he wasn’t that sure if it’s just infatuation. Yes, … maybe.

He did ask permission for Jiyong and he never hesitated though there’s something in his eyes. Well, he doesn’t own Dara. He can’t do anything either if she wanted to come herself. Only that, the girl’s somewhat relying her decisions on him.

“I’m okay with it, bro. I just don’t know her if she wanted.” Jiyong reluctantly repeated with his gape on Dara’s. “Do you want to go with him?”


“I said, do you want to go with him?”

She was changing her glances with her friends. She’s confused and she’s obviously doesn’t know what’s happening around her. Why does TOP needs to ask permission from Jiyong when he can directly ask her. And why Chaerin would interfere and seemed to dislike the idea of her going out with her cousin.

“Okay.” Dara declared. She doesn’t get the logic there.

A playful smile curved on TOP’s face then. He glanced at Chaerin and she was raising an eyebrow. “Alright, come on babe. Just don’t mind her.” He offered his arms to Dara and the latter clung her arms too. “Oh!” He turned his head and faced Chaerin. “I’ll be using your motorcycle … and I just asked permission.” He winked at his cousin then continued. Jiyong didn’t move and just watched their back as they disappear from his sight.

“Sorry about Seung Hyun.” Chaerin apologized to Jiyong.

“I’m already used to that. It’s okay.”

“Are you not worried about Dara? He might be planning something.”

Jiyong looked up and meet Chaerin’s eyes. He faintly smiled. “I don’t think he’ll do that. We’ve been friends for years and I trust him.”

“Don’t trust a playboy like him. He’ll care nothing even if you’re friends. Haven’t you noticed?”


“He’s taking advantage of the situation. Now I regret why I let him come here.”

Jiyong chuckled this time. “Don’t worry, I’ll be watching them.”

“You better do.”


For about less than an hour, the two were back, laughing with each other.

“We’re back!” TOP waved his hand at them.

“Hi, oppa!” Dara greeted Jiyong upon arrival. She went near and sat beside him. “What’s this, oppa?” she asked, holding the pile of papers. Jiyong didn’t look up.

“It’s the summary of all our lessons. I made that for you so you won’t have to waste time scanning your ugly notes.”

Dara pouted. “My notes aren’t ugly. It’s just the pen that I’m using. Aisht, why are pens today are not so good to write.” she complained.

Jiyong looked up at her then. “So it’s the pen’s fault?”

“I guess …”

He laughed then shook his head.

After minutes of conversing with each other, Dara stood up and walked through the opposite side of the terrace. TOP was there, looking at the garden below. The wind was gusting, making her hair to fly. Something flew on Dara’s eyes making her to blink rapidly with pain. Top noticed it so he checked on her.

“Are you okay?”

“Something went into my eyes … it hurts.”

“Alright, let me check on that.” he said then held her face gently, closing their distance while his fingers slowly trying to let her eyes open. “I can’t see anything. Does it still hurt?”

“Yes, oppa.”

He can feel the warm air that’s coming from . It distracted him for a while but he shrugged that feeling away. “Don’t close your eyes.” he demanded then blew it. Dara blinked rapidly then tried to feel if it’s still there.

Jiyong was on the opposite side but a little farther from them. He probably didn’t overhear their conversation and obviously got no idea of what was happening on them. It was just when he turned his head; he saw Dara and TOP, facing each other, so close that their faces almost touched. He blinked trying to calm himself but the sight seemed to be unlikable to him. Heat went up to him. Something stirred inside him and it was the same as what he felt everytime he saw Dara being close to other guy. But this time was different, he felt like he was betrayed. With scattered thoughts, he gathered his guts and confronted them.

“Yah! What do you think you two are doing?” Jiyong just burst out when he saw that Dara was closing her eyes and TOP’s face was just inches away from her. “And you’re doing it in front of us?” he continued.

“Oppa …” Dara creased her forehead, oblivious of what Jiyong was saying.


“Why are you getting mad?” She was like blinking.

TOP chuckled. “Hey, bro. We’re not doing anything here. Something went into Dara’s eyes and I’m helping her get the … I don’t know if it’s dust or what.” he explained then faced Dara again. “Does it still hurt?”

“It’s okay now. Thanks, oppa.” Dara said then smirked at Jiyong.

Jiyong felt a bit ashamed of how he just reacted. His mind went blank for like a second upon realizing what the two were actually doing. Then he saw Dara smirked at him. It’s a shame if he’ll just stay quiet and accept defeat that he mistaken them to be kissing. “Yah! what’s with that smirk?” he asked trying to maintain her composure.

“Nothing.” she said then turned away.

He just watched her back as she followed TOP. Dara sat beside Seungri who was reading a book with his legs crossed. The two chatted for a while, faces were serious then Seungri glanced at him but immediately lowered his head when he saw that he was looking. It’s pretty obvious that they were talking about him. Jiyong stayed in his spot and just watched them as they were chatting. When he can’t take it anymore, he went to their direction and decided to in into their conversation.

“Were you talking about me?” he asked.

No one answered.

“Yah, are you two deaf?” he repeated.

“Oppa!” Dara stood up with hands on her waist. “Why are you angry again?”

“You’re talking about me. Why wouldn’t I?”

“How did you know we were talking about you?”

“Seungri kept on glancing at me and I saw that.”

“Huh?” Dara asked then turned to Seungri . “Were you taking glances at him while we were talking?”

“Er, I ….sorry.”

“See? Nice one Seungri.” Jiyong tapped his shoulders then faced the girl beside him. “You’re really talkative.”

Dara pouted.

Jiyong was about to turn his back when he noticed something. He looked at Dara who was still staring at him. “Wait, why aren’t you wearing the necklace that I gave you?”

“Huh?” She felt her chest then. “Oh, where did it go?” She checked on her front pocket then at the back. It was gone. “I-I was wearing it this morning, oppa.”

“You lost it?” He raised an eyebrow.

“No … I must have misplaced it.”


“Sorry – I’ll look for it, oppa.” She quickly went to check on her bag, tossing everything but she didn’t find any glimpse of the necklace. She went back to Seungri then.

“Have you seen a necklace? It got a heart pendant this big.” she said circling her fingers like the size of the pendant.

“The one you’re always wearing?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“No …” Seungri replied while lightly scratching his head.

Jiyong glared at her.



After decades of not updating, this is what I come up … a short and boring chapter. Sorry for the lousy update.

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Lette1022 #1
Chapter 20: Kyaaaaa omg jiyong your like a snail hehehehe to slow slow slow...just tell it to dara
LadyNomi #3
Authoring update please
Chapter 29: oh pls...update and thank you
Chapter 29: Chae can't really accept that Seungri is gay because she started to develop feelings for him kyaaaaa!!! I have this feeling that someone has the necklace..
Chapter 22: o.o i didn't expect that.. XD!
Chapter 29: missed the daragon moments, can't stand to watch them have a quarrel.. please update soon, author-nim! fighting..!!
Chapter 29: Please continue updating!!!!
Chelleszz #9
Chapter 29: Update pleasee
Chapter 22: lol . seungri s gay :))))