Reproduction: The Explanation

I'm A Baby Myself
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Throbbing cheek, confused mind and itchy mouth yet Heechul dare not to ask Ahra what had happened until he deserved to get a slap like this.

"You don't want to ask why?" Ahra throw a sharp, sharp glare.

"Of course I want but what if it makes me get another slap?" Heechul can't help to snap back. Woman, what a very confusing creature. "Aish. What did I just said." Heechul fast catch Ahra's hand when he saw yet another slap about to come.

"Let me go!"

"Then you'll slap me again? Oh no girl. At least not until you explain me why I deserved the first slap."

"Then let me in first. It's awkward to stand here."

Heechul's eyes almost popping out from his face. "What the... First you slap me, then snap me and now you ask to be allowed to come in? Mckckck... Lucky for you I happen to love you young lady. Nah, come in."

"Love me my . Quit kidding, Chul." Ahra throw a cushion.

"Haish. Whatever. Now tell. Why you slap my precious cheek?"

"Why you makes my baby brother a ert like you?!"


"Kyuhyun is pregnant and thanks to the DVD you gave him."



The forever pure-ish Kyuhyun did comes to Siwon's office right after Heechul gave him the damn DVD and ask his beloved to spend time watch the DVD together.

"Heechul hyung said this movie will make up for our lost time. Come on hyung, please."

How could Siwon deny his baby Kyuhyun's reques? Not to mention the said baby's now had that puppy eyes on him. So cute, so lovable.

"Ok. Let me finish it and then let's go to my apartment. You want some snack?"

"No. I'll just working on my homework."

See, a pure-ish boy he is.

"Kyu, are you done?" Siwon walk slowly to where Kyuhyun's sit, working on his homework diligently. At moment like this, their wide age difference being seen the most. Sometimes it makes Siwon's heart full with pride for he was reminded that the teenage boyfriend of his is mentally compatible with the mid twenties him. Yet at other times, it makes Siwon wonder did he made the right decision to date Kyuhyun? Didn't he just like robe the happiness of a teenage from Kyuhyun because their love life isn't as normal as other teenager could have. Kyuhyun even often shred tears on their way.

"A little more hyung." Kyuhyun looks up with a sweet smile. Damn it Kyuhyun, can't you be less cute at least once? Curse Siwon inwardly.

So Siwon sit right beside Kyuhyun, watching what the boy did and pats him affectionately.

"Hyung...can we bought tteokbokki first? I'm crave."

Siwon pinch the tip of Kyuhyun's nose. "If you're starving then eat proper meal not tteokbokki, baby."

Kyuhyun shrugs the hand away but held it afterward, "But I want it hyung. I'm crave for tteokbokki now. Please?"

"Are you pregnant? Aw, so I'm going to be a daddy?" Siwon poke Kyuhyun's cheek with his free hand. "Our baby wants t

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AngelFelicia #1
Chapter 5: Kd youuuu??!! (∩_∩)
Chapter 6: When will u update???? plzz update soo!!! x_x
Chapter 6: omg UPDATE SOON PLEASE!
Chapter 6: uh-oh. confusion in the house.
kyvbutt #5
Chapter 6: tapi alurnya beda kok,ayana ga hamil diluar nikah,mereka nikahnya pas ayana umur 21 kalo ga salah :D
kyvbutt #6
This is awesome!
The ,ohmaigad i love that!
Gw suka bget ceritanya.
Karakter wonkyu apalagi,and also their family and friend.
Karakter mereka bikin gw senyamsenyum.
gw pernah baca novel 'akulah arjuna' dan ceritanya kayak gni.
Perbedaan umur juna dan ayana hampir sama perbedaan umur wonkyu.karakter mereka juga hampir sama.
And u know what?
Pas baca itu,yg gw bayangin sbg juna adalah siwon dan ayana adalah sikyu.
Salahkan otak gw yg sudah terkontaminasi oleh wonkyu,jadi ga bisa mikir hal selain wonkyu.
/lebay tapi fakta :D
gisellovekyu #7
Chapter 6: Hahaha! Daebak! Omg this story is so great. I love the "drama" in cho-i family. Kyuhyun n siwon are adorable. And apparently their parents are hillarious too, especially mr cho-i. Can't wait for next upade~ I hope to see the wedding soon. ^^
Chapter 6: Jadi dulu juga ngasi ide ke mr cho ya? Terus anak2nya jadi j bgtu juga deh....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ryu_pyo #9
Chapter 6: Comentnya gabung 5-6,,,, sumpah ngakak bacanya tp juga sweet. Kyu yg polos trnyta bisa jga brpikiran dwasa.hho