cookies love

My Boyfriend's Little Daughter

Kibum searched around the park and was about to give up as he laid his back on the seat nearby. He had probably looked for Eunsook for hours already, contacting information center for a report yet Eunsook was nowhere could be found. Jinki had’t called him, which was a sign that her father also hadn’t found her. Kibum was about to cry, he blamed himself for being so careless not watching over her. If Eunsook was missing, he couldn’t imagine how Jinki would hate him and never forgive him. Eunsook was Jinki’s lost child, the one and only and Kibum could tell how much Jinki loved her. Oh, Kibum was broken. He was annoyed thinking how he had to deal with this situation, but he never can be mad at Jinki. It was his promise to take care of her anyway. Now he had to get the consequence.

Kibum was sobbing, not knowing if he’s being this stressful was because he couldn’t find Eunsook, was afraid that Jinki would hate him forever, or because he loved Jinki that much, when he heard a boy shouted, “c’mon Eunsook, this way…”

Kibum looked up, turning his head and began to search for the source of the voice. His eyes stopped scanning around when he spotted a young boy, a tall one was running by the pool and his hand was holding.. EUNSOOK’s?

Kibum stood up and ran to them, he was mad…very mad. Because there he saw Eunsook was playing around with stranger, when he and Jinki were so worried looking for her. Didn’t she know how much trouble she had caused for being apart from them?

“YAH EUNSOOK-AH” Kibum shouted. His face red from anger. Kibum walked too fast when the two kids turned their head to Kibum’s, and they didn’t have enough time to react or run because Kibum had grabbed Eunsook’s hand and pulled her onto his side forcefully.

“We are so worried, do you think it’s funny to run and play around like this? I thought you were kidnapped!” Kibum scolded her, not noticing he was making her scared by scolding.

Kibum looked at the other boy, a tall little boy with a soccer ball on his hand, and big eyes that reminded Kibum of a frog, a boy whom he hadn’t met before. Kibum looked at him from head to toe and scoffed, “Yah, do you think it’s okay to take a girl and ask her to flee with you? How old are you? You are barely not even ten!”

“I… I was just…”

“Yah… Go away and don’t play with my daughter!”

The boy looked at eunsook with a sad face, as if he’s trying to say something to her.

“How dare you looking at her, go!” Kibum lost his mind. He was so devastated. He couldn’t controlled himself.

“Eunsook, Kibum!”

They turned and saw Jinki with some guards running toward them. Kibum felt Eunsook’s hand slipped off of him and she ran to his father. Jinki hugged her as she sobbed on his chest.

Jinki looked at Kibum asking for an explanation, and that’s when Kibum realized as he looked back at the young boy who still hadn’t taken his eyes of Eunsook’s, that he had hurt Eunsook’s heart.


“I mean Jinki, if you were me, you would probably do the same. You can’t let her playing with someone that she just barely knows. They both are child, what if they get lost? It’s still dangerous”

Kibum was having this arguing thing with Jinki. Thanks God Jinki wasn’t mad at him. At least he didn’t tell he’s mad. He just told Kibum to be careful next time and kissed him when Kibum apologized before they went home. But Kibum started to defend himself when Jinki, after he sent Eunsook to sleep, brought up the topic again when he told Kibum that the boy’s named was Minho, Eunsook told Jinki, and Eunsook said that she followed him when she saw the boy was playing with his soccer ball. Jinki told him that Eunsook told Jinki that she was mad at Kibum because Eunsook liked Minho but with Kibum scolding her in front of him, it embarrassed her and she didn’t like it too when Kibum blamed Minho for taking her playing.

“Look, Jinki… I know it’s half of my fault that I didn’t watch her well, but would you blame me for being worried?”

Jinki who was just smiling listening to Kibum’s rant while making coffee eventually turned his head and approached his boyfriend. He offered him a cup of coffee he had made for Kibum and he kissed Kibum’s head when the younger took the cup, slowly calming down.

“I didn’t blame you for being worried.” He said as they both pressed their body on the kitchen counter, “I just told you what Eunsook told me. But it’s just cute when you rant like that as if you are afraid that I would on her side and started to be mad at you too”

Kibum gasped as he hit Jinki’s arm. “shut up, I’m not afraid”

“Oh really?” Jinki leaned on and started to kiss his neck, giggling.

“Stop it, Jinki it tickles” Kibum couldn’t help but giggled too. His annoyance had gone just like that. Oh, how Kibum hated Jinki.

They spent minutes making out as Jinki lifted him onto the counter.

“But seriously, why Eunsook followed him?” Kibum asked as they calmed down from kissing. “I mean, is it normal for a girl in her age for liking a boy already?”

