Chapter 19

Yah,accept me!!

Next Morning.

When Jimin goes downstairs,he saw Namjoon and Seokjin but no Yoongi. "Hyung...where's my..." "Yoongi in hospital." Jimin gasped at what he just heard from Namjoon. "W-what?" Jimin start tearing up as he walk to the car.

"Jin hyung....Why..and how."

"Jimin calm down. Get into the car."

"O-okay." He open the door,only to be suprised by Yoongi who lying on the seat. "Yo-yoongi." Jimin start to cry out loud as he fall to the floor. "Ba-baby." Yoongi quickly get off the car and hugged Jimin. "So sorry. Baby,I'm sorry." Yoongi kissed Jimin's cheeks softly. "You scared me. I thought I lose you just now." Jimin pouted as he look at Yoongi.

"Ahem ahem. guys?" J-Hope laughed. "Ohmy! What are you guys doing here?" Jimin smiled as Taehyung and Jungkook was there. "I miss the fetusss." Taehyung laughed as he hugged Jimin's stomach.

"I'm going to teach those babies how to produce songs."

"I'm going to teach them cook."

"Danceee woohoo haha Dance teacher Kookie here."

"I'm just an uncle who full with hope and rainbows."

"I gonna teach them climbing trees." Taehyung said as he rubbed his face on Jimin's stomach. "No...Just no." Jimin's eyes was wide in shock. "B-but climbing trees is important." Taehyung pouted.

"For?" J-Hope looked at him. "When floods happen or someone chased them." Taehyung smiled and everyone else was laughing hard except Jimin. He felt pain in his stomach. "Yooongi! Our baby. Our baby is coming!" Jimin cries out in pain ad Yoongi soothes him,puttung the younger into the car.


Yoongi waits and waits outside the oprating room,praying that Jimin would be safe. Just after a few moments,a nurse goes out and demands Yoongi to go inside.

"Park Jimin." Yoongi mumbles softly as he hugged Jimin. "Yoongi..." Jimin smiles weakly as he looked at Yoongi. "You do a great job,baby. Now rest."


That night,Yoongi was alone with Jimin in the ward. Earlier, all their bestfriends came and wished them goodluck. "Yoongi! We should name our babies." Jimin giggled. "Min Seoeun?" Yoongi looked at Jimin with a smile.

"And the younger will be Seojun!" Jimin smiles as he hugged the older tightly. "They're cute. My little angels." Yoongi caressed Jimin's cheeks. "No,they are our angel." Jimin pouted. "Yes. Our little angels."
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MinnieMingie #1
Chapter 20: This is so cute. I was smiling throughout the story. Nice work, author-nim! ^^
Chapter 20: Ok deal ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
joejoexnielie #3
Chapter 20: deallllllllllllllllllll fine with me please update soon am waiting like a crazy fangirl would do
Chapter 18: Hahaha I'm waiting for the update! ;)
Chapter 12: Hahaha so funny, I'm tearing while laughing oh my god. This story is so bright and cheerful even the chapters are short

My stomach is tickling if I imagine Jimin pregnant and Yoongi being a swag dad ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Mazzii17 #6
Chapter 18: Suga dont mess with a pregnant jimin ㅋㅋ &cant wait for the next chapter hehe
Chapter 15: it's so cute!!
joejoexnielie #8
Chapter 13: omg please update soon hehhehe i really love ur story and please update longer on next chappie please heheh anyway love u!
Chapter 12: omfg so unexpected * ^ *
Chapter 10: jimin got ? poor him. kijun is such a loving dongsaeng.. update soon~