Casual Talk

She's a Fool ... Now What?

Jiyong was there too! Chaerin, his cousin is a friend of Dara and Jiyong who’s real close to him. Does that mean he has to be thankful?

TOP was ecstatic by seeing HER again. It was a granted wish for him. Knowing her at Young Bae’s party was one thing that’s unforgettable. She’s not just a typical girl nor a simple girl with geek glasses. Behind it was a woman with humor and a very interesting character. And that’s what made him want to know her better. Seeing her that afternoon depart with Jiyong, seemed to be his last glance on her. He knew for sure that Jiyong was all busy with school and stuff so they can’t meet often and as to Dara’s case too.

Meeting her again? It’s unbelievable! Maybe fate or just coincidence. Chaerin didn’t mention to him about her friends nor HE mentioned about his cousin to Jiyong. A real small world indeed. He blinked twice, thrice – she’s still there. It’s real and it wasn’t just a dream. He heard her mentioned his name and as if excited, surprised and delighted to see him again. He smiled and was brought back to his senses.

“TOP.” Dara snapped a finger on him.

“Yeah …” he chuckled lightly saving himself from embarrassment.

“I said, Jiyong oppa is here too.”

“Oh, Really?”

“They’re at the living area.” she pointed. “You haven’t sent me a message lately. So how are you?” Dara inquired.

A grin curved on TOP’s face. She was asking if he’s okay and he was totally overwhelmed by that. But of course, he doesn’t want to appear like an idiot in front of her. Yes, he’s a playboy but when he felt real it’s a different story.

“I’m good. How about you?” he asked casually trying to maintain his image.

She sighed. “I’ve been thinking a lot these days. Exams are coming and I needed to double my effort. I’m not that smart, you know.”

“Anything I can do for you? A helping hand ---” He offered.

“I’d be glad to but …”

“It’s a pleasure for me to be with you … I mean to help you.”

Dara smiled sweetly at him. “Thanks, TOP.” She walked near him and smelled the food that he just served. “Smells good.”

“Uhm … Dara.”

She looked up. “Yeah?”

“You know—” he trailed.  “I’m kind of not comfortable with you calling me as ‘TOP’ …”

She creased her forehead. “What should I call you then?”

“Top, oppa … if it’s okay with you.”

She laughed.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to.” he said, embarrassed.

“No. I’m fine with it. It’s just that, you’re too opposite of Jiyong oppa. He doesn’t want me to address him that before but I kept on calling him ‘oppa’.”

He just nodded, relieved. He thought Dara was laughing at him for asking her such a favor. Nothing’s wrong about it, right? It seemed like he was lost by that. He can’t help himself but to feel ashamed. Good thing he was at the kitchen that he easily shrugged that feeling away by turning his attention on what he was actually doing. With still his apron on, he transferred the marinated pork on a skillet and turn on the stove.

Dara went closer to him. Their skin touched. She was like keenly observing him on how he’s doing it perfectly.

“Want me to help you, oppa?”  she said.

The spatula that he was holding almost slipped out of his hand. He swallowed hard but remained as calm as he was. “Did you just call me ‘oppa’?”

“You told me to call you that, right?”

“Oh, yeah … sounds good to me.” he cracked.

Dara laughed again and that sounded like music to him. They chatted comfortably with each other for the next couple of minutes forgetting the verity that she just told her friends that she was going only to the comfort room. She seemed to be enjoying TOP’s company though they just meet again. She doesn’t know but she felt at ease with him.


Chaerin was sitting beside Seungri in a double sized couch. She was like leaning into him. At first glance, someone can instantly tell that the guy was awkward and not so comfortable while the girl seemed to be relaxing. Jiyong who was settled opposite them was just smiling secretly to the two. It’s not that the view was funny, it’s because the two looked good together.

They have been watching a noontime gag show for quite a while now – laughing and enjoying every minute of it. Jiyong glanced at his wrist watch and it was already less than thirty minutes and Dara didn’t come back yet. He turned to Chaerin but she seemed to be having the time of her life. Being someone that’s closest to her, he can’t deny the fact that he’s worried, somehow. He looked up at Chaerin again.

He feigned a cough to get the attention of any of the two. Fortunately, the girl turned her head. She smiled.

“How far is your comfort room from here?” he asked in a less serious tone.

“From here?” she asked back nonchalantly. He nodded.

“Five kilometers I think. Why?” she joked.

