Chapter 1

What You Want

"Honey where are you?" Kim said when he enter Yam's room. His eyes is searching for Yam.


"I'm here honey" Suddenly Yam appear and hug Kim from behind. Kim was shocked and he turn his body to face Yam.


"Haihh you make me shock honey" Kim said and rub his chest.


"AHAHAH! lucky me I don't make you got heart attacked, if yes hoihhh I will loss my beloved fiance." Yam said and hug Kim.


"HAHAHA no honey, I'm not willing myself to die before I married with a girl who always stay in my heart named Yam." Kim said and give Yam a sweet kiss on her lips.


"Thank you Kim." Yam smile and said with a teary eyes, "I love you" and then she blushing.


"Thank you for what?" Kim said actually he just want to tease Yam because she is a shy person. She always blushing when she declare she love him or when he declare he love her.


"Ahhh Kim, why you are not understand, I'm too shy to say it to you." Yam said in shyness and then she blushing again.


"Hahaha I already know honey, I just want to see your cheeks turn to red like that hahaha. I can't imagine when you have to be my wife and everyday I will say I love you, what will happen to you? hahaha." Kim said and laugh out loud. Yam look at Kim with a sharp eyes and hit his chest repeatedly.


"iihhh shut up now! lets manage this wedding invitations!" Yam angrily said and drag Kim to her desk. Then, they manage the invitations, thinking who will be invited and pack that invitations. That's run so long until Kim feel tired and suddenly he sleep on a sofa near the desk. And then Yam finished managing the invitations and look at Kim who seems too tired. She think to not wake him up. Then she take her blanket and cover him with it and she kiss his forehead. And when outside her room.



"Hmmm, such a relax nap.." Kim stretch his body. Suddenly his nose smell something good from outside. He sniff that smell and decide to follow where's that come from. And the smell bring him to the kitchen. He see Yam is cooking now. He come to Yam and greet her.


"Hi honey, what are you cooking now? It smell so good for my nose." He said.


"Ohh honey, you already wake up. Nothing I just make a fried noodles for you hehe." Yam said shyly.


"Wow you cook for me?" Kim feel surprise Yam cook for him.


"Yes hehe, let's eat Kim, it's ready to it." Yam said and put the noodles on a plate and serve it to Kim. Kim immidiately eat that.


"Let me ask you, how the taste of my noodles?" Yam asked curious.


"Hmm honey you know? I will be fat when you already be my wife." Kim said.


"Oihh why? Is that too much calories in my food?" Yam sadly said.


"No honey no, Your food taste is very delicious, I imagine when you already be my wife, you will always cook for me, and I think I can't refuse to eat that because of the seductive smell and the taste that it has. May be I will be fat because I will always eat delicious food like this hahaha. Kim said with a smile line on his lips. Yam eyes become teary hear Kim said that. Then, Kim pull her to his embrace and said "Don't cry honey." Yam hug Kim back and said "Thank you Kim, you always make me feel like a luckiest girl in this world." She said and rest her head on Kim chest. "I'm the lucky one to have you here." Kim said and kiss her forehead.



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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 9: please continue your story, author!
Chapter 9: Hey author! Please update this soon.. Don't leave the story behind.....
nrfaradila #3
Chapter 9: next this story please :)
jhatori #4
Hye there plss update yr story tq
Chapter 9: when you want to update again :'( .
foneall #6
Chapter 9: Author...where are you...please comeback again...
I'm waiting your update....please
foneall #7
Chapter 9: That's OK Author...just come back with another chapter....YOO's nice chapter..
justlega #8
Chapter 9: glad that you are back author. please make new update the long one, haha
phamlover #9
Author what happen to you? Why you did not continue your story?
Tiaomariana #10
update please...............