She is Lee Eunsook

My Boyfriend's Little Daughter

It should be a nice week end where Kibum would spend the time together with Jinki. They had a meeting with their wedding organizer this evening and Kibum felt giddy just by thinking about that. Him, getting married, with the only love of his life that he had crushed on since he was 16 years old. Being seperated after graduated, but then met again after 4 years and now it felt like 5 years in relationship was just a flash of short time. But it was worth it. Through good and bad situation they had been through finally Jinki proposed him, and finally they were getting married. They had planned everything, and Jinki just let Kibum having everything he wanted. Expensive outfit, beautiful wedding hall, the biggest wedding cake, the best people to organize their wedding, Jinki just wanted Kibum to feel happy for their wedding. And he did. They both couldn’t tell which one who had been the most lucky person for having each other.

Kibum had just come back from grocery, planning to have a quality time for romantic dinner just together with Jinki when he entered their apartment only to meet Jinki was having a guest. Not just a guest apparently, because Kibum didn’t remember he knew the face. Being Jinki’s boyfriend for 5 years, Kibum knew almost all the faces of Jinki’s friends or relatives. But this one, umh, no.. two are not Jinki’s friends. Kibum was sure of it.

Apparently, the guest was an old woman probably in her 40 something and she was with a child? Whose child was that? Kibum didn’t mean to be rude but Kibum found kids were usually annoying. Kibum wasn’t the type of guy who like children, to be quite honest. Jinki stood up, followed by the old woman and she bowed at him, not even smiling. She probably had judged Jinki and Kibum for being couple, yeah... old people usually wouldn’t want to understand anyway.

“Uhmm, Kibum.. this is.. Mrs. Shin Kyung from an orphanage in Busan” Jinki introduced her to Kibum awkwardly. Jinki looked weird though, he kept avoiding Kibum’s eyes.

Kibum frowned even though he bowed back to her, glancing to Jinki as he needed an explanation about why suddenly someone from an orphange came to their apartment. Kibum didn’t tell he wanted to adopt a child, Jinki also didn’t mention he wanted one. But he came walking to stand next to his lover, clinging his arm to Jinki’s ad if he challanging the old woman what was she going to comment knowing there was gay couple in front of her. The gesture made the old woman blushed in embarrassed and Kibum smirked a bit seeing her felt uncomfortable there. Jinki faked a cough as he tried to let go Kibum’s grip on his.

They decided to sit back and Kibum noticed the child was now looking with intense at him, almost rudely. Kibum frowned, obviously didn’t like the way she looked at him.

“So, Mr Lee. Now that your partner has been here. You can tell him immediately right now because it’s all clear now and you have agreed and we all agree that you...”

“I understand” Jinki cut her. “I...” Jinki now looked at the child in front of him for good few seconds as the child now was looking down on her little feet, hugging her plushy doll against her chest, gripping at it almost too tight.

“Baby, what is it?” Kibum frowned, “who are they?” he whispered.

“Kibum...” Jinki turned his face to Kibum, taking his hand gently before he looked back at the child, “this is Eunsook...” he said, his expression was soft when he watched her bitting her lips, still gripping her toy with her little cute fingers, and slowly there’s a smile on Jinki’s face, “she is my daughter”


“Kibum, please let me explain..”

Kibum turned back to him, anger was seen clearly on his face. Kibum was about to pack her things, ready to leave. Once the old woman left, Kibum screamed in frustration and hit Jinki’s chest like a mad, Jinki had to hold his arm to stop his attack. Kibum cried as he walked to their room, looking for his clothes and put them to his luggage.

“You lied to me Jinki!! I hate you!!” he started hitting Jinki again, still crying. “You have a daugther, 5 years old oh my God! All of these years, you make love to me and we are ing, you never once tell me that you have daughter outside. I can’t believe that you even proposed me and Jinki, we are going to get married! You can’t do this to me. I can’t believe i’m going to marry someone that have a daughter already.”

“I’m sorry...I didn’t know that i even have one. Kibum please” Jinki let himself being attacked while still holding Kibum’s arm lightly. “I didn’t mean to do this to you. I just knew this today. I’m also shocked and confused and i feel bad that now you are hurting. Please Kibum don’t leave”

Kibum finally stopped hitting Jinki as he sat on the edge of the bed, still sobbing. Jinki kneeled in front on him, kissing his palm and looked up to Kibum’s face. “Kibum, i’m so sorry”

“who is the mother?” Kibum asked, not looking at Jinki.

Jinki sighed, “she was a girl back when i was in university”

Kibum was about to burst into tears again as he shook his head

“No no, Kibum listen to me. I didn’t tell you about her before because we were just hanging out for like a week” Jinki explained not letting Kibum hands off, “yeah, we were... just like any other couple, we ed but after a week she left me, saying that she got a new job in other place and she left me without saying goodbye. How would i know that she was having my child by then?”

Kibum sobbed quietly, “do you still love her?”