“I don’t know..” Jinki shrugged, still teasing Kibum’s lips “I guess she just needs a friend”

“talking about friends,” Kibum pushed Jinki a little, “when will you get her for pre-school?”

“Ahh.. yes, about that..” his boyfriend sighed, “I’ve signed her in this pre-elementary school owned by my friend’s wife, do you remember Yonghwa?”

“you mean your bandmate? that guitarist back when you were in highschool?”

Jinki nodded, “yes, his wife owns this school and I’ve been there. It’s not that far from my office. It’s nice I’m sure Eunsook will love it”

Kibum pulled Jinki and clung his hands around Jinki as he hugged him, he was glad the occurrence that happened earlier didn’t go worsen as he thought it would, because Jinki still loved him and he was forgiven. Only that Eunsook was going to be a problem. He just hoped that with just flatterry, few bribes, Eunsook wouldn’t mad at him anymore or at least it wouldn’t take that long for keeping mad at Kibum. Oh wait, did Kibum start to really care for her feeling now?


And Eunsook was still mad at him indeed. She didn’t want to see his face nor talk to him. When Kibum asked her, she just turned and left. Not like it’s new to Kibum because Eunsook usually treated Kibum like that. But now she had reason for doing that and it made Jinki couldn’t blame her for acting that way. Although Jinki sometimes encouraged her to talk to Kibum, but when she refused, Jinki had no choice but let her.

Jinki and Kibum took Eunsook on her first day to this school. Jinki had chosen the class program for Eunsook where she could join ballet, sing, play music, and paint, of course with the help of Kibum’s advice. Eunsook was so happy when she was told about the class programs.

“here’s your snack. Kibum has made these for you” Jinki handed her, kneeling as they arrived. Kibum was behind Jinki, watching them in silent. Eunsook pouted when he heard Kibum’s name. “Don’t be made at him anymore, sweet…”Jinki told her softly, “Be good to Ms. Seohyun and don’t make trouble in your first day, okay?” Jinki patted and kissed her head before he stood up. Seohyun, Yonghwa’s wife smiled as she took her hand and waved Jinki and Kibum’s goodbye.

“I don’t think she will eat my cookies” Kibum mumbled as they were on the car. “She will probably throw it away”

Jinki smiled and kissed his head in quick, “she loves cookies, there’s no way she would do that to food. Beside, those are too cute and pretty to be thrown away”

Kibum smiled at the praise. “Thank you Kibum, if only she knew that you put an effort to wake up very early just to bake her cookies, she would appreciate it more”

“Don’t you dare tell her” Kibum scolded which was only replied by stolen kiss from Jinki. Kibum tsk-ed him but couldn’t help smiling. Nothing was gonna make him annoyed, because they were on the way to their wedding organizer and shop a lot of things for their wedding preparation. That day he owned Jinki for himself.


Congratulation for your first day

I hope you like the cookies ^^




Eunsook was no stupid and in such a young age, because she could read. She read it again and snorted. She didn’t like Kibum, in fact she hated him. She couldn’t accept the fact that his handsome father was going to marry a man. She admitted though, Kibum was pretty. But she was a man and she wanted a mother, not another father. She pushed the box of cookies away from her and once again, she snorted. “I won’t eat them” she said to herself.

“Wow,,, they are so pretty” her friend, Junghee commented, “will you eat them?”

“No” Eunsook said fastly, not in good mood. “If you want them, take them”

Junghee, a girl she just met this morning in music class who followed her everywhere since then took one cookie and ate it. “Umm.. sweet,”

“If you want, you can take all of these” Eunsook said again, glancing at Junghee’s snack box which only had one banana and small ugly bread.

“are you serious?” She widened her eyes, “your mom will be mad at you if you don’t eat your snack. My mom does that to me”

“I don’t have mother” Eunsook replied as he showed Junghee the note.

“Oh..” her friend nodded, “who’s Kibum?”

“he is my father’s friend”

“how nice of him baking you these pretty cookies. My father’s friends never do that to me”

Eunsook rolled her eyes as he grabbed Junghee’s bread and began to eat it, “barter” she said.


The girl looked up and the bread fell from her hand as she saw him. It was impossible.


Junghee was sittting between them, looking at Eunsook then to the boy then back to Eunsook again, so confused.

“Wahh, I didn’t know you were also here” the tall boy smiled as he took a chair and sat in front of her.

“you know Minho?” Junghee asked Eunsook, blinking.

