Eunsook's Babysitter

My Boyfriend's Little Daughter

The morning after was awkward, and felt weird. Because usually it’s only Jinki and Kibum but now Kibum had to share with another girl, a very little girl that had stolen Jinki attention apparently. Jinki woke up very early to check Eunsook, waking her up and helped her to get to shower. He took her to buy bread and walked her around the park, buying her lots of candy and more bottles of chocolate milk. It’s not usual, actually. Jinki wasn’t that morning person. It had always been Kibum. Jinki never woke up before him. But today, Jinki looked excited holding Eunsook’s hand when they were about to go and Kibum had to admit, Jinki laughed a lot too.

“So, Eunsook” Jinki said when they were finally gathered for breakfast, “you know Kibum, right? He’s Daddy’s special friend and i want you to be good around him”

Eunsook glanced at Kibum when Kibum smiled at her awkwardly. The girl turned her head back to Jinki and nodded, not even leaving a smile for Kibum.

Kibum’s smile fell and replaced by a frown on his face. Since yesterday the girl didn’t show any interest at him, but with Jinki Eunsook smiled, laughed and talked. It felt like Eunsook didn’t like him or something.

“I’m going to look for a pre-school for you and hopefully next week, you can start taking classes and meet a lot of friends” Jinki carressed Eunsook’s long hair gently. “what do you think?”

Eunsook tried to put the blubbery jam on her bread but failed miserably, causing Jinki to take some napkin and wiped her fingers up from the jam.

“Are kids nice at school?” she asked slowly.

Jinki smiled as he wiped up the crumb around her small lips, “of course they are. But if in your first day you don’t feel any comfortable at all, you can talk to me and Daddy will think about home schooling? How does it sound?”

Eunsook nodded enthusiastically and giggled as Jinki pinched her cheeks softly.

Kibum saw the daddy & daughter moment and squealed inside. Kibum never saw Jinki with children before and he had to admit that it was cute of him talking with her and tried to encourage her for school. Jinki would be a good daddy, Kibum was sure of it.

“what do you think, Kibum?”

Jinki suddenly asked as he helped Eunsook putting the jam on her bread. Kibum jolted from his notion.

“Uhm... yeah, Eunsook should go to school. School is good” Kibum took a spoon of cereal from his bowl, pretending not to see Jinki’s grinning at him.

When Jinki was about to go to work, Eunsook clutched Jinki’s bag and looked at him like a puppy. “daddy...” she whined.

“aww my princess” Jinki kneeled down. Kibum had to snort at that. Even to his daughter, he was still as cheesy as he was to Kibum, he thought. “daddy have to go to work. I promise i’ll come home earlier today. Okay? Daddy will buy Eunsook cookies”

Eunsook hugged her daddy, tiptoeing her little feet so that she could reach Jinki’s neck. She didn’t say anything though, not even nod. But Jinki knew his daughter was already too attached to him.

It needed times to finally make eunsook let go of her daddy. Jinki kissed her head and turned to Kibum. His lover was about to kiss him when Jinki stopped him, glancing at eunsook and Kibum groaned, knowing that they couldn’t do that in front of her. Right, even kissing was forbidden now?

Jinki smiled apologetically as Kibum rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“Kibum i’ve hired a babbysitter for eunsook. She will probably come soon today so please check her out”

Kibum frowned for the umpteenth time that morning, “why would you hire a babbysitter?”

it cost money

“I can’t take care of her while i’m working” Jinki argued, “she will take care of her lunch, her napping time, her snack, watch her while playing and basically keep her accompany and look after to everything she needs. I don’t want you to take care of eunsook. I don’t want her to bother you, beside you have to finish your book, right?”

Kibum couldn’t agree more. Yes, they had talked about this. Eunsook wasn’t Kibum responsibility after all.

“okay...” he shrugged and Jinki hugged him, smiling.