“she was just a fling. We met at the bar and we were just seeing each other for a week. and that’s when before i met you, before i fell in love with you. You know i’m saying the truth” Jinki was desperate to get Kibum’s eyes back on him, “Kibum look at me”

Jinki cupped his cheek, leaning on and gave him a soft peck. “She sent her to an orphanage right after she’s born because she doesn’t want her. Then she came back to the orphanage after 5 years and told them to send her to me, she thinks i have to know about her so that i can take care of her”

Kibum hated that woman.

“She is my responsibility, she’s my daughter, Kibum”

Kibum now looked at him and he saw the face of the love of his life. Kibum loved Jinki too much, he couldn’t leave Jinki. “Are you happy knowing that you have a daughter?”

Jinki stared at him, not quite sure but he smiled softly, “like her or not, she’s my daughter. I just wish i knew her earlier so that when i met you, i could introduce her to you earlier too. But yeah, i’m happy... and i would be so much happier if you can accept her”

“what makes you think i can accept her?”

“because you love me?”

Kibum hated that it was true.

“do you think i love you that much?” Kibum scoffed, but couldn’t help smiling.

“please Kibum, I love you... don’t make me choose between you and her. You now i can’t”

“but i’m not taking care of her” Kibum said, “she’s your responsibility, not mine”


“and this won’t ruin our plan of getting married”


Kibum sighed in defeat as Jinki kissed him, he was so weak with Jinki’s kiss. It just made him always lose on anything they were fighting at.

“Don’t leave me...” he kissed Kibum again, “babe, i love you but i gotta send Eunsook to her room. You okay?”

“you mean the guest bedroom is hers now”

Jinki shrugged as he left Kibum, missing a pout on Kibum face. Kibum just rolled her body, mourning before he decided to go to bathroom and showered. He actually hadn’t forgiven Jinki though.


The little girl was watching Pororo on TV when Jinki approached her. She was silent and didn’t look at him.


The girl didn’t reply. Jinki sighed and grabbed a snack from the kitchen.

“mm.. so good. Do you want some?” Jinki offered as he sat next to her. The girl slowly turned her head and carefully took some snack from Jinki’s hand. Jinki smiled as the girl chewed it.

“you like it?”

The girl just nodded.

“So Eunsook..” Jinki started as they enjoy the snack together, “You know, I’m your father so from now on you will be living here with me and Kibum”

Eunsook noticed Jinki’s face before he nodded again.

“And from now you are going to call me... Daddy?” Jinki carefully carressed Eunsook’s long hair, “Is it okay?”

The girl didn’t smile, but just nodded again.

“Are you hungry? Have you eaten your dinner?”

She looked up at her father, “Mrs Shin...” she finally spoke, “had me a bread on the train” She then opened up her small bag and took out the bread that was half eaten. “I think i have had my dinner”

Jinki felt like his heart breaking. He couldn’t imagine her life when she was living in the orphanage. Did she eat well? Was she treated well? He couldn’t help but feel angry to her mother. How could she never told him about his daughter before so that he could take care of her earlier?

“Ok, Daddy will make a spaghetti for you. Do you want to taste your Daddy’s cook?”

The girl’s eyes litten up when she heard about food, “Can i?”

“Yes of course, you can eat whatever you want here as long as you have me. Daddy will take care of you now” Jinki smiled at her proudly.

“Do you... do you have pie and chocolate milk?” she asked shyly.

“Yes, I have. C’mon..” Jinki stood up and opened his arm so that Eunsook could lean on and let herself being lifted by Jinki. Jinki heard her giggled when Jinki took her on his arm.

Jinki opened the refrigerator and showed Eunsook foods she could eat. Jinki saw his daughter face beamed in cheer when she saw them. Jinki then took out the chocolate milk and the pie. He sat down Eunsook at dinning table, cutting a piece of pie and poured the chocolate milk on her glass. “Eat this while waiting Daddy to cook your dinner, okay?”

She nodded eagerly and made Jinki chuckled. He kissed her head, “good girl, Eunsook”

They ate their dinner together and soon Eunsook was comfortable around Jinki. Jinki couldn’t help but keep looking at her. She was cute and pretty and Jinki couldn’t believe that she’s his daughter. He was glad that she looked like him more than her mother, well Jinki couldn’t barely remember her mother face anyway but Eunsook somehow reminded him of himself. She was clumsy and she really liked food. Jinki was little bit surprised when Eunsook raised her fork and attempted to feed Jinki. The man chuckled as she feed him. Eunsook was adorable, Jinki thought.

 Jinki took Eunsook to brush her teeth and helped her changing her clothes before he send her to bed.

“Hey, want me to tell you a story?”

The little girl nodded at him as she make herself comfortable on the bed, the plushy toy was laying next to her. Jinki took a book from his book collection shelf.

“what is it?” she asked with her voice, very cute.

“This is a book about Coyote. Do you know what is coyote?”