“we met in the amusement park few days ago” Minho told junghee. “If I knew you were school here before…”

“It’s her first day, Minho yah” Junghee cut him off. “Minho is nephew of Ms. Seohyun. He didn’t like his school so his parents entrust him to Ms. Seohyun here often” Junghee turned to Eunsook and told her, “now he’s kinda homeschooling. But he loves playing here, bothering us when he should be in elementary school”

Minho didn’t hear her because he’s busy eating the cookies on the desk. “YAH MINHO IT’S EUNSOOK’S… ASK HER FIRST”

“Oh..really?” Minho agaped, “I thought it’s yours since it’s in front of you, Junghee yah..”

“we barter” Junghee said.

“may i?” Minho asked Eunsook, the girl only nodded, still not talking as she was still surprised of Minho’s presence.

Minho ate Eunsook’s cookies and asked more and more, he said the cookies tasted really good. Minho played with Eunsook and Junghee during break and ate their lunch together. And somehow Minho had returned eunsook’s good mood. Eunsook really liked her first day.


“So…” Jinki started after dinner when Kibum was washing the dishes. “Eunsook said to me that she likes her first day”

“well, that’s good” Kibum commented. Yes, Kibum could tell that she did. In the afternoon when they picked up her from school, eunsook looked happy and excited. Jinki asked her if she gains new friends and she nodded excitedly. She told Jinki she has a friend named Junghee and they played and shared a lot of things. But what made Kibum surprised was the fact that his cookies were eaten. Eunsook didn’t tell anything about the cookies but when Kibum found that the box was nothing but crumbs, he squealed in the kitchen and hugged Jinki. He wanted to tell himself that Eunsook ate his cookies, refusing to think that the cookies were thrown away intentionally. Jinki also didn’t want Kibum to think like that.

“and he asked me, to ask you if you can bake her cookies again for her snack tomorrow”

Kibum immediately turned his head and looked at Jinki in disbelief. “serious?”

Jinki nodded, smiling cheerfully.

“oh my god, jinki yes I will, I will bake her cookies again.” Kibum held Jinki’s hand, “did she tell you how much she likes them?”

Jinki’s smile gone to a frown, “uhm… no?”


“But at least she started to like it, right? I mean she wouldn’t ask you to bake her cookies if she didn’t like them, would she?”

Kibum thought for a while, and agreed with his boyfriend eventually.

“c’mon hurry, we still have to re-check the invitation list”  Jinki cooed Kibum to distract him for having negative thought towards eunsook and the cookies. It worked well because as soon as Kibum heard something that had to do with the wedding, Kibum excitedly finished the dishes and ran to their bedroom with Jinki to re-check the list things, which was ended with them having passionate in their bed. off the list.


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for some reason, i change the title a little bit


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Chapter 4: Why I just found it now? Whyyy? Will there be any update sooon? This is too sweet!!
Pantiently waiting for an update~
Lunarlight #3
Chapter 4: update soon pleasssssee T.T
jellyfishblossom #4
Chapter 4: I hate that kind of kids tsk......
But Kibum is sooo kind and he could be a good mother, uh, father... yeah whatever lol. I'm craving for your fanficcc <33
Chapter 4: Oohhh that little brat -_-
I'm one of those terrible people who thinks bad kids should get beaten up at school just one time. You know, to balance them out a bit. But I suppose that's a bit much. Lol I'm kidding, btw.
Poor Key...I wonder when he's going to reach his snapping point..
Chapter 3: I feel like she's hiding to get him in trouble. (-_-) sneaky kids...
Kibum is having a hard time trying to cope with now having to handle a child and everything changing in his life. Jinki will hopefully not he so angry later because Kibum has never had to watch a child and this is all new to him. He's going to need time but I think we haven't even seen the beginning of the problems that are going to rise between these three.
Chapter 3: very difficult situations :/ kibum wasn't ready for this big responsibility but he will try for the love he has for jinki ahhh it makes me feel very bad the end of this chapter

kibum busy texting and he forgot about the little girl u.u I hope jinki will understand him and kibum will understand jinki's reaction too, they need to work very hard on this.
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: It's great that kibum is finally willing to accept eunsook but I feel bad that he's going through all these troubles cause of her too >< Hope jinkibum manages to find eunsook and that she will accept kibum soon! :)
jellyfishblossom #9
Chapter 3: I....... dunno what to say since Eunsook is so evil yet cute but still she's a bit evil lol. And poor Kibum... just leave him Kibum... ;A; /got slapped/
noriko24 #10
Chapter 3: yeay! you updated!
It's nice to see Kibum finally wants to take care Eunsook, yet he just doing it for Jinki's attention not for the kid ~_~
I hope Kibum can find Eunsook, so they can make a friends at least? lol
anyway, waiting for another chapter! Quickly, hurry up! Fighting!