The Oath
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Luhan rolled the last of his clothing and tucked it neatly into the empty space in his suitcase. It had been a week since the funeral, and he hadn’t slept a single night. Instead, he endured a vicious battle between his self-loathing thoughts and the exhaustion that overcame his body. In the end, he was left exhausted with no more answers than when he started. Maybe this six month venture would prove to be more positive than it sounded. Hyunsoo was never one to take a leap without having a reason or a plan in mind. Luhan decided to put his faith in the other and hope that everyone else followed suit, though the latter would be much easier said than done.

He continued to sip his coffee, aimlessly walking around his apartment. His driver would be there soon to take him to the mystery destination, and this made him nervous. He figured if he continued to drag his feet that it would further delay the moment that he had to leave. Though he cared for his friends greatly, he knew exactly what to expect. They would all pack their whole house and show up with large moving vans full of useless things. The argument would begin out of thin air, probably about something ridiculous like someone’s Gucci loafers getting scuffed. Luhan hated hearing their shouting matches. It only further disproved Hyunsoo’s point that they could reunite without killing each other. Luhan knew that most of them wouldn’t last a week let alone six months, but still, he remained hopeful.

Incoming call from Spawn of Satan

Luhan rolled his eyes up in the air and hesitated to answer the call. He was already in the worst possible shape, and he didn’t need Sehun pissing him off any further. This would be one of those mornings where he completely lost it and no apologies would be given. He let the call go to voicemail and dragged his luggage close behind him. He brushed his teeth while slipping his legs into the closest pair of blue jeans in his reach. He put on an old UW t-shirt and looked at how good his looked in his pants from college. This was probably the most casual he would ever go out, but it was that kind of day. To add some sort of “sophistication” to his ensemble, he paired his t-shirt and jeans with a classic, black blazer.

“Eh…this will do.” Luhan glanced at himself in the mirror one last time.

He looked around his apartment to make sure that he didn’t forget anything before he started taking all of his suitcases downstairs to the lobby. His shades covered his desperate need for another cup of Joe and the bags that hid beneath them. Restlessly, Luhan kept looking down at his wristwatch, wishing that time would move faster. It felt as if he were off to serve his prison sentence, and he only had a limited amount of time to contemplate life. It was foolish to think so drastically, and he knew that; but it didn’t stop him from falling prey to his anxiety. Maybe he could blame it on all the coffee that filled his system this morning or his lack of sleep, for that matter.

“Mr. Lu?” the chauffeur approached him in the lobby.

Luhan looked up from his cell phone and replied with a simple, “Yes?”

“My name is Terry Sullivan, and I’ll be your driver for the day.” He said. “Will you need any help with your bags, sir?”

“Yes, please.”

Luhan took one of the suitcases and pulled it behind him as he walked out to the car. The chauffeur placed them all neatly in the trunk and opened the door for Luhan to enter. He gave Terry the address and sat back to enjoy the long ride.

You have received a text message from Spawn of Satan.

Luhan quickly grabbed for his cell phone to quiet the text reader. The driver raised his eyebrow, finding it weird for someone to have such a name in their phone. He simply shrugged his shoulders and continued to drive. Luhan turned his phone on silent and viewed the message.


What the hell!  So you can’t answer my phone calls now? You’re acting really childish!

9:30 AM

Sehun, I really don’t feel like arguing with you this morning. If a session is what you want, then I’m not the person to with this morning. Okay?
9:32 AM

Luhan knew that Hyunsoo’s death was taking a huge toll on him when his usual, late night rendezvouses with Sehun were put on hold. Every little word that that man said to him set Luhan on fire. His patience was starting to dwindle, and he knew that it was all just displaced anger anyway. It wasn’t Sehun that irritated him. It was the fact that he allowed himself to wander from bed to bed when the man that he truly loved was a phone call away. It pissed him off and hurt him just as equally. Now, he had to face the all-too-familiar tune of regret and disappointment; and that pain boiled deep within him, because his efforts would come a little too late. Sehun could never be him. No man could be him no matter how hard he tried to make the glass slipper fit.

It was his hope that this car ride would provide him with some much needed relaxation and clarity. Instead, he drifted in and out of consciousness with his head resting lightly on the window. The smooth road beneath the car gradually became bumpy, stirring Luhan from his cat nap. He stretched his long legs out in the backseat and looked out at the woodland that surrounded them.

“Are you sure this is the correct address?” he asked the driver as they approached a grand fence at the end of the gravel road.

The driver squint his eyes to get a good look at the name written on the wooden fence sign.

"This is the Kim Estate." he replied checking the address once more. "I believe it is correct."

Luhan had never been to this place before. In fact, he never knew that it existed. He had mixed emotions as he got out of the car. What was waiting for him on the other side of that gate, he was unsure. Whatever it was couldn't be any worse than what he was dealing with currently. At this point, Luhan was willing to accept anything so long as it pulled him out of this darkness he called ‘life’.

"Wow, this is breath-taking." a familiar voice sounded behind hi

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hananii19 #1
Chapter 6: Now I am scared xD
So excited about what's gonna happen next ;-;
DesiresFire #4
Chapter 6: The ending to that chapter is very frightening. It's so sad and yet very, very true. I always wait for updates, as you already know I'm a huge fan of your fic. As usual I'm not the slightest bit disappointed. Can't wait for the next.
Yonghyunism #5
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating again!!
Chapter 6: each one of hyunsoo's notes is just... WOW
Chapter 6: Huhuhu!! I hope u can update soon!! Gud luck ^~<
ChocoChen21 #8

But tnx for the update ^^

Hwaiting for the next update <

Advance Happy Valentines day to couples;
Advance Happy Independence day to singles XD

Moli7btiin #9
Chapter 5: Wow your fiction is amazing, I enjoy reading thous chapters and I'm excited to know what will happen. Now about the chapters, poor Baekahyun I don't want him to end up cheating Chanyeol :'( and Kris please don't do that you have Tao. Luhan and Kai omg they are perfect I enjoy reading the chapter I wish I was with them in that place and have a walk. But Sehun I don't know what to write about him, he is....just.... Ugh. I just can't wait to read the chapter about Suho and Chanyeol. Updated soon author-nim ^^ im a big fan now (O.O)