Chapter 2

What You Want

Kim was finished his food, now Kim sit in the living room and watching television. While Yam is still at the kitchen cleaning her cooking stuff. Suddenly her phone is ringing. And that is a call from unknown number. And Yam answer the call.


"Hello?" Yam said


"Hello Yam, how are you?" a woman's voice greet from the other line.


"I'm sorry who's speaking there?" Yam asked politely.


"Hoihhh Yam, you already forget me. I'm Jane your friend when we're in high school, don't you remember my voice?" The woman answer dissapointed.


"Ohh Jane! I'm sorry your number haven't saved in my phone hehe, how are you?" Yam feel surprise.


"I'm fine buddy hahaha, how about you?" Jane said.


"Fine too, emm by the way why you call me? Do you miss me? hahaha" Yam buddy.


"Hoihh hahaha I want to invite you to my wedding party Yam" Jane said.


"Wow who's the lucky guy who win your heart? hahaha btw when is that?" Yam asked.


"Hahaha you'll see if you come. Next week Yam, at Grand Milenium Sukhumvit Hotel's hall, at 7 p.m okey? Ohh then, can you send me your address? so I can to deliver the invitation" Jane explain.


"Ok I will send you message after this." Yam said


"Ok Yam, don't you dare to not come yeah? And I hear you have a fiance. Bring him too, don't forget!" Jane pretend to threaten Yam, then she laugh.


"Oke Oke, I promise you, bye Jane." Yam said and they hang up the call.



At Living Room


"Ohh what took her so long at the kitchen?" Kim mumbles. He already boring watching television. Suddenly Yam appear from behind and surprising him. Kim shocked and rub his chest. Then he pull Yam to sit beside him. Then Kim lay his head on Yam's lap.


"Oh god, why my future wife always glad to make me got a heart attacked." Kim pouted, now he look like a kid.


"Oihhh I'm sorry my child." Yam and laugh. Kim just keep silent. He pretend like he doesn't like when people call him child. Yam confused. They keep silent about 5minutes and then Yam broke the silent. She afraid Kim will mad at her.


"Hoihh don't mad at me honey, I'm sorry I just kidding you." Yam said at the same time she kim's hair. Kim still keep silent. He pretends like angry with Yam. He know, now Yam is worry because he never get mad at her. He also know Yam is just kidding. But he keep back. he hold his laugh when he suddenly hear Yam sobbing. He can't hold his game again. Now He laugh so loud then hug Yam.


"Hey don't cry honey." He said. he hold his laugh. he Yam's hair then wipe her tears. Now he's sit.


"I think you mad at me Kim." Yam said, she still sobbing.


"No no Yam, how can I mad at you hehe. Stop crying please, I'm afraid your tears will erase your beauty hahaha." Kim hush her and make a joke to make her smile. And right! that succeed make her smile indeed laugh.


"Hehehe I love you Kim" Yam smile and said. And as usual, she's blushing.


"I love you more Yam." Kim said, he come closer to her and gently kiss her lips. Yam replied his kiss. Kim gently push Yam's body to leaning on the sofa. Their kiss become deep, long and passionately. Kim's lips run down to her neck. He kiss it softly, His hand now almost enter Yam's blouse. suddenly Kim back to his sense, fortunetely he realize it before they doing something. He broke their kiss.


"I'm sorry Yam, I must keep it until we're get married." Kim said and feel sorry.


"Yes you right. I'm sorry too." Yam said shyly and then she changing the subject to Jane wedding party. She tell Kim about that and asked Kim to accompany her to Jane's wedding. Kim agree to accompany her. He think to invited their old friend to their wedding too. Yam is agree and they think to give their wedding invitation at Jane's wedding later.






At Jane's Wedding Party


"Happy Wedding Jane, Happy wedding Van." Pie and Fern congratulate them.


"Thank you my buddies, when will you two follow me to get married huh?" Jane tease them.


"Hahaha, I must waiting until Mario will purpose me." Fern answer and giggling.


"Ohh I wish he wish purpose you soon hahaha, how bout you Pie?" Jane asked.


"How can she will get married huh? She's still stuck in the past hahaha." Fern answer.


"Shut up Fern! Hmm Jane, are you invited all of our high school friend?" Pie asked.


"Hmm I already call all of them. They said they will come." Jane said.


"Look that's Puey and Nerd, WOW they look so stylist now!" Fern said. And then Nerd and Puey come to them.


"Hey guysss, Oiiihh I miss you so much all!" Puey said and hug them.


"Congrats Jane and Van, you two look so perfect together." Nerd congratulated.


"Thank you Nerd!" Jane said and hug nerd. Van also said so. And they have some chit chat together. They laugh, They talking about their moment when they all still in high school. And they drink wine together. Suddenly Fern saw someone appear from the crowded.


"Hey is that Yam? Wow she look more beautiful right now." Fern said. And all of them turn their gaze to Yam. Yam walking toward them.


"Hi guys." Yam greet them.


"Hi Yam, wow you look more beautiful Yam." Puey greet her back.


"Hahaha! Thank you buddy." She smiles. And congrats Jane. "Hey Jane congrats honey! At first time I come here I'm very surprise to know evidently you married with Van. Hahaha I think this world is so narrow. You two can meet and become couple hahaha." Yam is very surprise because evidently Jane is married with their high school friend too.


"Hahaha! Thank you Yam! Hey where's your fiance?" Jane asked.


"He was there." Yam's finger point to Kim who's still busy answering his client call. And all of them turn their gaze to Kim. CRIIINGGG!! Suddenly Pie's wine glass fell down from her grip.














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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 9: please continue your story, author!
Chapter 9: Hey author! Please update this soon.. Don't leave the story behind.....
nrfaradila #3
Chapter 9: next this story please :)
jhatori #4
Hye there plss update yr story tq
Chapter 9: when you want to update again :'( .
foneall #6
Chapter 9: Author...where are you...please comeback again...
I'm waiting your update....please
foneall #7
Chapter 9: That's OK Author...just come back with another chapter....YOO's nice chapter..
justlega #8
Chapter 9: glad that you are back author. please make new update the long one, haha
phamlover #9
Author what happen to you? Why you did not continue your story?
Tiaomariana #10
update please...............