“Dara’s not back yet. I just wonder maybe she got lost or something or got drowned already.” Jiyong tried himself to be funny. He was worried deep inside, only that, he doesn’t want to be misinterpreted by his friends. He thought of her condition earlier. She wasn’t feeling ill nor having inconveniences when they left. What’s taking her long to get back was a puzzle to him.

Apparently, Chaerin observed him for a while. There’s concern in his eyes but he’s not showing it off.

“Okay … I’ll go check on her.” She walked past at him and patted his back. “Be cool, man.”

She headed towards where Dara went. Seungri who was left on the couch was relieved upon seeing her turned her back.

Chaerin heard laughter while on her way to the comfort room. She didn’t mind it knowing that it was from one of their housemaids. She went straight to her destination. The door was closed but she didn’t mind to knock on it. No one’s inside. Dara wasn’t there, obviously. With creased forehead, she wondered on where her friend went. She paused and figured out where did she possibly go then she remembered what she heard just a moment ago. It sounded like her.

She tried to check on the room beside but it was negative.

TOP, her cousin was at the kitchen so she decided to go there and ask him if he happened to see a girl around. While nearing into the door, she heard her cousin’s voice, talking to someone. She took a quick peep first and was surprised to see Dara and her cousin talking casually with each other. She eavesdropped for a while, figuring out about their conversation. They seemed close and at ease with each other. ‘Did they happen to know each other before?’ she wondered. With that in mind, she coughed to let her presence felt.

Dara turned her head first. She smiled at the approaching girl.

“You seemed close, huh. Do you know each other?” Chaerin asked while exchanging her gape to them.

Dara grinned widely then nodded in response.

“How?” Chaerin asked again, mystified.

“I met him at Young Bae’s birthday party weeks ago. He’s Jiyong oppa’s close friend, Chae!” she told cheerfully.

The other girl was flabbergasted. She can’t believe what she just said. “OH? Really? Wow --- so this calls for a celebration then --- party together.” she chuckled in surprise. Her eyes turned to her cousin then. She remembered something. “Seung Hyun, oppa … is she--.”

TOP eyed her.

“Okay, I think I should call Jiyong now. By the way …” she turned to Dara. “He was looking for you. He thought you got lost already.” Chaerin smiled then turned her back.

It was then that Dara remembered. She was there for quite longer now and she didn’t come back to them. For sure, Jiyong must be secretly mad at her already for just disappearing in his sight like during that time when she and Daesung bought some ice cream before. Upon remembering that, she can sense his anger already. Those eyes that’s creeping her inside.  She swallowed hard and shrugged that idea off her mind.

“Are you hungry?” Top asked her when Chaerin was already out of sight.

“Not really.” She smiled at him.

Meanwhile, Jiyong saw Chaerin going back to their direction, alone. He wondered. “What happened? Where’s Dara?”

She smiled at him. “She’s in the kitchen right now. Doing some worthwhile stuff.”

“What in the world is she doing in your kitchen?” he twitched his lips.

“Guess what?”

“I don’t get it.”

“Remember my cousin? The one that I mentioned --- she’s with HIM right now. And you’ll be surprised to see him. Come follow me.” She motioned Jiyong and Seungri to follow her.

The two obliged with what she told. They headed to the direction of the kitchen and were greeted by the delicious smell of the food. Seungri who was walking behind Jiyong can’t help himself but to feel hungry instantly just by smelling it. They reached the door.

“Surprise!” It was Chaerin as if showing them a special gift. She was smiling from ear to ear knowing that they knew each other already well, except for Seungri. No need for her to introduce them to each other.

TOP was beaming when they entered. He looked not surprised anymore upon seeing his friend. On the other hand, Jiyong expression was epic. It was a mix of surprise, shock and some other unexplainable feelings. He was dumbfounded.

“Hey, bro! Surprised to see me here?” Top went to him, gave him a light brotherly hug.

He gasped. “Oh, yeah … I wasn’t expecting to see you here. What’s up?”

“I’m good.” Top showed a boyish smile. His gape landed on Seungri which Chaerin eventually noticed. Right on cue, she linked her arms on him then introduced the guy to her cousin.

“This is Lee Seung Hyun.” her gape was on her cousin. “Seungri meet my cousin, TOP. And oh, you got the same first name … interesting.”

TOP stuck his hands out to Seungri. “Nice to meet you, bro.”