When Jinki had left. Eunsook ran to her room to take her tokki and came back to the living room, watching cartoon. Kibum went to the kitchen, taking a drink and watched her from there. Eunsook was mute around him and acted as if Kibum wasn’t there around. It wasn’t like Kibum didn’t act nice to her. Kibum tried to smile at her few times but the girl didn’t reply the smile nor answer when Kibum asked, “eunsook do you want to eat something?” it was like she was ignoring him. Kibum sighed, emptying his drink before he went to his room, ready to continue writing his book.


The babysitter turned out to be a y young woman with big s, wearing an extremely short skirt and horrible make up. When Kibum opened the door, he thought she was a hooker.

“who are you?”

“I’m hyorin” she said with the annoying voice of her, artificially. “Mr. Lee Jinki hires me to babysit his daughter”

Kibum squinted, looking at her suspiciously. This hooker can’t be the babysitter.

“wait” he slammed the door right in front of her face, not letting her in yet.

He dialed Jinki’s number. Jinki was probably having very important meeting right now but he didn’t care. How could Jinki hire a and not a babysitter?

“Jinki i demand your explanation!”

“Kibum, i’m talking to my client right now. Can we talk later?”

“No! Jinki it’s about the babysitter you are hiring”

Jinki stopped, “what about her? You have met her? How was her work? Does she take care of Eunsook well?”

“No, Jinki. Where did you get her? Have you seen her?” Kibum was mad. He walked back in front, almost frustrated.

“Uhm.. is that important? I mean, no.. i haven’t seen her. Jonghyun recommended her. So i just called her and there’s a deal”

“how in the earth you can still trust Jonghyun? Ugh. This babysitter doesn’t look like babysitter at all. She looks like a hooker. You should see the way she dress. I wouldn’t want Eunsook getting freak out with her s jiggle everytime she moves”


“didn’t you make a selection first for this?”

How frustrated Kibum when he heard Jinki chuckling, “how would i know? and do you think i have time? Look, just let her do her job. You watch her. Okay? I have paid her anyway. I love you, bye!”

Kibum didn’t have any choice as he heard a click on the other line. With a heavy heart he finally let her in, annoyed with the way she jumped entering the apartment. She squealed when she saw Eunsook sitting on the couch watching TV.

“Oh my God you are so cutee!” she screamed as she pinched her cheeks.

“hey, you hurt her” Kibum snapped.

The babysitter stopped and bowed apologetically.

Kibum sighed, shaking his head, “you take care of her until Jinki come home, watch her and prepare her meal and whatever she wants.” Kibum said. Kibum was about to ask her to not wearing any clothes that looked seducing but he was too tired to care anyway.

Hours later, Kibum was getting ready to go to her favorite cafe to write. Kibum couldn’t write with Eunsook’s squealing, laughing or her being noisy playing with her babysitter. Look like Hyorin was good enough with child despite of her hooker look.

“i’m off now,” Kibum told her, who was sprawling with Eunsook on the carpet, coloring a color book. The baby sitter waved Kibum goodbye and told him that she would take care of Eunsook well while he’s out.

When Kibum went back it was already dark and he frowned when he heard laughters from the kitchen. It was Jinki with Eunsook and when he thought that the babysitter had left, she apparently were there cooking with Jinki and looked so comfortable talking (read: flirtling) with him. Kibum cringed at the sight.

“I know right, and when my mom yelled at me i was still running and taking that mega spatula”

Kibum cleared his throat, not liking the way Jinki respond to whatever she was telling with laughter.

“Oh, Kibum, you are back...” Jinki smiled, “Hyorin just told me a story about her mom”

Eunsook was sitting on the counter next to Jinki, eating pie. The girl liked to be near to Jinki, evidently. She still pretended that Kibum wasn’t there.

“I thought you have left, hyorin” Kibum asked, most like stating.

“yeah but Jinki was too nice to let me help him preparing dinner, and Eunsook wants me to stay a little bit more so...” she answered innocently, still with her annoying tone.

“Jinki can we talk?” Kibum demanded, and soon the atmosphere were getting awkward. Jinki stopped doing whatever he’s doing and sighed, pulling out his apron and walked to Kibum letting himself being dragged to their room.