The girl shook her head hard. Jinki made a space laying next to Eunsook and voluntary the girl rest her head on Jinki chest, clinging on his body, “it’s warmer than tokki” she whispered. Jinki knew that she pointed the plushy toy, but Jinki smiled as he kissed her hair. Soon he told her the story and not until 10 minutes, the girl had fallen asleep on his arm.

Jinki never expected to have a child. He and Kibum never mentioned about adopting one. But with Eunsook, he realized how he actually wanted to raise a child. And God this girl was his own daughter. He was shocked at first, of course but it turned out that it made him happy. He kissed her goodnight on her head before he moved out from the bed.


Jinki accompanied Kibum eating dinner late at night. Kibum was still little bit mad, so he didn’t talk a lot that time. Jinki didn’t blame him but at least he was quite content knowing that Kibum wouldn’t leave him because of this.

“I’m really sorry”

“i know...” Kibum kept eating his egg.

“I’m sorry that from now on, we probably have to act carefully. I don’t want Eunsook to see something inappropriate”

Kibum raised a brow while looked at him, “what do you mean?”

“i mean, now we have a child...i mean, yeah my child. I don’t want us ing while she was around”

Kibum scoffed, “I told you she would ruin everything”

“No, please don’t say that. I mean of course i want her to understand that we are couple but just ... you know, she is still five years old”

“alright, alright” Kibum rolled his eyes. “no in front of her, fine!”

“And Kibum...” Jinki started again, “You are really okay with her living with us, right?”

Kibum still wanted to say no. Kibum didn’t like her present. Just look what had she done this evening. She ate with Jinki when it’s supposed to be the time of him with Jinki cooking and having dinner together and right now, he was supposed to get ed but Jinki was too busy to get to know her and play with her and now Jinki was talking about her and the only thing Kibum could get was Jinki sat accross him, not touching him and still talking about Eunsook.

“i think...” Kibum sighed, “I just have to get used to it. Look, Jinki... it’s too sudden. I’m not ready to have a child yet. Yeah, i’m happy that the child is actually your child but i’m still not ready. At least not until 3 or 4 years later”

Jinki nodded and there was guilty on his face. “I know... that’s why i’m sorry”

“You better treat me good or i will leave you with her”

“No don’t do that”

I can’t leave you either stupid, do you think i’m serious?

“are you upset?” jinki carefully asked again.


“i’m sorry...”

“just don’t cancel our wedding” Kibum cut him, “i still want to marry you, idiot”

Kibum couldn’t help but smile back when he saw Jinki grinned, “you can’t leave me then, can you?”

“Aish... come here and kiss me, old man”

They kissed and ed eventually, yeah Kibum got what he wanted.. only a little bit late than he had expected. But still, it felt good and just as long as he had Jinki slept by his side every night, hugging him close on the bed. He thought that the existence of Jinki’s child wouldn’t be that bad.

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for some reason, i change the title a little bit


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Chapter 4: Why I just found it now? Whyyy? Will there be any update sooon? This is too sweet!!
Pantiently waiting for an update~
Lunarlight #3
Chapter 4: update soon pleasssssee T.T
jellyfishblossom #4
Chapter 4: I hate that kind of kids tsk......
But Kibum is sooo kind and he could be a good mother, uh, father... yeah whatever lol. I'm craving for your fanficcc <33
Chapter 4: Oohhh that little brat -_-
I'm one of those terrible people who thinks bad kids should get beaten up at school just one time. You know, to balance them out a bit. But I suppose that's a bit much. Lol I'm kidding, btw.
Poor Key...I wonder when he's going to reach his snapping point..
Chapter 3: I feel like she's hiding to get him in trouble. (-_-) sneaky kids...
Kibum is having a hard time trying to cope with now having to handle a child and everything changing in his life. Jinki will hopefully not he so angry later because Kibum has never had to watch a child and this is all new to him. He's going to need time but I think we haven't even seen the beginning of the problems that are going to rise between these three.
Chapter 3: very difficult situations :/ kibum wasn't ready for this big responsibility but he will try for the love he has for jinki ahhh it makes me feel very bad the end of this chapter

kibum busy texting and he forgot about the little girl u.u I hope jinki will understand him and kibum will understand jinki's reaction too, they need to work very hard on this.
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: It's great that kibum is finally willing to accept eunsook but I feel bad that he's going through all these troubles cause of her too >< Hope jinkibum manages to find eunsook and that she will accept kibum soon! :)
jellyfishblossom #9
Chapter 3: I....... dunno what to say since Eunsook is so evil yet cute but still she's a bit evil lol. And poor Kibum... just leave him Kibum... ;A; /got slapped/
noriko24 #10
Chapter 3: yeay! you updated!
It's nice to see Kibum finally wants to take care Eunsook, yet he just doing it for Jinki's attention not for the kid ~_~
I hope Kibum can find Eunsook, so they can make a friends at least? lol
anyway, waiting for another chapter! Quickly, hurry up! Fighting!