Seungri held his hand and he can literally feel the firm grip of his hand on him. He calmed his inside while silently observing the tall guy in front of him. He got those deep dark eyes. What caught his interest was that, he got long eyelashes that matched perfectly to him. His aura was like of Chaerin too, no wonder their blood related. Those smile of him can melt every girl’s knee. He looked intimidating and scary and seemed like he can kill if you messed up with him. And he’s a friend of Jiyong, he didn’t expect that.

Jiyong’s gape landed on Dara. ‘Uh-oh’ she thought. She didn’t meet his eyes. Instead she held out her phone and busied herself pressing on it when she’s actually not. When she noticed that he turned his head away, she took a deep breath and sighed slowly. Jiyong’s not mad, she prayed.

“So, you’re cousins … you never mentioned her to me before.” Jiyong was talking to TOP. The latter just smiled.

“CL didn’t mention her friends to me too.” he turned to his cousin. “We’ll … I doubt that since she doesn’t have friends before.” he suppressed a laugh.

“Does that mean you’re friendly coz you have friends?” She fired back to her cousin.

“Let’s say that’s the case.”

Chaerin made a face, feeling embarrassed in front of them. Top noticed it so he made his way towards her and hanged his arms on her shoulders. “You’re prettier when you smile. What do you think, Seung Hyun?” He touched the tip of her nose then went back to the stove.

Seungri’s stomach grumbled and that didn’t escape from everyone’s ears. They exchanged glances trying to figure out who it was. They suppressed a laugh but Dara can’t hold herself in. She burst out from laughter and was eventually followed by others. Seungri felt so embarrassed of his self and just wanted to disappear in front of them.

Chaerin laughed out loud too but was able to regain herself quickly. “Looks like someone is hungry already … shall we eat now?”

“Good idea.” Top said with still a grin on his face.

The five of them helped in setting the table. Seungri was still embarrassed. When the foods were already set on the table, everyone seated. Chaerin sat beside Seungri, of course. Jiyong was beside her. Dara sat a little farther from Jiyong. She doesn’t want to sit near him for a moment. His gaze towards her a while ago wasn’t a good sign so it’d be better to distant herself first.

They chatted while enjoying the delicious foods that TOP prepared. It tasted great like a work of a pro. They praised his skill and even Jiyong was amazed though he tasted it a couple of times already.

Seungri was just quiet at the side while Dara was still avoiding Jiyong’s eyes.

Lunch time was over. Everyone was full.

“I’ll do the dishes.” Dara offered.

“I’ll help her.” Jiyong volunteered too. Dara’s shoulders dropped. Her chest pounded. She was trying to avoid Jiyong but seemed like she can’t escape from him.

“Are you sure you’re going to wash it?” Chaerin asked with hesitation. “I mean – you don’t have to do that. There are maids around.”

“No problem, Chae.” Jiyong assured her.

Chaerin wasn’t favor of that at first but eventually agreed after sometime. “Okay – we’ll just watch tv first. Call me when you need me, alright.”

“Can I help too?” TOP interfered.

Before anyone can answer, Chaerin pulled his cousin away. The tall guy got no choice but to budge and follow his cousin.

After a while only Jiyong and Dara was left in front of the sink. She went silent.

“You’re quiet there.” he broke the silence.

“I’m concentrating on what I’m doing, oppa.”

“Really?” he chuckled. “It seemed like you’re avoiding me.”

“Of course not, why would I?”

He took the sponge and brushed the plates in front of him. “Looks like you’re having a good time with TOP, huh. And you totally forgot that you only went to the comfort room.” he reminded her in a casual tone.

“Sorry about it, oppa.” she apologized.

“So you admit that what you did was wrong?”

She didn’t answer.

“Okay I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” Jiyong said.

“I was just glad to see him again. You know, I didn’t expect him to be Chae’s cousin.”

Jiyong nodded. “Okay.”

His short answer bothered her. “Oppa, are you mad at me?”

“No. Why would I?”

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Lette1022 #1
Chapter 20: Kyaaaaa omg jiyong your like a snail hehehehe to slow slow slow...just tell it to dara
LadyNomi #3
Authoring update please
Chapter 29: oh pls...update and thank you
Chapter 29: Chae can't really accept that Seungri is gay because she started to develop feelings for him kyaaaaa!!! I have this feeling that someone has the necklace..
Chapter 22: o.o i didn't expect that.. XD!
Chapter 29: missed the daragon moments, can't stand to watch them have a quarrel.. please update soon, author-nim! fighting..!!
Chapter 29: Please continue updating!!!!
Chelleszz #9
Chapter 29: Update pleasee
Chapter 22: lol . seungri s gay :))))