“what do you think you are doing? Are you inviting her to have dinner with us?” Kibum glared but kept his tone in whisper so that the babysitter wouldn’t hear.

“No, i swear to god. It’s eunsook who insists her to stay”

“then why are you treating her nice?”

“i’m just being nice because she has been taking care of Eunsook all day, at least that is the only thing i can do to say thanks”

“but you paid her! She doesn’t need you to act nice to her. Don’t you see how she keeps leaning on her body to you so that you can stare at her s?”

Jinki sighed in defeat, “yes i notice it. But i swear to you i don’t stare”

“you ”

Jinki scoffed, “what? Look, you told me that you will watch her and eunsook but instead you left, then now you are mad because i’m just being nice at her?”

“Eunsook was noisy, i can’t write with her laughing, screaming and running around the apartment with her babysitter” Kibum couldn’t believe Jinki attacked him back. “are you telling me that i’m being irresponsible? Hello, i think you forget when i said she is not my respsibility but yours. And you agreed on that”


They both turned their head to the little girl who was peeking out from the door. She was hugging her tokki and looked at her daddy expectantly

“i’m hungry...”

Jinki’s face soften at the sight of his daughter and soon after, he walked to her and took her on his arm, “i’m sorry baby” Jinki kissed her cheek, “let’s get dinner” the little girl smiled in happiness.

“Kibum, will you join us?” Jinki asked him softly

“No” Kibum turned her body so that the father and daughter could only see his back. Kibum heard Jinki sighing again before he pushed the door and went out of the room. Kibum immediately turned around, thinking about changing his mind but stopped as he saw Jinki was walking away, with eunsook half face burying on his shoulder. She looked at Kibum intensely, and as if she was hiding her smirk behind her daddy’s shoulder. Kibum screamed in frustration and locked the door, slamming the door hard when they left him. He was going to sulk all night and not going to talk to Jinki.

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for some reason, i change the title a little bit


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Chapter 4: Why I just found it now? Whyyy? Will there be any update sooon? This is too sweet!!
Pantiently waiting for an update~
Lunarlight #3
Chapter 4: update soon pleasssssee T.T
jellyfishblossom #4
Chapter 4: I hate that kind of kids tsk......
But Kibum is sooo kind and he could be a good mother, uh, father... yeah whatever lol. I'm craving for your fanficcc <33
Chapter 4: Oohhh that little brat -_-
I'm one of those terrible people who thinks bad kids should get beaten up at school just one time. You know, to balance them out a bit. But I suppose that's a bit much. Lol I'm kidding, btw.
Poor Key...I wonder when he's going to reach his snapping point..
Chapter 3: I feel like she's hiding to get him in trouble. (-_-) sneaky kids...
Kibum is having a hard time trying to cope with now having to handle a child and everything changing in his life. Jinki will hopefully not he so angry later because Kibum has never had to watch a child and this is all new to him. He's going to need time but I think we haven't even seen the beginning of the problems that are going to rise between these three.
Chapter 3: very difficult situations :/ kibum wasn't ready for this big responsibility but he will try for the love he has for jinki ahhh it makes me feel very bad the end of this chapter

kibum busy texting and he forgot about the little girl u.u I hope jinki will understand him and kibum will understand jinki's reaction too, they need to work very hard on this.
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: It's great that kibum is finally willing to accept eunsook but I feel bad that he's going through all these troubles cause of her too >< Hope jinkibum manages to find eunsook and that she will accept kibum soon! :)
jellyfishblossom #9
Chapter 3: I....... dunno what to say since Eunsook is so evil yet cute but still she's a bit evil lol. And poor Kibum... just leave him Kibum... ;A; /got slapped/
noriko24 #10
Chapter 3: yeay! you updated!
It's nice to see Kibum finally wants to take care Eunsook, yet he just doing it for Jinki's attention not for the kid ~_~
I hope Kibum can find Eunsook, so they can make a friends at least? lol
anyway, waiting for another chapter! Quickly, hurry up! Fighting!